ielts rr volume12 report2

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Nội dung chi tiết: ielts rr volume12 report2

ielts rr volume12 report2

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

ielts rr volume12 report2008This study investigates topic development in the speaking Test, applying a Conversation Analysis (CA) institutional discourse methodology to transc

ribed test audio-recordings. The recommendations include adding a short Part 4 to the Test, in which candidates lead a discussion and ask the examiner ielts rr volume12 report2

topic-related questions.Click hero to road the Introduction to thio volume which includoo an appraloal of thiG reocarch, its context and impact.ABSTR

ielts rr volume12 report2

ACTThis study investigated topic development in the speaking Test, applying a Conversation Analysis (CA) institutional discoiuse methodology to a corp

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

ielts rr volume12 report2ion of turn-taking. sequence and repair, and as directly related to the institutional goal of ensuring validity in the assessment of English speaking

proficiency. In the data, management of topic IS almost entirely pre-detemiined by the examiner’s script and how this script IS interactionally implem ielts rr volume12 report2

ented throughout each individual interview. There are asymmetrical rights to topic management between examiner and candidate. Examiners mark topic bou

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ndary markers 111 a variety of ways and employ a variety of next moves when candidates have produced a response to a question.Topic is integrated into

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

ielts rr volume12 report2iner questions contain two components: a) an adjacency pair component, which requires the candidate to provide an answer, andb)a topic component, whic

h requires the candidate to develop a specific topic. This organisation may be termed a ‘topic-based Q-A adjacency pair’ So 111 the speaking Test, unl ielts rr volume12 report2

ike ill conversation, topic IS always introduced by means of a question. To obtain a high score, candidates need to do the following a) understand the

ielts rr volume12 report2

question they have been asked: b) provide an answer to the question;c)identify- the topic inlierent in the question: and d) develop the topic inheren

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

ielts rr volume12 report2ic trouble; engagement with the topic; coherence, use of lexical items and syntax; and projection of identity. Examiners may take a number of features

of monologic topic development into account 111 Part 2 There IS very little variation in the interactional style of examiners. Examiners rarely diver ielts rr volume12 report2

ge from the brief in our corpus.Recommendations are made in relation to the provision and use of follow-up questions, the importance of examiners foll

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owing their briefs, and of explicit marking of topic shift. Although Part 3 is termed ‘two-way discussion’, it is almost identical to Part 1 interacti

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

ielts rr volume12 report2or shift topic and they are generally closed down when they try to do so. The authors recommend adding a short Pait 4. in which the examiner would not

ask any questions at all. Rather, the candidate would lead a discussion and ask the examiner topic-related questions.IELTS Research Reports Volume 12 ielts rr volume12 report2

&www.tetts.org1Paul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisAUTHOR BIODATAPAUL SEEDHOUSEPaul Scedliousc is Professor of Educational and Applied Linguistics in the

ielts rr volume12 report2

School of Education. Communication and Language Sciences ar Newcastle University, UK. I lis research is in spoken interaction in relation to language

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

ielts rr volume12 report2actional Architecture of the I.angttage classroom: A Conversation Analysis Perspective, was published by Blackwell in 2004 and won the 2005 Kenneth w

Mildcnbcrgcr Prize of the Modem Language Association of rhe USA.ANDREW HARRISAndrew- Harris is a PhD candidate, with ESRC funding. in applied linguist ielts rr volume12 report2

ics at the School of Education. Comm unical ion and Language Sciences. Newcastle University, UK. His primary research is in spoken interaction and its

ielts rr volume12 report2

relationship ro learning, within teacher education and language classroom contexts. He has presented widely at international conferences and been emp

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

ielts rr volume12 report2manager.IELTS RESEARCH REPORTSVOLUME 12, 2011Published by:IDP: IELTS Australia and British CouncilEditor:Jenny Osborne. IDP: IELTS AustraliaEditorial

consultant: Petronella McGovern, IDP IELTS AustraliaEditorial assistance: Judith Fairbairn. British CouncilAcknowledgements: Dr Lynda Taylor. Universi ielts rr volume12 report2

ty of Cambridge ESOL ExaminationsIDP: IELTS Australia Pty LimitedABN 84 008 664 766Level 8 535 Bourke StMelbourne VIC 3000AustraliaTel+61 3 9612 4400F

ielts rr volume12 report2

ax+61 3 9629© IDP: IELTS Austral.a Pty Limited 2011British Council

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

IELTSTopic development in the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse and Andrew HarrisNewcastle University, United KingdomGrant awarded Round 14. 20

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