NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

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Nội dung chi tiết: NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018pository: 17040/This is the author's version of a work that was submitted to / accepted for publication.Citation for final publ

ished version:Andrews. Rhys. Beynon. Malcolm J. and McDermott. Aoife 2019. Configurations of new public management reforms and the efficiency, effecti NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

veness and equity of public healthcare systems: a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Public Management Review 21 (8). pp. 1236-1260.10.1080/1

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

4719037.2018.1561927 fi lePublishers page: note:Cha

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018ve version of (his publication, please refer to the published source. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite this pape

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moral rights for publications made available in ORCA are retained by the copyright holders.formation servicesgwasanaethau gwybodaethConfigurations of

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

New Public Management reforms and the efficiency, effectiveness and equity' of public healthcare systems: a fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysi

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018s identifies configurations of New Public Management (NPM) reforms (privatization, consumerism, performance management, and corporatization) associate

d with perceptions of improvements in healthcare efficiency, effectiveness and equity in fourteen European countries. Although these outcomes are purs NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

ued concurrently, no combination of the considered reforms appears to support success or failure across the board and the inter-relations between refo

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

rms shape their effects. Three NPM reform profiles are evident in Europe; (1) strong reformers, adopting a comprehensive package of reforms that are p

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018gement ReviewContact author: Professor Rhys Andrews. AndrewsR-Kd scale of NPM reform in many European public sectors has

led to wide-ranging discussion about whether and under what conditions ‘NPM can work' (e.g. Dan and Pollitt 2015; Drechsler and Randma-Liiv 2016). as NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

well as its' intended and unintended effects (see Simonet 2011). However, integrative international comparative analysis of the positive and negative

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

effects of NPM tools has proved challenging (see Drechsler and Randma-Liiv 2016). Due to their varying administrative traditions, countries have tend

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018hoices predetermine further development (Kuhlmann. 2006). As field level logics shift, this can result ill the simultaneous appearance of institutiona

l logics in organizational contexts’ (Polzer at al.. 2016. 69).Institutional logics are organising principles that guide 'how to interpret organizatio NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

nal reality, what constitutes appropriate behaviour and how to succeed’ (Thornton. 2004. 70). by focusing attention on the issues and solutions aligne

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

d with the dominant logic (Thornton, 2004). Logics manifest in practices and structures that help to gain guide action in the world (Greenwood et al.

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018y and synergistic benefits or to tension from the combination of inconsistent practices (Christensen & Laegrid, 201 la). In extremis, overt contest an

d incompatibility may result (Fischer and Ferlie. 2013). Importantly, this aligns with the configurational perspective on public governance, which sug NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

gests that the impact of any given reform is likely to depend on the presence or absence of other reforms (Lynn. Heinrich and Hill 2000) because their

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

overall impact cannot be understood as the ‘mere summing of independent elements’ (Lynn, Heinrich and Hill 2000, 236). Yet most extant work on NPM re

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018s and Green 2004). or more latterly across countries (e.g. agencification. see Overman and van Thiel 2016), or focuses on a single dimension of perfor

mance, especially efficiency (e.g. Alonso. Clifton and Diaz-Fuentes 2015). In fact, surprisingly little research has systematically compared the effec NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

ts of alternative configurations of NPM reforms on public services across different European countries, let alone on outcomes pursued concurrently (th

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

ough see Plumper and Neumayer 2013).As a result, we ask ‘what configurations of NPM reforms are associated with improvements in the efficiency, effect

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018a key issue for governments across the globe (World Health Organization 2007). Within healthcare, as in the public sector more broadly, 'debate on the

role of the state on how and where it should intervene' (OECD 2013, 3) requires balancing multiple objectives (Plumper and Neumayer 2013). and especi NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

ally the desire to achieve improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of senice provision. In particular, we note that in response to ec

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

onomic arguments regarding public sen ice improvement many countries have introduced New Public Management (NPM) style reforms associated with a marke

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018e been adopted with the aim of improving public healthcare by making it more business-like (Byrkjeflot 2011). To address the important gap in our unde

rstanding of the configurational effects OÍ' public management reform, we draw on the perceptions of high-ranking civil senants in the health ministri NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

es of fourteen European countries, to study the relationship between privatization, consumerism, performance management and corporatization, and perce

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

ived improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of public healthcare.3In doing so. our approach advances extant research in three main w

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018, we examine the connection between a commitment lo NPM reforms and the improvement of public healthcare services across multiple countries, rather th

an within a single country. Ihữd. we utilize fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to cany out our study (see Ragin. Strand and Rubinson NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

2008). which enables us to identify alternative pathways to the same outcome (cquifinalily). and to evaluate configurations of reforms associated with

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

strong and weak performance improvement (causal asymmetry). This technique is especially valuable for configurational analysis and is also well-suite

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 20182014).Next we theorise the concept of hybrid reforms. We then develop some theoretical expectations about the likely relationship between privatizatio

n, consumerism, performance management, and corporatization, and the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of public healthcare provision. Thereafter, NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

we describe the data and methods used in our analyses, present our findings, and discuss their implications.NP.M reforms and public healthcare perform

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

anceAlthough the high-tide of the NPM phenomenon has arguably passed. NPM-style reforms have re-shaped the public sector in many Luropean countries (l

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOL CAERCWThis is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional rep

NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018ore cost-effective by opening it up to private sector influence (Christensen and Lacgrid 2011b). This has involved the introduction of a market orient

ation hl the field level institutional logic, with a related (albeit incomplete) shift away from the previously dominant ‘traditional public administr NPM and healthcare perf - November 2018

ation' logic (Anessi-Pessina and Cantu,

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