P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

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Nội dung chi tiết: P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINALor the addition of vitamins and minerals to food.The Policy Guideline does not apply to special purpose foods the formulation and presentation of whic

h are governed by specific standards in Part 2.9 of the Australia New-Zealand Food Standards Code (the Food Standards Code).The policy should only app P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

ly to new applications and proposals. There is no intention to review the current permissions.The policy does not apply to products that should be or

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

are regulated as therapeutic goods. This should not lead to a situation were generally recognised foods, through fortification, become like or are tak

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL mineral to particular categories of foods to be included within the Food Standards Code. Currently the majority of permissions are contained in Stand

ard 1.3.2 - Vitamins and Minerals.Regard should be had to the policy in development of regulator} measures applying to the mixing of foods where one, P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

or both of the foods may be fortified.The policy for regulation of health and nutrition claims on fortified food is covered by the Policy Guideline on

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

Nutrition, Health and Related Claims. Claims should be permitted on fortified foods, providing that all conditions for the claim are met in accordanc

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINALves for FSANZ in developing or reviewing of food standards.1The objectives (in descending priority order) of the Authority in developing or reviewing

food regulatory measures and variations of food regulator}'- measures are:(a)the protection of public health and safety(b)the provision of adequate in P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

formation relating to food to enable consumers to make informed choices; and(c)the prevention of misleading or deceptive conduct.Ult/un the context of

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

this policy Fortification is to be taken to mean all additions of vitamins and minerals to food including for reasons of equivalence or restoration.3

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL(a)the need for standards to be based on risk analysis using the best available scientific evidence;(b)the promotion of consistency between domestic a

nd international food standards;(c)the desirability of an efficient and internationally competitive food industry;(d)the promotion of fair trading in P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

food; and(e)any written policy guidelines formulated by the Council for the purposes of this paragraph and notified to the Authority.These objectives

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

apply to the development of standards regulating the addition of vitamins and minerals to food.A number of other policies are also relevant to the dev

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINALator}- Action by Australia and New Zealand Food Regulatory Ministerial Council and Standard Setting Bodies(1995, amended 1997)(Australia only). New Ze

aland Code of Good Regulatory Practice (November 1997), the Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand concerning P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

a Joint Food Standards System and relevant World Trade Organisation agreements.Specific Order Policy Principles - Mandatory FortificationThe mandator

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

y addition of vitamins and minerals to food should:1Be required only in response to demonstrated significant population health need taking into accoun

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINALtrategy to address the health problem.3Be consistent as far as is possible with the national nutrition policies and guidelines of Australia and New Ze

aland.4Ensure that the added vitamins and minerals are present in the food at levels that will not result in detrimental excesses or imbalances of vit P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

amins and minerals in the context of total intake across the general population.5Ensure that the mandator}' fortification delivers effective amounts o

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

f added vitamins and minerals with the specific effect to the target population to meet the health objective.Additional Policy Guidance - Mandatory Fo

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINALFood Standards Code to require such mandatory fortification.4The Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council, or with respect to a specific New Zeala

nd health issue, an appropriate alternative body, be asked to provide advice to the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council with P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

respect to Specific Order Policy Principles 1 and 2, prior to requesting that Food Standards Australia New Zealand raise a proposal to consider manda

P295 Folate Fortification FFR Attach 4-8 FINAL

tory fortification,

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

Attachment 4Policy Guideline Fortification1 of Food with Vitamins and MineralsThis Policy Guideline provides guidance on development of permissions fo

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