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Nội dung chi tiết: Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)


Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)e surmise that: "It is the job of Biosecurity Australia to arrange the least restrictive trade route to allow trade to take place” or “It is the job o

f Biosecurity Australia to keep pests and disease out” I don’t see how it can do both . If it is the former all questions are directed to “how do we o Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

vercome quarantine restrictions that are currently imposed” and if it is the latter the questions revolve around "how do we continue with strong barri


ers to prevent the entry of pest and disease”.Does a policy statement come from the minister of trade that "we wish to allow trade in this produce" Ta

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)ct trade in this product as the risk of disease is too great!The first question I have is “Why in the formation of the RAP was Dr. Chin Gouk not chose

n”? As she is an internationally recognised expert on Fireblight and is currently working within Australia? Was it because it may cause alarm from wit Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

hin industry as she was formally from New Zealand an had worked on fireblight there for 10 yrs ? I feel this question should be posed to Biosecurity A


ustralia. Dr Gouk has presented a number of papers on the subject and they have been reproduced in "Acta Horticulture” so her credentials are second t

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)a period of 6 weeks would have no effect on the killing of the disease at all. It is common knowledge that the cultures that scientists use for trial

work in relationship to Fireblight is kept in refrigeration around 592 so It is hardly likely dial a lowering of the temperature to 092 would have suc Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

h a dramatic effect on its status. One would also have trouble believing that the temperature of 092 would have an effect on the bacteria as in the na


tural environment in some states of America the temperature often falls to -25%: and in Europe the temperature would travel lower again. I would like

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)for many months in cold storageTire severity of the northern winter temperature seems to have no effect in nature on the ability of Fireblight to surv

ive and cause outbreaks though it may in the lab under certain controlled conditions.The suitability of the information that gives US the storage meth Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

od of control does not delve into all the differences between natural occurrences of Erwinia Amylovora and the cultures used in trials. This has not b


een taken into account in especially for some of the published works used for this IRA.Critical Conunent: It is OK in some studies to use diluted inoc

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)ine and cold storage papers (or any mature apple experiment), mature apples were inoculated with a diluted bacterial suspension and then subjected to

treatment. It is not the same as when the inoculum liad the chance to multiply on fresh stigmas under warmer temperatures for several days, the bacter Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

ia would have been able to establish and be better protected with polysaccharide coating.Symptomless - mitigations- survival - cold treatment - exposu


reAs a result of the meeting attended with Biosecurity Australia in June 04 in relation to the “symptomless orchard”. A question on “If a grower goes

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)e the statement to be wrong: Iffirebllght is detected the season before or at any time during (he season, the block should be out of the program for t

his year and the year following so for a total of 2 years. This Is Important US It relates to the position on whether (he fruit is Infected or Infeste Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

d .If fruit is from a symptomless orchard it is just as likely to be infected as it is to be infested for the reasons set out here• Researchers have s


hown that "Infection and dissemination of inoculum logically takes place well before symptoms are expressed" (Thomson 1986, van der Zwet's book 1979,

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)5 days, depending on temperatures. If rain occurs before symptoms are removed, inoculum would have been spread AlsoErwinia Amylovora can move internal

ly to infect new shoot tips without showing symptoms."Where highly susceptible apple rootstocks (M.26, M.9) become infected, much of the scion trunk a Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

nd major limbs above the graft union very typically remain symptomless, while a distinct dark brown canker develops around the rootstock. As this root


stock canker girdles the tree, the upper portion shows symptoms of general decline (poor foliage colour, weak growth) by mid to late season. In some i

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)ociated with collar rot disease caused by a soilborne fungus. Some trees with rootstock infections may not show decline symptoms until the following s

pring, at which lime cankers can be seen extending upward into the lower trunk. Where highly susceptible apple rootstocks (M.26, M.9) become infected, Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

much of the scion trunk and major limbs above the graft union very typically remain symptomless, while a distinct dark brown canker develops around t


he rootstock. As this rootstock canker girdles the tree, the upper portion shows symptoms of general decline (poor foliage colour, weak growth) by mid

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3) not unlike that often associated with collar rot disease caused by a soilborne fungus. Some trees with rootstock infections may not show decline symp

toms until the following spring, at which time cankers can be seen extending upward into the lower trunk.”Professor p.w. Steiner. University of Maryla Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

nd, and A. R. Biggs. West Virginia University 1998Blossom blight symptoms most often appear within one to two w eeks after bloom and usually involve t


he entire blossom cluster, which wilts and dies, turning brown on apple and quite black on pear. When weather IS favourable for pathogen development,

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)tions of the supporting limb. The tips of young infected shoots wilt, forming a very typical "shepherd's crook" symptom. Older shoots that become infe

cted after they develop about 20 leaves may not show this curling symptom at the tip” Professor p.w. Steiner. University of Maryland“2.1 Overwintering Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

Sources of Inoculum. The pathogen overwinters in living bark tissues surrounding some cankers formed at the base of spurs or shoots killed the previo


us season. They can also form in the bark surrounding cuts made to remove infected shoots during the growing season. There are two types of cankers: d

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)y an effective, early season resistance mechanism in which a barrier of suberised, corky tissue isolates the pathogen from the surrounding healthy bar

k tissue. Determinate cankers seldom serve as sources of inoculum the following season. Indeterminate cankers lack this physical barrier zone so that Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

their margins usually appear smooth and continuous with the surrounding healthy bark surface. Here, damage caused by the bacteria in the intercellular


spaces withdrawing water from healthy cells appears to be halted only by the high caibohydrate reserves that develop in the bark during the mid- to l

Questions that need answering regarding Fireblight that should be taken in consideration of the current IRA 2004 from Biosecurity AustraliaPreambleThe

Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)ounds them.” Professor p.w. Steiner, University of Maryland"One reason for this is that even before shoot tips wilt, droplets of bacterial ooze are of

ten present on otherwise symptomless shoots and these are sources of inoculum for further dispersal.” Professor p.w. Steiner, University of Maiyland“A Procedures-and-Guidelines-for-Postgraduate-Research---March-2015_(3)

t the same time, there is mounting evidence that gusty winds may cause small injuries to tender shoot tips through which bacteria on their surfaces ma


y then enter and Initiate infections. From a timely control program, this presents two problems. First, streptomycin has proven to be ineffective in p

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