luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

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luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcr ("UFOC") Guidelines consist of the Requirements, the Instructions and the Sample Answers. The UFOC Guidelines were prepared and adopted by the North

American Securities Administrators Association ("NASAA") and its predecessor, the Midwest Securities Commissioners Association. The members of NASAA luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

cannot create statutes since that is the constitutional province of state legislatures, but NASAA intends for the UFOC Guidelines to facilitate compli

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

ance with disclosure requirements under state franchise investment laws. Where possible, NAS A A lias developed uniform disclosure requirements, but d

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcapplication for deficient disclosure and additional disclosure necessitated by special problems or risks in the proposed offering.100. Follow these Ge

neral Instructions and the Requirement and Instruction for each Item in franchise registration applications and disclosures in the Uniform Franchise O luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

ffering Circular.110Original Registration Application ■ Documents to File:(a)Uniform Franchise Registration Application Page (also known as "Facing Pa

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ge"):(b)Supplemental Information page(s):(c)Certification page:(d)Uniform Consent to Service of Process:(e)Sales Agent Disclosure Form:(f)If the appli

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcartner:(g)Uniform Franchise Offering Circular:(h)Application Fee:(i)Auditor's consent (or a photocopy of the consent) to the use of the latest audited

financial statements in the offering circular: and(j)Advertising or promotional materials.Examples of forms (a) through (f) are printed at the end of luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

these Guidelines.120. Renewal Application: When state law requires renewal, mark "renewal" on the application page. Submit all documents required for

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an initial application with additions to the previously filed documents underlined. Changes must be clearly marked so t hat the change is noticed eas

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcle of Franchises" on the facing page and pay the fee charged for initial registrations. Redlining and bracketing changes from the last filing will spe

ed a re-registration. Do not mark the amendment boxes on the application page on the first renewal filing even if documents are revised.150. "Disclose luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

" means to state all material facts in an accurate and unambiguous manner. Disclose clearly, concisely and in a narrative form that is understandable

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

by a person unfamiliar with the franchisebusiness. For clear and concise disclosure avoid legal antiques1 and repetitive phrases.- When possible, use

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcal language and unnecessary detail. Make the format and chronological order consistent within each Item.160. Since prospective franchisees must have s

ufficient disclosure to understand economic commitments and to develop a business plan, Items 5, 6, 7, and 8 must disclose the minimum and maximum fra luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

nchisee cost. The franchisor should provide reasonably available information to allow franchisees to forecast future charges listed in these Items and

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to be paid to persons who are independent of the franchisor. Future payments to the franchisor should be specific as is required by individual Items.

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc. Respond to each question fully. If the disclosure is not applicable, respond in the negative, but if an answer is required "If applicable," respond

only if the requested information applies. Do not qualify a response with a reference to another document unless permitted by the instructions to that luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

Item.180. For each Item in the UFOC, type the Requirement’s Item title and number. Sub-items may be designated by descriptive headings, but do not us

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e sub-item letters and numbers.190. Separate documents (for example, a confidential operations manual) must not make representations or impose terms t

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcd these legal antiques. Pieferred substitutes are in parentheses: afoiesaid: arising from (from); as between; as an Inducement for: as part of the con

sideration; as set forth In (in): as the case may be; at a later point in time; binding upon and inure; commence (begin); condition precedent (before) luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

; condition subsequent (after); consist of (are); engaged in the business of offering (offers); for and in consideration of the grant of the franchise

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; for a period of (for); foregoing; forthwith; from time to time; further, hereby: herein: hereinafter: hereto heretofore: if necessary: In the event

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc with; in no event; in the event of (if); in whole or in part; it will be specifically understood that; manner in which; not later than (within, by);

not less than (at least); notwithstanding; offers to an individual, corporation or partnership (offer); on behalf of (for): precedent (before): prescr luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

ibed (required): prior to (before): provided however (but, unless): provided that (if, unless): purporting to: relating to (under); subsequent (after)

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

; such (this); so as to (to); so long as (while); thereafter; therefrom; thereof, thereunder; without limiting the foregoing; whatsoever; with respect

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc related to, or growing out of (because); certified as true and correct (certified); consultation, assistance and guidance (guidance): each and every:

equipment, furniture, supplies and inventory set forth on the equipment list attached as Exhibit _ (Items on Exhibit ___); necessary and appropriate luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

sample, test and review (test): and twenty-three (23) (write as 23).The preferred phrase is in parentheses: As the franchisor prescribes (you must); b

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

eing offered (offers); consist of (is); engaged in the business of offering (offer); giving rise to; if it becomes necessary for (if); inure to the be

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcll continue in effect (continues): with the exception of (except).210. When (he applicant is a master franchisor seeking to sell subfranchises, refere

nces in these requirements and inslruc (ions to "franc hisee" inc lude the sublranchisor unless the language context requires a different meaning.220. luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

The offer ol subfranchises is an offer separate from the offer of franchises and usually requires a separate registration or exemption. A single appl

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ication may register the sale ol single unit and multi-unit franchises il (he offering c irc ular is not c onfusing.2.30.When the applicant is a subfr

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcngs by a subfranchisor, "franchisor" means both the franchisor and subfranc hisor.2.30.When stale requirements c on flic I with these Guidelines, the

state requirements control. The State Administrator may modify or waive these Guidelines or may require additional d luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

Grossly defic ient applications may be rejected summarily by the administrator as incomplete for filing. It is not the function of an administrator to

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prepare, in effect, an applicant's application. The additional examiner time reviewing the grossly deficient product delays the processing of diligen

https://khothuvien.cori!THE UNIFORM FRANCHISE OFFERING CIRCULARGUIDELINESGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS90. Introduction: The Uniform Franchise Offering Circular

luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúcrisdiction requires presale registration of a franchise adopts them. In any event, these Guidelines will be effective no earlier than January 1.1994 a

nd no later than January 1. 1995. After the effective date of these Guidelines, all initial franchise applications, renewals and re-registrations must luận văn 4 + PL 1 của cáo thị phúc

comply with these Guidelines.270. The Guidelines that continue after these instructions use the following format:

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