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Nội dung chi tiết: Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018


Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018s. Professor Robert BlackbumTuesday 23rd October 2018Executive SummaryDuring and after the Global Financial Crisis ten years ago. there was intense pr

essure on UK financial institutions to reduce their risk exposure. A significant number of small and medium sized business customers, especially those Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

which had borrowed substantially, often in regard to commercial property, were treated in a cavalier manner. Loans were called in. many businesses su


ffered financial distress and some collapsed.Although their treatment by particular financial institutions may have been harsh, there is scant evidenc

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018ly did not have the power to sanction the individuals involved.In the wake of the financial crisis, regulatory standards have been substantially tight

ened - as have lending and capital requirements. The loans would never have been made in today's business environment, and the banks' approach could c Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

ertainly be held to account. SME customer complaints now are relatively mundane and generally settled quickly and responsibly.1in any dispute between


a financial institution and SME, there is a massive power imbalance. Only the richest businesses can contemplate taking a bank to court. A low-cost, r

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018loying fifty or fewer people with a turnover of a few million pounds a year.The Financial Ombudsman Service today is heavily geared to complaints from

individual consumers. A separate division with a clear business identity' and appropriate skills should be set up under the statutory' umbrella of th Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

e existing FOS. At the core of the new body will be real time data monitoring and feedback to the Financial Conduct Authority and appropriate governme


nt departments, which will enable potential problem areas to be identified at an early stage. An expert Financial Services advisory group should be br

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018ltation on SME access to the FOS in October 2018 should be implemented. Ill addition, the banks should agree to establish a mechanism on a voluntary’

basis to make a resolution capability available to businesses with turnover up to £10m. This mechanism should include some legacy disputes which have Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

not been dealt with by any court or arbitration bodyFinally, senior representatives of the major banks should support a formal process that seeks to a


chieve reconciliation and closure where they meet a representative sample of affected small and medium sized enterprises and listen to and acknowledge

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018r future relationship.IntroductionIn the wake of revelations about the treatment of small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs)' by a number of finance p

roviders responding to the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-8. there have been several investigations1 2 which have detailed the severe impact on the l Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

ives and businesses of those who were a fleeted.This report does not intend to cover that ground or discuss individual cases. Instead it will analyse


the potential of non-court methods for the fair and effective settlement of future disputes between banks and their SME customers, as well as suggesti

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018ovide rapid feedback to regulators and government departments.It is important to divide the past from the future. The nature, practice and regulatory

regime governing UK finance providers has changed over the past decade. Of course, we must learn from the past, but designing a system focused1There a Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

re a number of thresholds in law and regulation below which businesses are considered to merit special attention or protection. EU thresholds range fr


om those of the microenterprise definition (employing fewer than 10 people and with a turnover below 2 million euros) to those of the SME (up to 250 e

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018on of a business with up to 50 employees and turnover of up to £6.5 m per annum, which matches the threshold past which businesses may opt out of ring

-fencing, as described in the ringfenced activities order, or below which borrowers benefit from the protections set out in the Lending Standards Boar Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

d's 'Standard of Business Lending Practice'. This is also the 'small business' threshold described in the FCA's consultation on the scope of the Finan


cial Ombudsman Service.2Including reports by Dr Lawrence Tomlinson, Clifford Chance, Sir Andrew Large and the Promontory Financial Group (UK) Ltd (wit

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018 approach would also be to reject all regulatory reform since the crisis as insufficient to prevent that era's problems from recurring.Ulis ReportIn A

pril 2018 1 was invited by UK finance to undertake an independent assessment of alternatives to litigation in disputes between banks and small and med Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

ium sized businesses (SMEs). To assist in this exercise, I was helped by two distinguished academics. Professor Christopher Hodges. Professor of Justi


ce Systems at the University of Oxford, and Professor Robert Blackburn. Director of the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University.Professo

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018with a particular emphasis on the need for the outputs to affect banking culture and future behavior. He also draws on concepts of restorative and tra

nsitional justice to discuss ways of providing emotional closure for those who have been victims of past abuse. This is published as part two of this Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

review.Professor Blackburn and his team have processed data ửom the major UK banks regarding complaints from S.ME customers and have also conducted qu


alitative interviews with SMEs who have current issues with theừ banks as well as with past claimants. In addition, they have incorporated data from a

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018ree of this review4Objectives <& Terms of ReferenceThe terms of reference given to me by UK Finance were extremely wide-ranging and encouraged me to s

eek input from SMEs, relevant trade associations, legal, regulatory and governmental organisations and those who saw themselves as victims of bad bank Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

ing practice. I was offered assistance in making contact with individual banks but was given no steer on the outcome of my independent report.In my pr


evious roles as Director General of the Institute of Directors (loD) from 2011 to 2017, and Chief Executive of the British Private Equity and Venture

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018I believed damaged public faith in this country’s financial system.I do however recognise the need for any market economy to have an efficient and pro

perly regulated banking system in order for business and commerce to function. Notwithstanding the wrongs of the past, I regard my main challenge as r Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018

ecommending an appropriate and proportionate methodology for resolving future disputes between banks and their small and medium-sized customers which


will also act as a brake on future wrongdoing.This report then serves three purposes:(i)To recommend ways in which banks and small and medium sized bu

Review into the complaints and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) landscape for the UK’s SME marketBy Simon Walker CBE. Professor Christopher Hodges

Review-into-the-complaints-and-alternative-dispute-resolution-ADR-landscape-for-the-UK’s-SME-market-301018ing the expense of hiring lawyers and court action.5

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