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Nội dung chi tiết: POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds


■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bondsnor may offers k> bw them he fimysfa/, prior Io the lime ' official Slalem

y Official Statement conetinue an offer Io sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale 'if. lh< securiin VI artv iurèdicl POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds

ion in -n-hicli such offer. soltctiiilion or idle would be rodawhil prior to registration. oisililteatnn or liliru- Ittder the securities lain of anv


sisch ntmdiclionPRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT DATED JANI ARY 4, 2016NEW ISSUE - FULL BOOK ENTRYStandard & Poor's Insured Rating: “_"Standard & Poor's

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-BondsKelley. Bond Counsel, based upon an analysis of existing statutes. regulations. rulings, and court decisions and assuming, among other things, the acc

uracy of certain representations and compliance sslth certain covenants, interest on the Refunding Bonds is excludable from gross Income for federal I POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds

ncome tax purposes and is exempt from State of California personal Income taxes, m the further opinion of Bond Counsel interest on the Refunding Bonds


IS not an Item of rax preference for purposes of the alternative minimum rax imposed on individuals and corporations: hoxvever. such interest is take

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds Counsel expresses no opinion regarding any other tax consequences related to the ownership or disposition of. or the accrual or receipt of interest o


FUNDING BONDSDated: Date of DeliveryDue: As Shown InsideThe Stockton Unified School District (the "District”) is issuing die Stockton Unified School D


istrict, San Joaquin County . California. 2016 General Obligation Refunding Bondi (the "Refunding Bonds”) in the aggiegate principal amount of S140.ÙÙ

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bondsquin County, California. General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2005. Series 2006" (the "Series 2006 Bonds"), the "Stockton Unified School District, Sa

n Joaquin County, California, General Obligation Bonds. Election of 2005, Series 2007" (the "Seiies 2007 Bonds '), and the "Stockton Unified School Di POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds

strict. San Joaquin County. California. Genera] Obligation Bonds. Election of 2008. Series A" (the "Series A Bonds." and together with the Senes 2006


Bonds and the Series 200" Bonds, the "Prior Bonds"); and (ii) to pay costs of issuance of the Refunding Bonds.The Board of Supervisors of San Joaquin

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bondsn all property subject to taxation within the District (except certain personal property which is taxable at limited rates), for the payment of intere

st on. and principal of. the Refunding Bonds, all as more fully described herein under "THE REFUNDING BONDS" and "SOURCES OF PAYMENT FOR THE REFUNDING POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds

BONDS."The Refunding Bonds will be initially issued and legistered in the name of Cede & Co. as nominee of The Depository Trust Company. New York. Ne


w York ("DTC"). Purchases of the Refunding Bonds arc to be made in book-entry form only. Purchasers will not receive physical certificates representin

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bondst forth herein. Interest on the Refunding Bonds accrues from their date of delivery at the rates set forth herein, and is payable semiannually on Febr

uary 1 and August 1 of each year, commencing August 1, 2016. The Refunding Bonds mature on August 1 in die years and amounts set forth herein. See "MA POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds

TURITY SCHEDULE." Payments of such principal and interest on the Refunding Bonds will be paid by U.S. Bank National Association, San Francisco. Califo


rnia, as paying agent ("Paying Agent"), to DTC for subsequent disbursement to DTC Participants who will remit such payments to the beneficial owners o

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-BondsNDS - Redemption."This cover page summarizes certain provisions of the Refunding Bonds for brief reference only, and is not a summary of all die provi

sions. Investors must read the entire official statement to obtain information essential in making an informed investment decisionThe District has app POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds

lied for bond insurance, but there is no guarantee that a commitment to insure the Refunding Bonds will be issued, or that die District will obtain su


ch bond insurance.The Refunding Bonds are offered when, as and if issued, subject to the approval as to their legality by Daruiis Woliver Kelley. Sacr

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-BondsDisclosure Counsel to die District. Certain matters will be passed upon for the Underwriters by Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP. Los Angeles, California.

It IS anticipated that the Refunding Bonds in definitive form will be available for delivery to Cede & Co., as nominee of The DTC, on or about Februa POS-Stockton-USD-2016-GO-Refunding-Bonds

ry 2,2016.Morgan StanleyWELLS FARGO SECURITIESThe date of this Official Statement is January_. 2016.♦Preliminary. subject to change$140,000,000*STOCKT



■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

■ầ IThis Prclúnínaiy Official SMcmenl uni lh« hformaUon e/Uìlaúìưl herein arv aubfixi 10 completion or amendment. These secure iff. may no! he sold, n

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