ielts online rr 2013 1

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ielts online rr 2013 1

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1sses involved in performing the IELTS Speaking Test: Respondents’ strategic behaviours in simulated testing and non-testing contextsAuthor:Li-Shih Hua

ng. University of Victoria. British Columbia. CanadaGrant awarded: Round 16. 2010Keywords:IELTS Speaking Test, strategic behaviours, International Eng ielts online rr 2013 1

lish-as-an-additional-language students, English language testingAbstractResearch on second-language acquisition offers repeated findings suggesting a

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positive relationship between learners’ strategy use and second-language performance. From the language-testing perspective, however, the evidence th

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1though the strategic component has been part of the language-ability and communicative-competence models that numerous researchers have put forward ov

er the past three decades.In this context, this project sets out to probe and describe the strategic behaviours that test-takerslearners used when per ielts online rr 2013 1

forming the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) speaking Test. Specifically, the study involved collecting stimulated verbal report

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data from 40 Chinesespeaking. English-as-an-additional-language students at both intermediate and advanced levels, to examine the strategic behaviours

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1esigned to analyse test-takers’.'fearners’ strategic behaviours, through both elicitation from stimulated recalls carried out in the participants’ fir

st language and observation of the participants’ actual production during the r performance of the three IELTS speaking tasksThe findings provided IEL ielts online rr 2013 1

TS with an empirically grounded understanding of learners' strategies in performing the three tasks of the IELTS speaking Test in both simulated testi

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ng and non-testing situations. The results showed that participants used 90 different individual strategies during the IELTS Speaking Test and overall

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1mmunication, and affective strategies had the highest percentages. Results from the mixed-model multivariate analysis of variance suggested that there

were statistically significant between-subjects effects for cortfexf {!.«.. simulated testing vs. non-testing), with a moderate effect Size. The betw ielts online rr 2013 1

een-subjects effects were not statistically Significant for proficiency level (i.e.. intermediate vs. advanced level). Task had a significant within-s

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ubjects effect, with a large effect size, but there was a significant interaction between task and context, with a moderate effect size. The effects o

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1erate effects.The theorisation of strategic competence as an integral component of the construct of communicative competence, and. by extension, of st

rategy use needs to be carefully considered. The findings generated point to the need to conduct multifactorial experiments involving multivariate sta ielts online rr 2013 1

tistical analysis. The report concluded with statements about empirical and methodological implications and specific directions for future research th

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at should involve an adequate sample size based on the power analysis, as well as an inter-disciplinary approach to gain insight into the complex natu

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1enes succeeds IELTS Researcn Reports Volumes t-)3. published 1993-2012 in pnnt and on co This publication IS copyright No commercial re-use The resear

ch and opinions expressed are of individual researchers and do not represent the views of IELTS The publishers do net accept responsibility for any of ielts online rr 2013 1

the clams made in the research Web: www.ielts.orgIELTS Research Report Series. No.1. 2013 owww.ielts.orjjiresearchersPage 1LI-SHIH HUANG^COGNIĨTVE PR

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OCESSES IN PERFORMING THEJELTS SPEAKING TEStIAuthor biodataLi-Shih HuangLi-Shih Huang. Associate Professor of AppliedLinguistics in the Department of

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1curriculum design experience at the undergraduate and graduate levelsShe was the recipient of TESOL's Award for Excellence in the Development of Pedag

ogical Materials. Her research projects include areas related to second-language speaking. English for academic purposes across disciplines, the corpu ielts online rr 2013 1

s-aided discovery learning approach, and language-learning strategies in language-learning and language-testing contexts.IELTS Research ProgramTh# IEL

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TS partners, British Council. Cambridge English Language Assessment and IDP: IELTS Australia, have a longstanding commitment to remain at the forefron

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1nguage assessment and technology. This ensures me ongoing vaitcity, reliability, positive impact and practicality of the test. Adherence to these four

qualities is supported by two streams of research- internal and external.Internal research activities are managed by Cambndge English Language Assess ielts online rr 2013 1

ment's Research ano Validation unit. The Research and Validation unit brings together speơaốts In testing and assessment, statistical analysis and ite

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m-banking applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, and language leamlngipedagogy. and provides rigorous quality assurance for the IELTS Test at every

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

ielts online rr 2013 1ish Council, and supported by Cambridge English Language AssessmentCall for research proposalsThe annual call for research proposals IS widely publici

sed In March, with applications due by 30 June each year. A Joint Research Committee, comprising representatives of the IELTS partners, agrees on rese ielts online rr 2013 1

arch priorities and oversees the allocations of research grants for external research.Reports are peer reviewedIELTS Research Reports Submitted by ext

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ernal researchers are peer reviewed prior to publicationAll IELTS Research Reports available onlineThis extensive body of research Is available for do

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

U-SHIH HUANG. COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN PERFORMING THE IELTS SPEAKING TESesIELTS Research Reports Online ISSN 2201-2982 Reference: 2013/1Cognitive proces

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