Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

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Nội dung chi tiết: Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday EvidenceConnie X. MaoTemple UniversityThe Fox School of Business and ManagementKulpatra SirodomThammasat University Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy29'h Au

gust 2006Address for Correspondence: Warren Bailey, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, Sage Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853*6201. wbblf Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence Connie X. Mao. Department of Finance, The Fox School of Business and Management. Temple University. Speakman Hall. Philadelphia. PA 191

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

22-6083. Kulpatra Sirodom, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, We

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidencesociation meetings In Philadelphia for comments on earlier drafts and other assistance, special thanks to Gideon Saar for his very extensive and detai

led comments.© 2005, 2006 Warren Bailey, Connie X. Mao, and Kulpatra Sirodom.Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday E Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

videnceAbstractWe study stock trading in Thailand, where binding foreign ownership limits fragment stock trading into distinct markets for locals and

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

foreigners. Although barriers are significant, we observe substantial trading by foreigners on the local board and by locals on the foreign board. The

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidencestock returns and prices across markets, and display profitable holding period returns and enhancements to price discovery that suggest informed tradi

ng. Our evidence echoes the features and predictions of classic theories of microstructure, information, and trading.1IntroductionThis paper examines Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

a unique equity market structure. in Thailand, regulators and individual companies impose limits on (he traction of a company’s equity (hat can be hel

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

d by foreigners.1 2 when interest in Thailand’s stock market and in emerging markets generally began to pick up in the middle 1980s, the fraction of s

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidenceoar d, where foreigner's could trade shares of companies that had reached their foreign ownership limit. Prices on the Alien Board typically exceed pr

ic es lor otherwise identic al shares restricted to local investors by a substantial premium/ Although trading is formally segmented into distinct boa Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

rds for local investors and foreign investors, investors can cross to the “other* board, but at a cost. Thai investors can hold Alien Board shares, bu

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

t must pay the price premium to do so. Foreign investors can buy Main Board shares, but lose cash and stock dividends, warrants, other distributions,

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidencectronic and order-driven. Broker screens display depth al the three best bid and ask prices, but do not reveal trader identity.This unusual institutio

nal selling helps US study some interesting issues al the intersection of a number of strands of the finance literature. First and foremost, what mark Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

et and investor behaviors do we observe in a multiple market setting where some investors cross1Prior IO the 1997 Asian crisis, all companies listed o

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

n the Thai exchange had to be legally “ lhai”, implying a maximum foreign ownership of 49%. The government imposed a tighter limit, 25%, in ceirain in

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidencee atbilraged away. Once the foreign ownership limit has been reached, shares bought on the Main Board cannot be sold on die Alien Board. Shares bought

on the Alien Board cun be sold on die Main Board, but the typically substantial price premium would be lost. If a particular slock never reaches the Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

foreign ownership limit or its foreign ownership drops helow the limit, all trading occurs on the Main Board. Another aspect worth mentioning is that,

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

when a local buys an Alien Boaid share, stock exchange records retain its status as eligible for trading on the Alien Board.1between markets? As we d

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence the effects of liquidity and information on patterns of market activity in Thailand’s multiple-market setting. Furthermore, our data includes some in

formation about the identity of the trader standing behind each order. Specifically, we know whether each order is associated with a foreigner (almost Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

certainly an institution), a Thai institution, a member of the stock exchange, or a Thai individual. Locals may benefit from access to more or better

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

information about local companies, while institutional investors may benefit from more resources and experience.We conduct a series of empirical test

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidencee “other” market, foreigners account for fifteen percent of the trading volume on the Main Board, and Thai individuals account for forty-four percent

of the trading volume on the Alien Board.3 There is much evidence that liquidity is a driver of cross-market trading. Cross-market orders tend to be s Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

ubmitted at times of high liquidity (that is, low bid-ask spread and high depth) in the market to which investors cross, and, as a consequence, cross-

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

market orders tend to be filled at relatively better prices.4 Some evidence also suggests a relationship between information and cross-market trading.

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidenceding period returns based on cross-market trades appear particularly profitable, suggesting that some cross-market activity represents informed tradin

g. Cross-market trading also appears to3Wemer and Kleidon (1996) study British stocks cross-listed in London and New York, and suggest that some inves Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

tors voluntarily segment themselves in one market, as does the “location of trade” literature (Froot and Dabera, 1999; Chan, Hameed. and Lau, 2003).4D

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

rudi and Massa (2005) study primary and secondary markets for Italian government bonds, and find that some dealers trade aggressively across markets i

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidenceure displays a variety of investor behaviors that echo the assumptions and implications of theoretical works on market microstructure and on informati

on and capital markets that we describe below.The balance of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 motivates our tests. Section 3 discusses th Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

e data, relevant institutional details of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, and some of the basic calculations and transformations of the data needed fo

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

r our tests. Section 4 presents results while Section 5 is a summary and conclusion.2Motivation and overview of testsTo think about the phenomenon of

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence of Chowdhry and Nanda (1991), small uniformed investors cannot move across markets while informed traders and large discretionary liquidity traders o

ptimize where and how they trade. In the Thai market, the frictions that impede crossing between the Main and Alien boards depend on whether the trade Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

r is a local or foreigner, and are also likely to vary across individual and institutional investors. In Madhavan (1995), informed investors and large

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

liquidity traders also benefit by spreading their trading across more than one market. A fragmented trading environment may persist, rather than cons

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities: Some Intraday EvidenceWarren BaileyCornell University Johnson Graduate School of ManagementC

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday EvidenceAs a consequence, discretionary liquidity traders may trade both individual stocks and stock index futures to avoid the informed traders. In Admati an

d Pfleiderer (1988), discretionary liquidity traders may choose to “swim with the sharks”, that is, suffer some disadvantageous5 Related empirical pap Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

ers include studies of price discovery for stocks listed on more than one U.S. exchange (Hasbrouck. 1995) or across equity and equity derivative marke

Locals, Foreigners, and Multi-market Trading of Equities Some Intraday Evidence

ts (Chan. Chan, and Karolyl, 1991: Stephan and Whaley, 1990; Easley, O’Hara, and Srinivas, 1998; Chan, Chung, and Fong, 2002.).3https://khothuvien.cor

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