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Nội dung chi tiết: Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Eng


Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Engok, Ruth stringer, William Townend, Susan Wilburn and Raki ZghondiWorld Health OrganizationSafe management of wastes from health-care activities2nd ed

itionWorld HealthV OrganizationWHO Library Cataloguing- in Publication DataSafe management of wastes from health care activities / edited by Y. Charti Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Eng

er et al. 2nd ed.I.Medical waste. 2.Waste management. 3.Medical waste disposal methods. 4.Safety management. 5.Handbook. l.Chartier, Yves.II.Emmanuel,


forgo. llLPieper, Ute. IV.Prỉiss. Annette. V.Rushbrook, Philip. Vl.Stringer, Ruth. Vll.Towncnd, William. VIII.Wilburn. Susan. DLZghondi. Raki. X.Worl

Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Engld Health Organization (WHO) are availaisle on the WHO well site (www.who.inl) or can be purchased from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenu

e Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel: >41 22 791 3264; fax 141 22 7914857} e-mail: lew permission to rejsniduce or Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Eng

translate WHO publications whether for sale or for non commercial distribution Jioiild be addressed to WHO Press through the WHO web site (


l/aboul/liccnsing/copyrighl_form/enyindex.hlml).n»e designations employed and the presentation of the material in this {Xiblicalion do not imply the e

Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Engs, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet

be full agreement.The mention <>r specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they arc endorsed or recommended by WHO Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Eng

in preference Io others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary pniducls are distinguishe


d by initial capital letters.All reasonable precautions have been taken by WHO to verity the information contained in this publication. However, the p

Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Englf the material lies with the reiuler. In no event shall the WHO be liable for damages arising from its use.five named editors alone are responsible f

or the views expressed in this publication.Declarations of InterestThe members of the health care waste management working group compteted the WHO sta Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Eng

ndard form for declaration of interests prior to the meeting. At the start of the meeting, all participants were asked to confirm their interests, and


to provide any additional information relevant to the subject matter of the meeting. It was from this working group that chapter authors and lead edi

Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Enged consultation contracts for work relevant to the subject matter of the meeting.Bill Townend: Consultant for two industry nongovernment organizations

, one of which - the International Solid Waste Association - is a nongovernmental organization in official relations with WHO, and provided technical Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Eng

and financial support for the publication.Ute Pieper: Consultant in health-care waste management in projects financed by international agencies, devel


opment banks and bilateral government agreements.Ttsese interests were not considered to give rise to a conflict witfl the aims of the meeting and t I

Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Engially confuting interests in the subject matter of Use meeting, based on their completed declarations: Jorge I mmanuel, Philip Rushbrook and Multi str

inger.Cover images (from lop to bottom): tacartrxins I Dreams!; Jorge Emmanuel; J. Emmanuel; Sudokl I; J. Emmanuel;Global Metha Safe-management-of-wastes-from-health-care-activities-Eng

ne Initiative (GMI) program; J. Emmanueltechnical editing and design by Biotext, AustraliaPrinted in MaltaContentsForeword to the first edition.......



Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

Safe management of wastes from health-care activitiesSecond editionEdited by Yves Chartier, Jorge Emmanuel, Ute Pieper, Annette Pruss, Philip Rushbroo

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