ielts rr volume12 report4

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Nội dung chi tiết: ielts rr volume12 report4

ielts rr volume12 report4

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

ielts rr volume12 report4ty of Bedfordshire, UKGrant awarded Round 15. 2009This research investigates the relationship between test-takers' listening proficiency and performan

ce on Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking Test, as against that on Part 2.Click here to road the Introduction to thio volume which includes an appraioal of t ielts rr volume12 report4

hio reocarch, its context and impact.ABSTRACTThis study investigated the relationship between test-takers' listening proficiency and performance on Pa

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rt 3 (Discussion) of the IELTS Speaking Test, as against that on Part 2 (Individual Long Turn). It explored how communication problems that were assoc

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

ielts rr volume12 report4s at a UK university, who took both a listening test and IELTS Speaking Test, followed by a short semi-structured interview session. All Speaking Test

sessions were both audio and video recorded. The audio-recordings were edited to separ ate the students' performances on Part 2 from those on Part 3. ielts rr volume12 report4

and each recording was rated by two of the four trained IELTS examiners involved in this study. Examiners were also asked to write down reasons for a

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warding then scores.Speaking Test scores were analysed for any difference in difficulty between the two parts. Correlations between the listening test

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

ielts rr volume12 report4 was utilised to illustrate salient occurrences of communication problems that were related to test-takers’ difficulties in hearing or understanding t

he examiner.The findings of this study highlighted the differences between Pail 2 and Pan 3 in terms of the constructs they measure, showing that the ielts rr volume12 report4

lattei format, at least to some extent, measures hstening-into-speaking abilities. The interactional data also showed that the construct underlying Pa

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n 3 was not a purely productive speaking ability, especially for students at Band 5.0 and below who tended to encounter some difficulties in understan

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

ielts rr volume12 report4 and Assessment (CRELLA). University of Bedfordshire. She has a PhD in Language Testing and an MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Essex.

Her research interests include the nature of co-constructed interaction in various speaking test formats (eg. interview, paired, and group formats), ielts rr volume12 report4

task design and rating scale development. Her MA dissertation received the IELTS MẰ Award 2005 from the IELTS partners (the University of Cambridge ES

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OL Examinations, the British Council, and IDP: IELTS Australia) Her recent publications include a book chapter in Language Testing: Theories and Pract

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

ielts rr volume12 report4rch Reports Volume 12 Ôwww.ielts.org1Fumtyo NakatsuharaCONTENTS1Introduction..........................................................................

...32Background of the research..............................................................32.1Recent IELTS Speaking Test studies................... ielts rr volume12 report4

...............................32.2The impact of listening proficiency on Speaking Test performance....................53Research questions...........

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...........................................................64Research design.........................................................................6

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

ielts rr volume12 report4.........................84.2.1Listening Test.....................................................................842.2Speaking Test..................

...................................................94.2.3Audio-rating of the speaking performance...........................................94.2.4A sh ielts rr volume12 report4

ort interview concerning the students' Speaking Test experience...............104.3Data analysis......................................................

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................105Results and dlscussslon................................................................115.1Listening Test scores..................

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

ielts rr volume12 report4speaking Test scores and comparing Part 2 and Part3overall scores..125.2.2Comparing Part 2 and Part 3 analytical scores...............................

......155.3Relationship between Listening and Speaking scores (RQ2)...........................175.4Communication problems related to test-takers' limi ielts rr volume12 report4

ted listening proficiency (RQ3).205.5Test-takers' perceptions of communication problems.................................346Conclusion.................

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............................................................367Limitations of the study and future research...........................................

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

IELTSThe relationship between test-takers’ listening proficiency and their performance on the IELTS Speaking TestAuthor: Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Universit

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