political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

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Nội dung chi tiết: political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCg up on a housing estate in Protestant West Belfast I wasn't aware of the struggle my parents faced to provide the basics for the children. My Dad wor

ked so hard for very little financial reward: his main interest outside of work was the Protestant Orange Order. My Mother also worked day and night i political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

n a hotel but for little reward. he were staunchly Unionist. From a very early age I became a member of the Junior Section of the Orange Order, gradua

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

lly progressing to the senior post of Worshipful Master. I know that both my parents would later say what so many people in life say with hindsight: “

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCren went to church every week. I found this experience an ordeal and hated Sundays with passion. Church was boring and meaningless to me in my young l

ife and the Christian message I heard in Church only reinforced the anti-Catholic message I was receiving from the Unionist society around me. I left political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

school in 1969 at the age of 15 with no academic qualifications. That summer the violence came to the streets of Northern Ireland and at this young ag

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

e I fell the sectarian feelings rise in me. within a few years the violence escalated. I became involved with the Ulster Volunteer Force, which is one

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCnment.As / settled into the routine of imprisonment, very' slowly I started to question my beliefs and values. For the first time in my life I actuall

y read the Bible. As I read about the life of Jesus I came to a conclusion that grows stronger with each passing day-that Jesus preached a message of political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

non-violence and that those who follow Him are called to be peacemakers in this world. It is easy to preach the message of peacemaking, harder to prac

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

tice it, yet God wants US to live it in our everyday lives. I learnt this in prison and have tried to follow it since.Upon release from prison I met m

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCion and peacemaking. This has not occurred overnight. W'e first had to learn in our marriage to respect each other’s culture, religion and political v

iewpoints. This journey has been slow and painful as both of US shed off the baggage that we carried with us from our upbringing in “the troubles”. Bu political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

t the lesson of reconciliation we learned in our marriage is relevant, as we later came to realize, for Northern Ireland.Today, after II years of marr

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

iage and three beautiful children, we can see God opening the doors to US and using US in the work of peace and reconciliation in the community' gener

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCd “Pax Works Through this name we hope to show that peace does work. As facilitators we have been blessed in having the opportunity' to work with all

sections of the community in Northern1https://khothuvien.cori!Ireland in trying to bring mutual understanding. It is a joy to watch those who in some political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

cases live only a few streets away from each other come together and talk to each other for the first in a long time or the first time ever.ive know t

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

hat people’s mindsets will not be changed in one day yet it is our calling as peacemakers to be prepared for a long journey. After 30 years of violenc

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCI firmly believe we have answered God's call to be peacemakers and reconcilers. Our prayer is that others may grasp the vision in their own countries

and local communities as it is at the grassroots that the seeds of peace grow.Jim McKinleyINTRODUCTIONNorthern Ireland’s conflict is deeply enigmatic. political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

There are at least four paradoxes. It is supposedly a religious war fought over doctrinal principles between people for whom religion is their primar

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

y identity, yet religion disguises the conflict’s inherently political character. The conflict is over the legitimacy of the state and access to its p

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCes massive world attention, yet the violence is very low key. The fact that it is played out in the First World gives Northern Ireland's conflict a me

dia and international focus that conflicts with much higher levels of violence do not attract. Finally, despite its low-key nature, Northern Ireland h political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

as perhaps the most comprehensive peacemaking industry of all world conflicts. This leads naturally to the greatest conundrum: why the conflict persis

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

ts amidst all the peacemaking.It is a truism that the dynamics of peacemaking are affected by the dynamics of the conflict it seeks to resolve. In Nor

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCthirty years of terrorism and both claim the other as perpetrator. This lends to complicate peacemaking, for the victims’ demands for justice can be d

ivisive unless they are extended to all that have suffered. Given that the character of the conflict shapes peacemaking, it is necessary to begin with political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

a history of Northern Ireland’s conflict. Such a historical overview shows that peac emaking needs to Im* broadly understood as comprising mot e that

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

an end to violence, for issues of equality’, justice and political and civil rights also resonate down the ages.THE HISTORY OF THE CONFLICTThe contem

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCeneral histories see Bardon 1992; Brewer 1998; Foster 1988; Rafferty 1994, Ruane and Todd 1996). Plantation describes the voluntary migration - planta

tion - of English and Scottish Protestants to Ireland. British control of Ireland required Protestant control and hence Protestant dominance. Plantati political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

on transformed Irish society as no war of conquest had and it initiated different patterns of development in the North East Coast of Ireland - the anc

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

ient province of Ulster. Right from the beginning Ulster was different. Planters saw themselves as embattled because Ulster had Catholic rebels who pr

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCeparatism, and at the beginning Presbyterians experienced their ow exclusion by Anglicans, rhe Scots outnumbered die English in Ulster by a ratio of f

ive to one in 1640 (Akenson 1992, 108), and their cultural legacy is manifest today in many facets of popular culture and place name (Gailey 1975). Th political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

is3separatism extended to having their own systems of social control based around the presbytery, to the point that Hempton and Hill (1992, 16) descri

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

be Ulster Presbyterians as a self-contained and regulating community and virtually independent of the wider structures of the English state. As many o

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCunity rather than evangelising amongst Anglicans or Catholics (Hempton and Hill 1992, 18; Miller 1978; Wallis and Bruce 1986, 272-3). At the same time

, as Holmes shows (1985,45,57), Irish Presbyterians were also prevented from establishing new congregations (Blaney 1996, 20-40, discusses some early political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

attempts at out-reach by Presbyterians). The notion that they were, in terms of Calvinist theology, God’s covenanted “elect” only reinforced the tende

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

ncy to separatism, and has continued to do so ever since.Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Ireland essentially remained a Plantation

PEACEMAKING AMONG PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS IN NORTHERN IRELANDỈ was born into a very poor Unionist family and was the last of three children. Growing

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOCrotestant-Catholic divisions that came to represent all other lines of cleavage. However, Ireland was increasingly unable to live with its past becaus

e the old conflicts and fissures caused tremendous strain in its social structure. Protestant and Catholic people developed as solidaristic communitie political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

s in the nineteenth century, which transcended internal fault lines as they confronted the other as a separate community in a zero-sum conflict in whi

political profile of sir sayyid ahmad khan by hafeez malik.DOC

ch it seemed that their interests were incompatible. The economy of the Protestant-dominated East Coast developed apace from the rest of the island be

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