Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

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Nội dung chi tiết: Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationsome appropriate methods of analysis through which this concept might be applied in empirical studies. In doing so. I seek to synthesize a much ignore

d element of strategic culture literature - Bradley Klein's ‘second generation’ approach - with insights drawn from contemporary critical constructivi Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

st theory. The resulting conception of strategic culture presents a less deterministic account of culture than that found in much existing literature

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

regarding, and also provides far greater critical potential with regard to the analysis of the strategic practices of states and other actors. More ge

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation also how strategic behaviour serves to constitute the identity of those actors that engage in such behaviour.Article word length: 12,1001Refining Str

ategic Culture:Return of the Second Generation.IntroductionThe concept of strategic culture has risen to prominence repeatedly within the security stu Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

dies literature during the past three decades yet. despite the fact that a growing body of literature on the subject has been produced, debate remains

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

fierce as to what strategic culture is. what it does, and how it ought to be studied.1 Indeed, this is true despite the fact that a number of scholar

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationtuitive appeal for scholars of strategic studies, it remains at best a contested concept and at worst, an incomprehensible one.Thus far, debate regard

ing strategic culture has occurred between the first and last of the three generations of strategic culture scholars identified by Alastair Iain Johns Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

ton.-The first generation of scholars, the most prominent of whom remains Colin Gray, initially used the concept of strategic culture as a means of im

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

proving our understanding of why different national communities approached strategic affairs in different ways.4 The third generation and, notably, Jo

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationstrategic culture.5 Each of these approaches to the study of strategic culture has its adherents, yet neither is satisfactory. The latter suffers from

the absence of any recognition of the role of agency in terms of the2constitution of strategic culture, while the former remains both under-theorized Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

and overly deterministic in terms of its explanation of the operation of strategic culture. Collectively, as Gray has recently lamented, existing eff

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

orts to theorize strategic culture remain of limited utility to those interested in the relationship between culture and strategy.6What has been negle

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationculture scholars. This neglect may have resulted from the diversity evident even within the somewhat limited selection of scholars and texts that are

included by Johnston and others in this category.7 This diverse category of work includes a critical account of American ‘national character’,8 an ana Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

lysis of anus fetishism within global politics9 and, perhaps most importantly, Bradley Klein’s limited but impressive account of strategic culture.10

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

As I shall argue here, this second generation literature on strategic culture - in particular that of Bradley Klein - offers much that may aid US in a

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation of both his other contributions to Strategic Studies literature11 and the works of other authors who have adopted similar approaches to the analysis

of strategic affairs.12This article seeks to revive and expand upon the approach to strategic culture scholarship initiated by Klein, and to highlight Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

some appropriate methods of analysis through which the concept of strategic culture might be applied in empirical studies. In order to undertake this

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

expansion, I seek to synthesize strategic culture theory and elements of critical constructivist theory that are largely consistent with Klein’s3appr

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationn strategic behaviour as meaningful but also how strategic behaviour serves to constitute the identity of security communities.13 Strategic behaviour

is conceived of here as a practice that represents both the site at which strategic culture operates and the site at which strategic culture is produc Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

ed. The implications of this understanding of the relationship between culture and behaviour are significant. In general, we are led away from the sea

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

rch for the origins and perennial characteristics of a particular community’s strategic culture and towards the analysis of how communities and the re

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation seemingly natural existence of security communities (especially states) and asking how an attribute of a particular community (its strategic culture)

influences its behaviour, I argue in favor of an examination of the strategic practices that serve to constitute communities and the relationships be Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

tween them. Such an approach offers both practical benefits in terms of a greater appreciation of the politics of strategy and far greater critical po

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

tential than existing approaches. In short, it offers US the opportunity to look afresh at strategic practices that are too often taken for granted.14

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationdecades. In particular, I focus on the writings of two of the most important contributors to this debate, Iain Johnston and Colin Gray.15 These two sc

holars have staked out opposing positions with regard to the concept of strategic culture that largely shape the current field of debate.16 In the sec Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

ond section, the writings of these two scholars are critically4https://khothuvien.cori!assessed in order (0 highlight the weaknesses in existing accou

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

nts of strategic culture. These weaknesses relate to existing understandings of the constitution, operation and analysis of strategic culture. Thirdly

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation combine the insights of Klein with critical constructivist international theory.17 As 1 seek to demonstrate, an array of critical constructivists hav

e made significant progress in theorizing the nature and operation of social structures and their work is, in many ways, consistent with that of Klein Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

.1® Contemporary constructivist literature therefore has much to offer the analyst of strategic culture. Finally, I make some tentative suggestions re

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

garding the means by which empirical studies of strategic culture might be carried out. As such, the final section of this article posits some directi

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationclear strategy written by Jack Snyder for the RAND Corporation.19 Though Snyder ultimately concluded that culture should be an explanation of last res

ort10, during the past three decades a significant body of literature has emerged relating to (he concept. Early examples of this literature, produced Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

predominantly during the 1980s, focused on illustrating and explaining variation between Soviet and American ‘styles’ of strategy?1 During the 1990s,

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

an additional wave of strategic culture literature appeared that sought to challenge Realist accounts of the strategic behaviour of5https://khothuvie

Refining Strategic Culture:Return of the Second GenerationAbstract. This article seeks to refine the concept of ‘strategic culture’ and to highlight s

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generationolicy.23In general, this body of literature advances two common arguments. Firstly, much of (he strategic culture literature suggests that, due to cul

tural differences across security communities, different communities will make different strategic choices when faced with the same security environme Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

nt. Secondly, existing strategic culture theory also suggests that particular communities are likely to exhibit consistent and persistent strategic pr

Refining Strategic Culture Return of the Second Generation

eferences over time. Thus, strategic culture theory is used to highlight and distinguish the persistent trends in the strategic behaviour of particula

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