Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

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Nội dung chi tiết: Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

Portland state UniversityPDXScholarDissertations and ThesesDissertations and Theses1980Public transit and student choice : a survey with Portland Stat

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland Statete University studentsSheku Gibril KamaraPortland State UniversityFollow this and additional works at:

etdsÔ1 Part of the Geography Commons, Transportation Commons, and the Urban Studies and PlanningCommonsLet us know how access to this document benefit Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

s you.Recommended CitationKamara, Sheku Gibril, 'Public transit and student choice: a survey with Portland State University students’ (1980). Disserta

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

tions and Theses. Paper 2968.https://doi org/10.15760/etd.2962This Thesis IS brought to you for free and open access. It has been accepted for inclusi

Portland state UniversityPDXScholarDissertations and ThesesDissertations and Theses1980Public transit and student choice : a survey with Portland Stat

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland Stater@pdx edu.AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Sheku Gibril Kamara for Master of Science in Geography presented October 21, 1980.Title: Public Transit and stu

dent Choice: A study with Portland state University Students.APPROVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE THESIS COMMITTEE:augomasamesResearch in urban transportati Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

on has been of many facets. Some have emphasized modes and routes while others have attempted to isolate and look at small segments of the transportat

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

ion market with specific demands. Such segments include workers, recreation riders, and to a less extent, students. In the "journey-to-work" studies,

Portland state UniversityPDXScholarDissertations and ThesesDissertations and Theses1980Public transit and student choice : a survey with Portland Stat

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland Stateeries of hypotheses generated as a result of the findings of other studies reviewed in the literature.2In testing the hypotheses, variables that are l

ikely to influence student transportation cost and mode-choice in the Portland State situation were identified and included in a survey questionnaire Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

administered among Portland state University students. The identified variables include, among others, student income, course load, duration of occupa

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

ncy of dwelling unit, distance from school, time taken to cover that distance, and type of mode commonly used. In addition to the questionnaire survey

Portland state UniversityPDXScholarDissertations and ThesesDissertations and Theses1980Public transit and student choice : a survey with Portland Stat

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland Statee of multiple linear regression and discriminant analysis. The regression technique was used in the prediction of transportation cost. The statistical

ly significant variables were used in the discriminant analysis for mode-choice classification.In the prediction of transportation cost, four variable Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

s were most influential. These are respectively income, duration of occupancy of residential unit, distance, and course load. In the mode-choice class

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

ification, the most significant single variable was course load. It is concluded that student income and course load are the most important determinan

Portland state UniversityPDXScholarDissertations and ThesesDissertations and Theses1980Public transit and student choice : a survey with Portland Stat

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State the survey indicates that nearly half of the students use public transit, but with increasing routeinterconnections, this proportion is likely to inc

rease. Studentsfrom the north, northeast, and southeast sections of the city seem to be better served by public transit than those in the west. The we Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

stward extension of the proposed light rail transit or the establishment of a major bus-way to Beaverton is also likely to increase the amount of stud

Public transit and student choice - a survey with Portland State

ent bus riders from the western section of the metropolitan area.PUBLIC TRANSIT AND STUDENT CHOICE: A SURVEYWITH PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTSbyS

Portland state UniversityPDXScholarDissertations and ThesesDissertations and Theses1980Public transit and student choice : a survey with Portland Stat

Portland state UniversityPDXScholarDissertations and ThesesDissertations and Theses1980Public transit and student choice : a survey with Portland Stat

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