Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

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Nội dung chi tiết: Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge UniversityDraft, Please do not quote To appear inThe Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching and Teacher Educators. To b

e published by AACTE and Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (anticipated date of publication Jan-Feb 2007).In this chapter we describe Technological Pedagogi Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

cal Content Knowledge (TPCK) as a framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). This framework builds on Shulma

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

n's construct of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) to include technology knowledge. We argue that the development of TPCK by teachers is critical to

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge influence theIntroducing TPCK 2appropriate (or inappropriate) integration of technology in teaching. In keeping with the goal of this volume (that of

situating the idea of TPCK in the realm of teacher education and teacher professional development, and investigating how it differs by content areas) Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

we explore the parameters of the TPCK framework within and between multiple curriculum areas, as well as in varying teaching and learning contexts.We

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

begin with a brief introduction to the complex, ill-structured nature of teaching. We consider the nature of technologies (both analog and digital),

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledgel & Webber, 1973), in which teaching is viewed as a highly complicated form of problem-seeking and problem-solving that derives from flexible and inte

grated bases of knowledge. We offer our TPCK framework for teacher knowledge in detail, as a complex interaction among three bodies of knowledge: Cont Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

ent, Pedagogy, and Technology. \Ne describe how these bodies of knowledge interact, in abstract, and in practice, to produce the type of flexible know

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

ledge needed to successfully integrate technology in the classroom. Finally, we argue that the complexity of developing and applying TPCK suggests tha

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgenAs Spiro and colleagues have argued, ill-structured domains are characterized by a complexity of concepts and cases with a wide variability of featur

es across different cases (Spiro, Coulson, Feltovich, & Anderson, 1988; Spiro & Jehng, 1990). Like expertise in other complex domains including medica Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

l diagnosis (Lesgold, Glaser, Feltovich, & Wang, 1981; Pople, 1982), decision making (Klein, 1999), and writing (Hayes & Flower, 1980; Hillocks, 1986)

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

, expertise in teaching is dependent on flexible access to and application of highly organized systems of knowledge (Glaser, 1984; Putnam & Borko, 200

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledgelex, dynamic environment (Leinhardt & Greeno, 1986; Spiro. Coulson, Feltovich, & Anderson, 1988; Spiro, Feltovich, Jacobson & Coulson, 1991) that asks

them to integrate knowledge of student thinking and learning, knowledge of the subject matter, and increasingly, knowledge of technology.In this rega Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

rd, teaching is akin to other real-world problems that are ill-structured, that lack required information, and do not have a known correct nor best so

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

lution (Frederiksen, 1986; Glass, Holyoak, & Santa, 1979; Nickerson, 1994; Reitman, 1964; Roberts, 1995). Other examples of ill-structured domains are

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledgeaw (Feltovich, Spiro, Coulson. & Myers-Kelson, 1995; Lawrence, 1988; Williams, 1992). Paradoxically, domains that appear to be well-structured can als

o be ill-structured, either at advanced levels of study, or when applied to unconstrained, naturally occurring situations (Mishra. Spiro & Feltovich, Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

1996; Mishra & Yadav, 2006; Spiro, Feltovich, Jacobson & Coulson, 1991).For example, mathematics is typically treated as a very structured field that

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

is concerned with solving problems which have unique, correct answers, developed as the logical consequence of manipulations of a finite set of axioms

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge(Davis & Hersh, 1981). Ill-structuredness also appears when abstract mathematical ideas are applied to real-world situations (Resnick, 1988). Similarl

y, physics appears to be an orderly and regular discipline—except when applied to the real world, as in the case of engineering. Building a bridge, fo Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

r example, applies principles of physics, but the unique features of each case (including the cost, materials, and setting) prevent the indiscriminate

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

generalization from one case to another (Guzdial, Turns, Rappin & Carlson, 1995; Petroski, 1985, 1994).Teaching, consistent with the examples above,

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledgeoducing TPCK 5connectedness between knowledge and practice. As educators know, the application of knowledge in teaching involves many different concep

tual structures and perspectives that play out in novel and unique ways even in instances that may seem superficially similar. The push to integrate t Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

echnology in teaching further complicates matters by bringing an additional domain of knowledge (technology knowledge) into the mix. It is important,

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

therefore, that we develop a better understanding of what we mean by the term technology, particularly as it is applied in educational settings. The f

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledgehow to combine resources to produce desired products, to solve problems, fulfill needs, or satisfy wants (Wikipedia, 2006). This definition implies tw

o uses of the word. The first use describes an individual tool or technique, and the second use encompasses all tools, techniques and knowledge. If we Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

choose to use the first sense of the term there can be an Internet technology that specifically refers to the tool we call the Internet. Likewise the

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

re is a “computer technology," a "word-processing technology," and "microscope technology" (collectively called technologies). Using the second sense

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledgele to education. This definition includes both analog technologies (e.g., chalkboard, pencil, and microscope) and digital technologies (e.g., the comp

uter, blogging, the Internet, etc.). Our view does not distinguish between older technologies (e.g., the chalkboard, the overhead projector, the handh Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

eld calculator, the pencil, etc.) and newer technologies (e.g., the MP3 player, blogs, etc.).2One of the most important things to understand about tec

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

hnologies is that particular technologies have specific affordances and constraints. Technologies are neither neutral nor unbiased; rather, particular

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeBruce, 1993). The term affordance was originally introduced by Gibson (1977, 1979) to refer to the perceived and actual psychological properties of an

y object, as a means of explaining how individuals interact with objects in the world. A hammer, for example easily affords hitting objects (such as n Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

ails), due to its handle (affording a grip) and its weighted end. The design of the hammer also constrains what you can do with it - a hammer does not

Introducing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

afford turning a screw or designing a website. The use of affordance in the context of educational technology is meant more broadly to include all of

Introducing TPCK 1Running Head: Introducing TPCKIntroducing Technological Pedagogical Content KnowledgeMatthew J. Koehler1 Punya MishraMichigan state

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