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Nội dung chi tiết: MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675


www.forgottenbooks.comCopyright © 2016 FB &c Ltd.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in an

MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675ny form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the pub

lisher, except in (he case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncom mere ia I uses permitted by copyright law.MEMOIR MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

OF THE LIFEOF THET. REV. WILLIAM MEADE, D.D.,■Bisljop of tfje Protestant -Episcopal dijutclj of tije ^iotzsz of Virginia.BYReprinted, with additions,


by permission of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, from Volume IV. OF THE “ Memorial Biographies.”Copyright' 1885JBy the New England Hist

www.forgottenbooks.comCopyright © 2016 FB &c Ltd.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in an

MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675old, to a higher life. The present age seems to look upon itself with as much complacency, and upon the past with as much contempt, as if it had solve

d the problem of spontaneous generation, which has so long baffled the biologists; or as if, like Love in Aristophanes, “ it had been hatched from the MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

egg of Night,” and all of a sudden spread its bright wings over primeval darkness. The incoming flood threatens to sweep away the old landmarks, and


obliterate the footsteps of the fathers. As our ancestors in England and in Virginia used, at short intervals, to li perambulate ” in formal processio

www.forgottenbooks.comCopyright © 2016 FB &c Ltd.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in an

MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675 office to revive the memory of the historical heroes who “ blazed ” the way in the wilderness for the churches and commonwealths to come, and sowed t

he seeds of the harvest which we are gathering into our garners. The canonizing of saints would be a good thing, if only we had Falstaft’s instinct to MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

discern the true prince. Principal Shairp, of Edinburgh, thinks that the .. universal church should have a catena of the lives of the best men of eac


h age as the strongest of external evidences, exhibiting Christianity not as a system of doctrines so much as a power of life. Such a man was William4

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MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675the future come.In view of the fact that Bishop Meade began an autobiography to prevent too partial friends from heaping “heightened eulogies” upon hi

m, and of his dying declaration that he repudiated all commendation of himself as “ inconsistent with his consciousness of sin,” one who respects his MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

wishes dare not desecrate his memory with indiscriminating praise. And yet if the theory of the great Hero-Worshipper be true, that a genuine sincerit


y is the foundation of heroic character; and that other elements of it are a clear, deep-seeing eye, a large heart, faith in the Invisible, a high dis

www.forgottenbooks.comCopyright © 2016 FB &c Ltd.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in an

MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675ry can but enroll his name among those heroic characters whose memory a grateful posterity will not willingly let die.As to his consciousness of sin,

it has been well said that “ the greatest of all sin is to be conscious of none.” The “ nulla pallescere culpa ” is the fruit of pagan, not of Christi MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

an culture, whose standards of morality are as wide asunder as the poles. Bishop Meade did not judge himself by the law of honor, that is, “What will


men say ? ” but he lived as if he were conscious that the great Task-master’s eye was upon him. This is the key which unlocks the secret of his self-d

www.forgottenbooks.comCopyright © 2016 FB &c Ltd.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in an

MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675n Bishops Griswold and Eastburn and the Bishop of Virginia, and the contributions of the latter to history, nothing could be more fitting and graceful

than this tribute.1 It is in response to this call that this outline of — Bishop Meade’s life is sketched. The limits prescribed are too small for a MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

rounded biography. To fill up this outline the reader must consult the documents in Bishop John’s memorial, the journals of Convention, and the histor


ical writings of Dr. Hawks.A member of the family, who had a taste for genealogy, traced Bishop Meade’s ancestry to Thomas Crom- ' well, a blacksmith

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MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675ded. The genealogist thought that this Earl was the uncle of Oliver Cromwell. But he was probably mistaken, as when a Romish Bishop of Gloucester cour

ted - -Oliver’s favor by dedicating a book to him, and by claiming a common descent from Lord Cromwell, Oliver replied ■with warmth,“ The Earl of Esse MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

x is in no degree related -to me ! ” The root of the family in America was Andrew Meade, a Roman Catholic, who came to New York late-■ in the eighteen


th century, and married Mary Latham, a Quaker of Flushing, — “a heterogeneous kind of union,” said Mr. Meade, “ less obnoxious to nature than to bigot

www.forgottenbooks.comCopyright © 2016 FB &c Ltd.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in an

MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675 of these extremes to issue in that evangelical churchmanship of which Bishop Meade was so pronounced a type. Andrew Meade removed with his wife to Na

nsemond County, MemoiroftheLifeoftheRtRevWilliamMeadeDDBishopoftheProtestantEpiscopalChurchofthe_10824675

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