Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

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Nội dung chi tiết: Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking testbashi, Daniel Lam and Fumiyo NakatsuharaIELTS•• BRITISH w iHr» 9»? Cambridge Assessment•• COUNCIL’ay EnglishTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking

Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesThis study investigated examiners' views on all aspects of the IELTS Speaking Test - the test tasks, topics, for Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

mat, interlocutor frame, examiner guidelines, test administration, rating, training and standardisation, and test use. The report provides suggestions

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

for potential changes in the Speaking Test to enhance its validity and accessibility in today’s everglobalising world.FundingIllis research was lunde

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking teste ICLTS Partners: British Council. Cambridge Assessment English and IDP: IH I s Australia <£> 2021.This publication is copyright. No commercial re use

. The research and opinions expressed arc of individual researchers and do not represent the views of IELTS.I he (XJblishers do not accept res{X)rtsib Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

ilily lor any ol the claims made in the research.How to cite this reportInoue. C-. KhabPazbashi. N.. Lam. 0.. and Nakatsuhara. r (2021.)Towards now av

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

enues for the IELTS speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voices.IH IS Researtih Re;x)f(K Oniimi Senes. No. 2. British Council, CarntxidgeAssessment

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking testine Senes 2021/22IntroductionThis study by Inoue, Khabbazbashi, Lam and Nakatsuhara was conducted with support from the IELTS Partners (British Counci

l, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English), as part of the IELTS joint-funded research program. Research funded by the British Council Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

and IDP: IELTS Australia under this program complement those conducted or commissioned by Cambridge Assessment English, and together inform the ongoin

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

g validation and improvement of IELTS.A significant body of research has been produced since the joint-funded research program started in 1995. with o

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking testcademic journals, in several IH I S-locused volumes in lhe Sfudfejs in Language Testing series ( and in the ILLTS Rescor

ch Rtifxwftt. Since 2012, Io facililale lirnety access, individual research reports have been made available on lt>e IH IS wetisile immediately alter Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

completing the peer review arid revision process.I tie research stixly lealured in this report explores examiner perspectives on Itie speaking section

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

of the IELTS test. Because the assessment landscape continually evolves, periodically revisiting key perspectives on the test - and making any necess

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking testformed an impixlanl part nl the IH fS Research btefiOtl SeriíHỉ sirxie ils inception, and lire inpul ol examiners is as relevant as (he views ot stude

nts, teachers and recognising inslilulions. The global pool of IELTS examiners operates on a huge international scale: involving a highly trained, qua Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

lilied anti experienced cohort all ol whom tiave solid (Wdagtxjkral expertise.The large examiner group involved in this study covered a range of years

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

of experience, locations and training history. Using a mixed method apfiroach, examiner views on all aspects of IELTS Speaking were investigated - in

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test conduct lollow-up interviews, probing examiner responses in further depth.So what were the findings of Illis study? Examiners viewed IELI s Speaking

in a positive light overall, which was encouraging to note. As expected, there were aspects signalled as requiring development for optimal contemporar Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

y use. Examples included suggestions tor a broader range of topics, more flexibility in the use ol the interlocutor kame, adjustments in the rating cr

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

iteria or potential additions to examiner guidelines. The report contains an extensive discussion of these in detail, and recommendations in response

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test independent academics and peer reviewed) is shared in the public domain indicates the importance IELTS places on transparency. Commissioning research

to critique aspects of major tests - and publishing the results - IS the only legitimate approach to ensure that assessment standards are sufficientl Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

y scrutinised for high-stakes use. for stakeholders such as recognising institutions, this type of transparency should be central in guiding decision-

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking test

making about which test to use for their context and purposes. It demonstrates the important role that academic research must play in providing suppor

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

Towards new avenues for the IELTS speaking testrk(with acknowledgement to theBritish Council Research Team for their involvement)Senior Research Manager

2021/2IELTS Research ReportsOnline SeriesTowards new avenues for the IELTS Speaking Test: Insights from examiners’ voicesChihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazb

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