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Nội dung chi tiết: Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review


https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewnowlton’IntroductionPleadings are the gateway to the American civil justice system When properly drafted, they frame the issues to be resolved and ope

n the dooi to the procedures that make complete and effective dispute resolution possible. To fillfill their potential, however, pleadings must provid Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

e litigants with two types of access: the ability to get into court in the first place, and the ability to participate meaningfully in the process unt


il a complete judicial resolution is reached * 1 Getting in the courthouse door is a necessary step, but it is not sufficient: parties must be able to

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewers of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure were seeking to balance these tw'0 forms of access in 1938. Reacting to longstanding concerns that meritor

ious claims were being dismissed on procedural technicalities, they fashioned a system 111 which initial access to the courthouse would be Virtually g Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

uaranteed. Pleadings, which for centuries had been the primary means of narrowing disputed issues, were stripped of that function entirely. In then pl


ace, parties needed only to provide a “short and plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is enti-t Executive Director, Institute for the

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewocess and culture of the civil justice system. Additional information on the Institute’s work can be found at legalinstitute.Ị Director o

f Research, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System, University of Denver. The authors would like to tliank Michael Buchanan. Pam G Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

agel. and Corina Gctcty for their thoughtful comments on earlier drafts of this article* Research Analyst. Institute for the Advancement of the Americ


an Legal System. University of Denver.1.On the general point about multiple dimensions of access, we Dennis A. Kaufman, Fne Tipping Point on rhe Seale

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewedure. S.-C Xat’l Comma Staff Paper. Tire Early Narrowing andReiolunon of ỈSĨUÍS. 4S ANTITRUST LJ. 1M1. 1042 (1979) ("Clearly defined issues direct th

e efforts of counsel and guide the court in ruling on ancillary questions such as the scope of discovery. By clan tying the areas of agreement and dis Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

agreement die parties may be better able to assess their positions and this may in turn promote rapid settlemem or adjudication. Poorly defined issues


create problems of delay and unnecessarily diffused efforts."); see also Michael Moffitt. Pleading! in the Age of Seỉtlemenĩ, 80 Ind. L.J. 727, 757 (

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewe number of potential grievances and legal theories conceivably stemming from parties’ interactions.'*); Sidney Post Simpson. A Posntde Solution ỌI' t

he Pleading Problem, 53 HARV. L R£V. 169, 172 (1939) (noting that early issue-narrowing allows both the parties and tire judge to charnel theữ time an Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

d energy away from identifying the dispute and toward resolving it).245216DENVER UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW[Vol. 87:2lied to relief.”' To compensate for th


e loss of issue narrowing at the outset of a case, the framers championed discovery, judicial management, and stimmaiy judgment as credible tools to h

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review, however, removing the issue-narrowing function from pleadmgs has proven to be a serious mistake, hailing to focus issues from the outset of litigati

on has encouraged parties to seek out discovery that is both voluminous and only tangentially relevant to their dispute. In many cases particularly co Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

mplex cases discovery and motion practice have become so expensive and burdensome that parties cannot afford adequate trial preparation and instead ar


e forced to settle cases regardless of the merits.3 4 Complaints about the costs of discovery and motion practice both in time and money have grown lo

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review) developed the potential to exceed the enure amount in controversy in a case.5 *The relationship between the two forms of access is currently far out

of balance, and both plaintiffs and defendants are poorer for It. We need a civil justice system that encourages the filing of meritorious claims and Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

one that allows those claims to be honed and resolved efficiently We need, in other words, a process that begins to narrow and focus issues as soon a


s a legitimate claim is filed. The most effective way to accomplish this goal is by reinvesting the pleadmg stage with the responsibility of narrowing

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewove to fact-based pleading need not upset the general structure and values of the existing pretrial process. It would simply provide more information

up front than is usually available under (he current pleading regime, allowing the parties and the court to better focus discovery7 and motion practic Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

e on the issues that are truly in dis-3.FED. R. Crv. p. S(<1X-)-I. ki J reveal surtey of die Aruvriean College of Inal Lawyers. seteuly-onc percent of


respondents mdiealed tbeir belief that eouwsel use diseot ety as a tool to force settlement. Sec AM. Coll. 01 IU1AL L.W'.LXS TASK hoxc_ OS rtJSCU\_Rl

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review A-4(21XIR).littp: lezaliustitule pubs lntoim%30Repurt%20>aial%20foc%20webl.pdf [herciiafter AC IL LAALS. LsriUUM RLA.V..J. Iberc is mer

it to these eeueems. Judjpe Seherndlin. for example, noted a ease in tthieb a part) admitted m an e-mail to deliberately exleudimr litigation in the h Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

ope of Achieving A high setrlemenr. Av Shira A. Scheindlin .Ỹ Jertrey Rnbkin. PJenrome nư&nvry »1 Federal Ctrl! tmganan LT Rule .14 r.)> M the TiitftL


41 n.c. I.. Rev. 327. 3.30 n.42 (2000) (cirinn Karen Donovan. lỴ-iKđTÉt ỈMịmxíMktoịọPm Carmec.r.rut Ffrtwy.XAT’T L.T.. Aug. 2. 1900.« Al).5.Robert £.

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review. L. REV. 569. 569(2000).2010]REINVIGORA TING PLEADINGS247pule. Under our proposed fact-based pleading system, motions to dismiss for failure to state

a claim would be granted only if a party does not plead any objectively reasonable fact to support an element of a claim. Motions for a more definite Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

statement would be the favored approach to handling claims where facts were omitted 01 unclear, and amendment of claims would still be allowed. Disco


very would still be available to flesh out evidence on disputed issues, albeit 111 a more focused maimer. The pleading of material facts, in other wor

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewomically more feasible.To flesh out our proposal, we begin in Part I by examining two pervasive myths about the relationship between pleading and cour

t access. The fust myth holds that issue-narrowing need not take place at the pleading stage, because other procedural tools—in particular, discovery, Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

judicial management, and summary judgment—can focus the issues in dispute as efficiently and effectively as pleadings can In fact the opposite is tru


e, at least in a significant number of civil cases. We describe the problems associated with assigning the issue-narrowing task to discovery and summa

https://khothu vien .comREINVIGORATINGPLEADINGSKHOTHUVT:RULE ONEINITIATIVEReinvigorating PleadingsRebecca Lù\e kourlis/ Jordan M. singer* & Natalie Kn

Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Reviewe We then address the second myth, that fact-based pleading is simply a mechanism for keeping cases out of court As we explain, the requirement to ple

ad material facts can actually increase meritorious filings by making the overall litigation process more focused and more affordable.In Part II we ex Reinvigorating_Pleadings_DU_Law_Review

amine a number of state court systems (and two foreign common law jurisdictions) that require fact-based pleading, and find that such pleading is embr


aced both as the most efficient and effective means for the parties to narrow their dispute, and as a mechanism that IS entirely consistent with assur

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