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Nội dung chi tiết: SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018


D A s HDIGITAL ACCESStoSCHOLARSHIPatHARVARDDASH.HARVARD.EDUHARVARD LIBRARYOffice for Scholarly CommunicationMeasuring the Impacts of School Principals

SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018sThe Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story mattersCitationScanlon. Cole Came

ron. 2018. Measuring the Impacts of School Principals. Bachelor’s thesis. Harvard College.Citable linkhttp://nrs. harvard. edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:390 SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018

11697Terms of UseThis article was downloaded from Harvard University's DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicabl


e to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs. harvard. edu/urn-3:HUL. Inst Repos:dash. current, ter ms-of-use#LAA;This article was download

D A s HDIGITAL ACCESStoSCHOLARSHIPatHARVARDDASH.HARVARD.EDUHARVARD LIBRARYOffice for Scholarly CommunicationMeasuring the Impacts of School Principals

SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018t http:// nrs.harvard. edu/urn-3:HUL. Inst Repos:dash. current, terms-of-use#LAATable of Contents1Introduction32Data62.1Administrative Data...........

................................... 72.2Climate Survey Data.............................................. 92.3Demographic Data........................ SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018

........................ 112.4Principal Data.................................................. 112.5Summary Statistics................................


.............. 123Conceptual Framework and Methods143.1Statistical Model............................................... 143.2Estimating Principal Valu

D A s HDIGITAL ACCESStoSCHOLARSHIPatHARVARDDASH.HARVARD.EDUHARVARD LIBRARYOffice for Scholarly CommunicationMeasuring the Impacts of School Principals

SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018............................. 174Results184.1Relationship BetweenPrincipalValue-Added and School Outcomes .184.2Event Study I: Assignment of a High Va

lue-Added Principal....204.3Event Study 2: Exit of a HighValue-Added Principal............. 214.4Association Between Value-Added Measures............. SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018

........... 225Conclusion236Tables and Figures307Appendix5621 IntroductionPrincipals have broad responsibilities in leading and ensuring the operation


of their schools. The role of principals in a school system is also complex, in a context with multiple stakeholders and dynamic legislative requirem

D A s HDIGITAL ACCESStoSCHOLARSHIPatHARVARDDASH.HARVARD.EDUHARVARD LIBRARYOffice for Scholarly CommunicationMeasuring the Impacts of School Principals

SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018en their school and district authorities. Principals manage efforts to hire, train, supervise, evaluate teachers. And. as the managers of their school

s, they are also in charge of coordinating school maintenance, student safety, and effective lines of communication with staff, parents, and students. SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018

There has been a growing emphasis on accountability in the K-12 school system. Evaluating teacher quality and performance has been a topic of particul


ar emphasis, in large part due to a body of research demonstrating that teacher quality is the most important school-based factor influencing student

D A s HDIGITAL ACCESStoSCHOLARSHIPatHARVARDDASH.HARVARD.EDUHARVARD LIBRARYOffice for Scholarly CommunicationMeasuring the Impacts of School Principals

SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018, 2014b). In applying this framework to principal quality, research has found that principals impact student achievement, teacher satisfaction, and te

acher retention (Johnson and Birkeland. 2003; Useem. 2003; Boyd et al, 2010; Betoil Io et al., 2012: Grissom et al., 2011; Dhuey et al.. 2018). And, b SCANLON-SENIORTHESIS-2018

roadly, it is accepted that school leadership is a key component of improving school outcomes (Baker and Cooper. 2005; Branch el al., 2008).

D A s HDIGITAL ACCESStoSCHOLARSHIPatHARVARDDASH.HARVARD.EDUHARVARD LIBRARYOffice for Scholarly CommunicationMeasuring the Impacts of School Principals

D A s HDIGITAL ACCESStoSCHOLARSHIPatHARVARDDASH.HARVARD.EDUHARVARD LIBRARYOffice for Scholarly CommunicationMeasuring the Impacts of School Principals

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