School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

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Nội dung chi tiết: School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW WE CANPREVENTITBy-Alison WittigA Thesis Presented ToThe Faculty of Humboldt State Univer

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how wersityIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the DegreeMaster of Arts in EducationCommittee MembershipDr. David Ellerd. Committee ChairDr. Eric

Van Duzer, Committee MemberDr. Eric Van Duzer. Program Graduate Coordinator43070ABSTRACTSCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

WE CAN PREVENT ITAlison WittigThe "School-to-Prison Pipeline" is an ongoing challenge and trend in the public school system in America due to inequit

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

y in the educational system, discriminatory policies towards students and families of color, and a lack of resources aimed at supporting at-risk youth

SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW WE CANPREVENTITBy-Alison WittigA Thesis Presented ToThe Faculty of Humboldt State Univer

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how weom punitive, “zero tolerance" models and towards positive behavioral interventions, but there continues to be a disproportionate number of students en

ding up in the school-to-prison-pipeline from economically disadvantaged conununities and homes. Lawmakers continue to create policies in an eftbrt to School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

make schools safer and more efficient, but do not consider the detriment and alienation this impact has on the students or families within the commun

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

ity, and potential harmful affects these policies could have on children’s futures. A qualitative survey was conducted at a public, continuation high

SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW WE CANPREVENTITBy-Alison WittigA Thesis Presented ToThe Faculty of Humboldt State Univer

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how wes still a challenge our educational system is facing, and whether or not there are adequate supports or measures in place to support students and keep

them in school. Results from this survey suggestiithat there continues to lie an increasing number of students pushed into the school-to-prison-pipcl School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

inc and a system that is unable to support students in the comprehensive high school setting, which leaves them with limited skill sets and restricted

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

options when it comes Io then futures. Based on the findings, the recommendation is dial districts incorporate work experience programs to incentiviz

SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW WE CANPREVENTITBy-Alison WittigA Thesis Presented ToThe Faculty of Humboldt State Univer

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how wey. Tn addition, districts should explore community-based programs to help support and educate families in addressing concerns such as trauma, communit

y violence, and unstable home environments that continue to prove a detriment to student’s ability to perform in school, and consequentially plague st School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

udents overall well being.iiihttps://khothuvien.cori!DEDICATIONTo my family, friends, students and school conununities that have inspired and supporte

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

d me along the way."I believe that education is the single most important civil rights issue that we face today-. Because in the end, if we really wan

SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW WE CANPREVENTITBy-Alison WittigA Thesis Presented ToThe Faculty of Humboldt State Univer

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how weastyear. then we simply cannot afford to lose out on the potential of even one young person. fte cannot allow even one more young person to fall throu

gh the cracks ”.- Michelle ObamaivACKNOWLEDGEMENTSMy deepest appreciations to the staff at Ida B Wells for participating in my research study, to ever School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

yone who has helped me bring exposure to a disturbing trend in our educational system, and to all of the students and families this concerning trend h

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

as impacted along the way. A special thank you to Dr. David Ellerd and Dr. Eric Van Duzer who have taken the time to support me during my many edits,

SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW WE CANPREVENTITBy-Alison WittigA Thesis Presented ToThe Faculty of Humboldt State Univer

School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we believing in me every step of the way.VTABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACT.................................................iiDEDICATION........................

.......................ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..........................................VCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...................................1 School-to-prison-pipeline- the factors that cause it and how we

SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE: THE FACTORS THAT CAUSE IT. AND HOW WE CANPREVENTITBy-Alison WittigA Thesis Presented ToThe Faculty of Humboldt State Univer

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