Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

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Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Citynt ScenarioGlobal mean temperatures and sea levels have been increasing for the last century, accompanied by other changes in the earth's climate As t

hese trends continue, climate change is increasingly being recognized as a major global concern. An international panel of leading climate scientists, Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). was formed in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Enviro

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

nment Programme (UNEP) to provide objective and up-to-date information regarding the changing climate. In its 2007 Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). the

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York CityPCC and as had been predicted in the 19’" century, the principal driver of climate change over the past century has been increasing levels of atmosphe

ric greenhouse gases associated with fossil-fuel combustion, changing land-use practices, and other human activities. Atmospheric concentrations of th Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

e major greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) are now more than one-third higher than in pre-industnal times. Concentrations of other important greenhou

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

se gases, including methane (CHi). ozone (Oj) and nitrous oxide (NjO) have increased as well. Largely as a result of work done by the IPCC and the Uni

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Citymissions are underway globally.Because of greenhouse gas forcing mechanisms already in the climate and the long timeframe of some climate system proce

sses, awareness is growing that some impacts from climate change are inevitable Responses to climate change have grown beyond a focus on mitigation to Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

include adaptation measures in an effort to minimize the impacts of climate change already underway and to prepare for unavoidable future impacts.To

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

respond to climate changes in New York City and accomplish the goals outlined in PlaNYC. the City's comprehensive sustainability plan. Mayor Michael B

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Cityists of climate change and impacts scientists, and legal, insurance and risk management experts, was charged with serving as the technical advisory bo

dy for the Mayor and the New York City Climate Change Adaptation Task Force (the "Task Force") on issues related to climate change, impacts and adapta Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

tion.The climate hazards described should be monitored and assessed on a regular basis. Indirect climate change impacts on infrastructure beyond the s

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

cope of this document, such as ecosystem changes and climate change in other regions, should also be taken into consideration.Section 2 of this docume

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Cityrio results for the region from GCM simulations of three greenhouse gas emissions pathways in a quantitative form where possible and qualitatively for

climate variables characterized by higher uncertainty. In Section 4. these data are combined with likelihoods and potential impacts on infrastructure Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

. Section 5 outlines key indicators for monitoring and reassessmentFor planning purposes the NPCC focuses on the coming decades of the 21” century. Al

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

though projections for the XXII century are characterized by even larger uncertainties and are beyond most current infrastructure planning horizons, t

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Cityveloped coastal urban centers, although the projected likelihood, magnitude and nature of the climate hazards, as well as certain infrastructure conse

quences, will vary. Nevertheless, the analytical framework applied here may guide other cities as they embark on climate change adaptation efforts.Thi Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

s section of the document presents observed dimate information for temperature, precipitation, sea level rise and extreme events in New York City.New

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

York City has a temperate, continental climate, with hot and humid summers and cold winters. Records show an annual average air temperature from 1971-

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Cityrend has varied substantially. For example, the first and last 30-year periods were characterized by warming, while the middle segment, from 1930 to t

he late 1970s. was not. The temperature trends for the New York City region are broadly similar to trends for the Northeast United States. Specificall Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

y, most of the Northeast has experienced a trend towards higher temperatures, especially in recent decades.1.2.Projected ScenarioProjections for the 2

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

2* century are beyond most current infrastructure planning horizons. However, planning for some long-lived infrastructure, which hypothetically could

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Cityture intended only to have a useful lifespan within the 21” century may remain operational beyond their planned lifetime. It IS also possible that fut

ure projects aimed specifically at climate change adaptation might benefit during their planning stages from long-term climate guidance.Because 22* ce Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

ntury climate is characterized by very high uncertainty, only qualitative projections are possible, especially at a local scale. Despite uncertainties

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

, the large inertia of the climate system suggests that the current directional trends In two key climate variables, sea level rise and temperature, w

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Citycture, future changes are too uncertain at local scales to allow quantitative projections. Qualitative information for some of these factors is provid

ed in Table 3. including:•Heat indices, which combine temperature and humidity•Frozen precipitation (snow, sleet, and freezing rain)•Intense precipita Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

tion of short duration (less than one day)•Lightning•Large-scale storms (tropical storms/hurricanes and nor’easters) & associated extreme wind.By the

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

end of the century, heat indices are very likely to increase, both directly due to higher temperatures and because warmer air can hold more moisture.

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City National Weather Service heat index definition is based on the combination of these two climate factors.Ice storms and freezing rain have disproporti

onate effects on infrastructure. There is some indication that the frequency and intensity of ice storms and freezing rain may increase. Snowfall is l Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

ikely to become less frequent with the snow season decreasing in length. Possible changes in the intensity of snowfall per storm are highly uncertain.

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

2Intense hurricanes and associated extreme wind events will more likely than not become more frequent due to expected warming of the upper ocean in th

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York Citytical temperature gradient in the atmosphere, and patterns of variability Including the El Niho Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Meridional Overtur

ning Circulation are not well known, there is the possibility that intense hurricanes and their extreme winds will not become more frequent or intense Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

. It is also unknown whether the most probable tracks or trajectories of hurricanes and intense hurricanes may change In the future.Downpours, defined

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

as intense precipitation at sub-daily, but often sub-hourly, timescales are likely to increase in frequency and Intensity, for the reasons outlined I

Climate Resilient Urban DevelopmentVulnerability Assessment of climate change in New York Citysuhttps://khothuvien.cori!1General information1.1.Curren

Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City2Introduction and relevant backgroundArea: 1.214 km2 (468.9 sq mi)Population: 8.405.837 (2013)Annual population growth rate: 14% (2009 estimation)Dens

ity: 10,725 4/km2 (27,778.7/sq mi) Climate Resilient Urban Development Case Study - New York City

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