Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

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Nội dung chi tiết: Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications Tarnawski, Amrita Ahluwalia, Michael K JonesCITATIONTarnawski AS, Ahluwalia A, Jones MK. Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury:

The mechanisms and clinical implications . World J Gastroenterol 2014; 20(16): 4467-4482URL Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

p:// ACCESSArticles published by this Open-Access journal are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commo

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

ns Attribution Noncommercial License, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, t

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implicationsibility to injury. The following events occur in aging gastric mucosa: reduced mucosal blood flow and hypoxia, upregulates PTEN that activates pro-apo

ptotic caspases and reduces antiapoptosis protein, survivin. The imbalance between pro- and antiapoptosis mediators results in increased apoptosis and Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

increased susceptibility to injury. Aging gastropathy is an important and clinically relevant issue because of: (1) an aging world population; (2) ol

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

der patients have much greater risk of gastroduodenal ulcers and gastrointestinal complications (e.g., non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs-induced ga

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications; Injury; Phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome ten-PTEN; Survivin; Apoptosis; HypoxiaCOPYRIGHT© 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.

, Limited. All rights reserved.COPYRIGHT LICENSEOrder reprints or request permissions: bpgoffice(a> wjgnet.comNAME OF JOURNALWorld Journal of Gastroen Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

terologyISSN1007-9327 (print) 2219-2840 (online)PUBLISHERBaishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. Flat c. 23/F., Lucky Plaza, 315-321 Lockhart Road,

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

Wan Chai, Hong Kong, ChinaWEBSITEhttp://www.wjgnet.comName of journal: World Journal of GastroenterologyESPS Manuscript NO: 8955Columns: FRONTIERIncre

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implicationsndrzej s Tarnawski, Amrita Ahluwalia, Michael K Jones, University of California Irvine and the Veterans Administration Long Beach Healthcare System, 5

901 E. 7th street. Long Beach, CA 90822-5201, United StatesAuthor contributions: Tarnawski AS. Ahluwalia A and Jones M contributed to this paper; Tarn Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

awski AS designed the overall concept and outline of the manuscript; Ahluwalia A and Jones MK contributed to the discussion and design of the manuscri

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

pt; Tarnawski AS. Ahluwalia A and Jones MK contributed to the writing, editing and revision of the manuscript, illustrations, and review of literature

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implicationsf California Irvine and the Veterans Administration Long Beach Healthcare System, 5901 E. 7th street (09/151), Long Beach, CA 90822-5201, United State

s, atarnawski@yahoo.comTelephone: +1-562-8265437 Fax: +1-714-8464496Received: January 13, 2014 Revised: January 30, 2014 Accepted: April 1, 2014Publis Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

hed online: April 28, 2014AbstractThis review updates the current views on aging gastric mucosa and the mechanisms of its increased susceptibility to

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

injury. Experimental and clinical studies indicate that gastric mucosa of aging individuals-"aging gastropathy"-has prominent structural and functiona

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implicationscarbonate and prostaglandin generation, decreased sensory innervation), increased susceptibility to injury by a variety of damaging agents such as eth

anol, aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), impaired healing of injury and reduced therapeutic efficacy of ulcer-healing d Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

rugs. Detailed analysis of the above changes indicates that the following events occur in aging gastric mucosa: reduced mucosal blood flow and impaire

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

d oxygen delivery cause hypoxia, which leads to activation of the early growth response-1 (egr-1) transcription factor. Activation of egr-1, in turn,

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implicationsic caspase-3 and caspase-9 and reduced expression of the antiapoptosis protein, survivin. The imbalance between pro- and antiapoptosis mediators resul

ts in increased apoptosis and increased susceptibility to injury. This paradigm has human relevance since increased expression of PTEN and reduced exp Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

ression of survivin were demonstrated in gastric mucosa of aging individuals, other potential mechanisms operating in aging gastric mucosa include red

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

uced telomerase activity, increase in replicative cellular senescence, and reduced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and importin-D-a n

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implicationsecause of: (1) an aging world population due to prolonged life span; (2) older patients have much greater risk of gastroduodenal ulcers and gastrointe

stinal complications (e.g., NSAIDs-induced gastric injury) than younger patients; and (3) increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury c Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

an be potentially reduced or reversed pharmacologically.o 2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.Key words: Aging gastric

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implications

mucosa; Injury; Phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome ten-PTEN; Survivin; Apoptosis; HypoxiaTarnawski AS, Ahluwalia A, Jones MK. Incr

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

Increased susceptibility of aging gastric mucosa to injury The mechanisms and clinical implicationsble from:URL:

k/<7World Journal of GastroenterologyIncreased susceptibility of aging gastric m ucosa to injury: The mechanisms and clinic al implications Andrzej s

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