ielts rr volume11 report2

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Nội dung chi tiết: ielts rr volume11 report2

ielts rr volume11 report2

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2 for Educational Research, University of Western SydneyGrant awarded Round 13. 2007This study addresses the question of an appropriate IELTS score for

graduate entry teacher education courses by investigating the extent to which current IELTS scores into graduate entry teacher education courses are ielts rr volume11 report2

considered adequate: by the lecturers of such students, by prospective teacher registration authorities and by the students themselves.ABSTRACTTeacher

ielts rr volume11 report2

education students whose language backgrotuid is not English (LBOTE) not only need to perform adequately in English for the pin poses of then academi

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2students, the ‘public performance’ of English adds a significant layer of issues to those applying to other cohorts of LBOTE students.This research se

ts out to address the question of an appropriate IELTS score for graduate entry teacher education courses through investigating the extent to which cu ielts rr volume11 report2

rrent IELTS scores into graduate entry teacher education courses are considered adequate by the lecturers of such students, by prospective teacher reg

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istration authorities and by the students themselves, and. following this, what an appropriate score might be for entry into such courses. Academics f

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2nge of language skills for teachers were identified. A key issue for these students ill such courses is the potential for language growth in the cours

e itself with a corresponding need to focus on exit abilities as well as entry ability. It is argued therefore on the one hand, that in short graduate ielts rr volume11 report2

entry courses, universities ought to consider setting an entry level corresponding to the requirements of the teacher registration authority. Some in

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terviewees argued, however, that the complex of issues faced by these students - such as familiarisation with Anglophone schooling cultrues - makes pa

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2 knowledge brought by LBOTE students. Ultimately. IELTS entry scores are a function of a Faculty's ability to provide language support. The nature of

such support and of a richer approach to testing is discussed.IELTS Research Reports Volume 11 73Wayne Sawyer and Michael SinghAUTHOR BIODATAWAYNE SAW ielts rr volume11 report2

YERAssociate Prolcssor Wayne Sawyer is Head ol’Research in the School of Education al the University of Western Sydney and a member of the Centre for

ielts rr volume11 report2

Educational Research. His central research interests are in the areas of effective teaching, English curriculum and educational policy. I le has been

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2f scholarly argiunentation among students who are working in an 1.2 milieu.MICHAEL SINGHProfessor Michael Singh is engaged in researching rhe challeng

ing opportunities presented by changes in the diversity of learners and teachers for making intellectual connections. His research focuses on the pres ielts rr volume11 report2

ence of international, migrant and refugee students and or teachers in Australia’s education institutions and rhe significant opportunities this creat

ielts rr volume11 report2

es for developing programs and pedagogies to improve their education and work life trajectories. He leads a team of researchers, including research st

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2in learning Mandarin.74 www.ielts.orgLearning to p ,IELTS and international students in teacher educationCONTENTS1Introduction........................

......................................................772LBOTE students, English language proficiency, testing instruments and teachereducation: A rev ielts rr volume11 report2

iew of literature.........................................................782.1International students in English language universities ...............

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.............792.2Perceptions of IELTS testing........................................................812.3The language sub-skills....................

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2tudents. English language proficiency and teacher education..........852 6International students, teacher education and general support...............

........913Research methodology......................................................................923.1Site selection.............................. ielts rr volume11 report2

........................................923.2Site studies........................................................................933.3Data analysis...

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....................................................................934Baseline data..................................................................

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

ielts rr volume11 report2rse now for some time, what are yourviews on the demands of the course in terms of your English language proficiency?...985.2What interventions have b

een put into place to support you in terms of Englishlanguage proficiency? Have these been suitable/adequate?............................995.3Where IS ielts rr volume11 report2

the need for support greatest (eg through your study program, through

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

IELTS2 Learning to play the ‘classroom tennis’ well: IELTS and international students in teacher educationAuthorsWayne Sawyer and Michael SinghCentre

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