Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

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Nội dung chi tiết: Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

•vcuVirginia Commonwealth Universityvcu Scholars CompassTheses and DissertationsGraduate School2014"Mining" for a Reference Condition in Southern West

Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stret VirginiaStreamsMatthew RouchFollow this and additional works at: Part of the Environmental Indicators and Impact

Assessment Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Integrative Biology Commons. Other Environmental Sciences Commons, Water Resource Management Co Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

mmons, and the Zoology Commons© The AuthorDownloaded from Thesis IS brought to you for free and open acces

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s by the Graduate School at vcu Scholars Compass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of vcu

•vcuVirginia Commonwealth Universityvcu Scholars CompassTheses and DissertationsGraduate School2014"Mining" for a Reference Condition in Southern West

Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stres submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at Virginia Commonwealth Universityby Matthew G. RouchB.A.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 2007Thesis Director: Dr. Daniel J. McGarvey. Center for Environmental StudiesVirginia Commonwealt Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

h University Richmond. Virginia December. 2014iiAcknow lodgments1 would like to thank my advisor. Dr. Daniel McGarvey, as well as my committee Dr.Step

Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

hen McTninch and Dr. Edward Crawford, for their patience and adv ice during this project. Ialso would like to thank Will Shuart. an instructor in the

•vcuVirginia Commonwealth Universityvcu Scholars CompassTheses and DissertationsGraduate School2014"Mining" for a Reference Condition in Southern West

Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Streadvisor for the amount of lime and effort he spent working with me. Last hut not least 1 would like to thank my family and friends for their love and

support during this process.IIIPrefaceThis thesis was organized in a format suitable for publication in the peer-reviewed journal North American Journ Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

al of Fisheries Management with minor modifications to comply with Virginia Commonwealth University guidelines for thesis submission. Chapter 2 is the

Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre

manuscript prepared for submission, while chapters 1,3. and 4 were prepared independently of journal formal and will not be submitted for publication

•vcuVirginia Commonwealth Universityvcu Scholars CompassTheses and DissertationsGraduate School2014"Mining" for a Reference Condition in Southern West

Mining for a Reference Condition in Southern West Virginia Stre...........................iii

•vcuVirginia Commonwealth Universityvcu Scholars CompassTheses and DissertationsGraduate School2014"Mining" for a Reference Condition in Southern West

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