ielts rr volume11 report3

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ielts rr volume11 report3

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3ress at an international postgraduate universityAuthorsGaynor Lloyd-JonesCharles NeameSimon MedaneyCranfield UniversityGrant awarded Round 13, 2007An

investigation into the selection practices and decision making rationales of admissions personnel in an international, postgraduate UK setting and the ielts rr volume11 report3

consequences for borderline non-native English speaking students' academic progress.ABSTRACTThere is concern in the UK about declining degree standar

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ds due to rhe impact of internationalisation initiatives upon the expanded taught Masters postgraduate sector. Despite interest in the policy and mana

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3 case study approach was employed to study student selection in various Masters programmes in a postgraduate UK higher education institution specialis

ing in engineering and management. The research revealed various selection processes in operation, some dependent upon English test scores, others rel ielts rr volume11 report3

iant upon expeit linguist assessments. There were differences between Schools in entry requirements for NNES students and in selection practices. What

ielts rr volume11 report3

ever the process or requirements, there was substantial support for complex, holistic rationales underlying Course Directors’ selection decisions. Cou

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3nd work experience.Course Directors were most concerned about students’ writing abilities which were difficult to assess reliably on entry and sometim

es this resulted in failure to reach the required standard for the thesis. This impacted upon the workloads of thesis supervisors and cast doubts upon ielts rr volume11 report3

the reliability of entry assessments to predict academic writing abilities in this contextThe academic progress of students with borderline English l

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anguage skills was followed during the year using several measures. Over half of the group was instructed to revise and resubmit their theses. In gene

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3ne appeared sound whichever method was used to assess their language proficiency.The unusual aspects of the institutional context and the nature of th

e enquiry discourage generalisation but offer opportunities for further comparative case study research in contrasting settings.IELTS Research Reports ielts rr volume11 report3

Volume 11 129Gaynor Lloyd-Jonos, Charles Neamc and Simon McdaneyAUTHOR BIODATAGAYNOR LLOYD-JONESGaynor Lloyd-Jones has worked in academic development

ielts rr volume11 report3

m higher education for several years, formerly in undergraduate medical education. She was a member of the team that introduced the problem-based lea

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3he problem-based learning course. She currently holds a research role in Cranfield University’s Centre for Postgraduate Learning and l eaching. I ler

research interests lie in the postgraduate sector of higher education, situated learning and the relationship between work and academic learning.CHARL ielts rr volume11 report3

ES NEAMECharles Neamc is head of Cranlield University’s Centre for Postgraduate Learning and Teaching. He has many years experience as a lecturer and

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senior lecturer in I IE, designing, teaching and managing courses al undergraduate and postgraduate level for a very international student body'. He m

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3ocess of fostering innovative practice in learning and teaching within academic communities.SIMON MEDANEYFollowing a PGCE / TEFL at the Institute of E

ducation in London Simon Medaney worked in mainstream TEFL for 15 years before joining Cranfield as Head of the Language Centre ar Silsoe College He h ielts rr volume11 report3

as been Course Director of Cranfield's pre-sessional EAP programme since 1994 as well as providing language support for NiSc and PhD students and scre

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ening non-native English speaking applicants for the Registry. He has worked throughout the European Union and designed pre-depaiture EAP programmes f

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3Sc programmes. His main interests are Academic Discourse and Intercultuial Communication130 www.ielts.orgA multiple case study of the relationship bet

*English language competence on entry and students' academic progressCONTENTS1Introduction............................................................ ielts rr volume11 report3

...........1331.1Background....................................................................1331.2UK university entry requirements for NNES applica

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nts..........................1341.2.1lELTStest.................................................................. 1341.2.2UK university entrance requi

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

ielts rr volume11 report3ve validity studies of IELTS and academic progress....................1362.2The knowledge of admissions staff about English language tests............

....1372.3Decision making processes of student selection................................1373Context for study......................................... ielts rr volume11 report3

.........................1384Aims of the study..................................................................1405Research design and methodology...

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IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

IELTS3 A multiple case study of the relationship between the indicators of students’ English language competence on entry and students’ academic progr

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