ielts rr volume06 report6

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ielts rr volume06 report6

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

ielts rr volume06 report6niversity of Newcastle upon Tyne. UKMaria Egbert. University of Southern Denmark, DenmarkGrant awarded Round 10. 2004This report describes the interac

tional organisation of the IELTS Speaking Test in terms of turn-taking, sequence and repair.ABSTRACTThis study is based on the analysis of transcripts ielts rr volume06 report6

of 137 audio-recorded tests using a Conversation Analysis (CA) methodology. The institutional aim of standardisation in relation to assessment is sho

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wn to be the key principle underlying the organisation of the interaction. Overall, the vast majority of examiners conform to the instructions: in cas

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

ielts rr volume06 report6ugh there are some differences ill the different parts of the test The organisation of repair has a number of distinctive characteristics in that it i

s conducted according to strictly specified rules, in which the examiners have been briefed and trained.Speaking test interaction is an institutional ielts rr volume06 report6

variety of interaction with tluee sub-varieties. It is very different to ordinary' conversation, has some similarities with some sub-varieties of L2 c

ielts rr volume06 report6

lassroom interaction and some similarities with interaction in universities.A number of recommendations are made in relation to examiner training, ins

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

ielts rr volume06 report6Australia. Uyen Tran. British CouncilEditors:Petronella McGovern. Dr Steve WalshBritish Council Bndgewa'er House © B'itish Council 2006IELTS Australia

Pty Limited ABN 84 008 664 766 (incorporated in the ACT) © IELTS Australia Pty Limited 2006This publication is copyright Apart from any fair coaling ielts rr volume06 report6

for tha purposes of private study, research. criticism or review, as permitted under Division 4 of the Copyright Act 1968 and equivalent provisions in

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the UK Copynght Designs and Patents Act 1988. no part may ba reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic or mechanical. inc

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

ielts rr volume06 report6isherThe 'esearch and opinions expressed in this volume are of individual 'esearchers and do not represent the views of IELTS Austra'ia Pty Limited or

British Counc The publishers do not accept responsibility for any of the claims made in the research.National Library of Australia, cataloguing-in-pu ielts rr volume06 report6

blicalien data. 2035 edition IELTS Research Reports 2006 Volume 6ISBN 0-9775875-0-9© IELTS Research Reports Volume 61www.ielts.org6. The interactional

ielts rr volume06 report6

organisation of the IELTS Speaking Test - Paul Seedhouse * Mana EgbertAUTHOR BIODATAPAUL SEEDHOUSEDr Paul Seedhouse is Reader in Educational and Appl

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

ielts rr volume06 report6aduate Research Director, f ollowing a teaching career in which he taught I -SOL, German and I ranch in five different countries, he published widely

in journals of applied linguistics, language teaching and pragmatics. Hrs monograph. The Interactional Architecture of the Language Classroom: A CA Pe ielts rr volume06 report6

rspective. was published by Blackwell in 2001 and won the 25* annual Kenneth w Mildenberger Prize of the Modern Language Association of America in 200

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5.1 le has also edited (with Keith Richards) the collection. Applying Conversation Analysis. published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2005.MARIA EGBERTMaria

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

ielts rr volume06 report6the University of Southern Demnark. She has taught conversation analysis, applied linguistics and German at the University of Texas at Austin, the Uni

versity of Oldenburg, the University of Jyvaskyla and most recently at the University of Southern Denmark. Her research focuses on conversational repa ielts rr volume06 report6

ir, interculturality. and affiliation.© IELTS Research Reports Volume 62www.ielts.org6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking Test - Pa

ielts rr volume06 report6

ul Seedhouse ♦ Mana EgbertCONTENTS1Introduction .......................................................42Research design .............................

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

IELTSrngteh *x Nmwxr* OppomrttyVThe test that sets the1kstandardẢ6. The interactional organisation of the IELTS Speaking TestAuthorsPaul Seedhouse. Un

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