BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

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Nội dung chi tiết: BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNbalance has so far been largely unbalanced, having to regularly trade deficit means that import value is greater than export value. This is not necess

arily a bad influence on the economy. For our country in the early stages of opening the economy, the economy gradually shifted from subsidized mechan BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

isms to a market economy of inadequate facilities, poverty, backward science and technology. Import is a solution to overcome these shortcomings, crea

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ting a breakthrough that will gradually lead the country’s manufacturing industry to catch up with other countries in the region and the world, as a s

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNis not really effective as desired. I here are many problems stemming from enterprises and the state that need to be solved in time.Realizing the role

of import activities, during my internship at Van Bao Industrial Company, I chose the topic: "Solutions to improve the import activities of Van Bao I BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

ndustrial Company" with knowledge rhe knowledge and understanding are still limited, but I would also like to give my opinion in the hope that the com

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pany’s import activities will be improved, operate effectively and achieve its goals .2CHAPTER IA NUMBER OF THEORETICAL ISSUES ON IMPORT AND EXPORT AC

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNhe activity of buying and selling and exchanging goods and services across a country's borders. It consists of two basic parts constituting import and

export. These two departments have a close complementary relationship thanks to the smooth coordination between them that international trade opens u BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

p new opportunities for all businesses and consumers around the world. Consumers have a greater choice of goods and services in addition to being an i

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mportant factor in creating jobs in many countries. In which, import is understood as the process of goods, services of foreign organizations purchase

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNssfully implement the policy of globalization integration , on the one hand, it is necessary to know how to bring into full play the domestic potentia

l and advantages, to take advantage of all external resources to improve the competitiveness of the Vietnamese enterprises and commodity economy Men, BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

on the other hand it is also very important is the completion of measures to manage the import of goods to meet the requirements of domestic wTO. This

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shows that the role of importing goods is very important for the development of a country, which is reflected in the following basic points:First, th

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNn which is not able to produce from that, meet the needs of the domestic market, improve the living standards of the people, diversify commodities in

categories.Secondly, imports will break the domestic monopoly situation, most imported goods are often highly competitive in terms of product quality, BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

designs, prices ... so domestic manufacturers want to survive. Therefore, it is necessary to seek all measures to improve product quality, lower pric

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es to increase competitiveness with imported goods, from which the monopoly status is eliminated and the main beneficiary is the domestic consumer. .

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNntegration. It is one of the effective tools to help US eliminate the self-sufficient economy towards a market economy.Thirdly, imports help countries

improve the level of science and technology and advanced technology of industrial countries in the world. Because imports often occur in underdevelop BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

ed countries with low levels of science and technology, inability to produce goods with a high content of gray matter, or because of an obsolete level

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of machinery and equipment, should produce at a high cost. Before that situation, they had to import. Through the import of modern machinery and equi

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN the world, contributing to the operation, domestic production development.Fourthly, import boosts export activities. Through the import of modern mac

hinery and equipment, the raw materials are low cost. These factors play an important role in improving product quality, lowering production costs, th BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

ereby increasing the competitive advantage not only in the domestic market but also affecting the export market. Especially for underdeveloped countri

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es with cheap labor costs like Vietnam , this is a great advantage.Fifth, importing it promotes a country's faster economic development. Because impor

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNcess of competition, weak entities will be excluded from the game, only strong subjects applying advanced technology will survive this, leading to the

development of society.Sixthly, through the import of economic entities among the countries, they have the opportunity to exchange and learn from eac BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

h other’s experiences, facilitating the process of division of labor and international economic cooperation, at the same lime take advantage of each n

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ation's comparative advantage. Since each country has a comparative advantage, its import operation facilitates both parties on the basis of mutually

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNconsumption occurs regularly and stably because there is not always the domestic market. Also provide the inputs that meet the domestic production goi

ng on. For example, Vietnam has to import billet, so there will be no stagnant imports. On the other hand, domestic demand is increasing so imports wi BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

ll overcome the imbalance between supply and demand in the country.In short, import activities play an important role in a country's economic developm

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ent. Through the import activities of international economic4cooperation has been increasingly expanded, contributing to increasing labor productivity

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNtries typically Vietnam Nani. We have actively carried out import activities to serve the process of industrialization and modernization of the countr

y; promoting agricultural mechanization, promoting irrigation, biochemistry, serving agro-lbrcstry and aquatic product processing industry in order to BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

improve export quality. Promote the establishment of the electronic assembly industry, garment industry ... creating high value products.3. Forms of

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importDirect import is a fairly common form of import for businesses but due to the increasing level of development, due to the impact of business con

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNding on its own conditions, selects the appropriate form. I lere are some forms of imports, but now Vietnam is often applied.3.1.Direct importDirect i

mport is an independent activity of the company. When conducting this import method, enterprises must research on domestic and foreign markets by them BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

selves, calculate costs and ensure profitable import business.. Comply with national and international law policies. In the form of direct import betw

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een two parties (the importer and the exporter), the axis of direct transactions with each other, the sale and purchase arc not lied together. In whic

1PREFACEForeign trade activities contribute significantly to the growth of the economy, Vietnam over the past years. However, our foreign minister’s b

BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦNusing, advertising costs, consumption costs of goods and value added lax.-Importing enterprises are directly allowed to calculate import quotas and wh

en selling imported goods, they will be accounted into turnover and subject to value added lax.-To enter into a contract, the two panics often have to BTCT TV3 kết nối 35 TUẦN

go through a process of negotiation and negotiation on transaction conditions.-The risk of this import is usually higher than other imports but the p

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rofit is higher.3.2.Import consignmentEntrusted import is the import that has to go through an intermediary. The intermediary receiving the entrustmen

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