Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

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Nội dung chi tiết: Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems (ISIG)London School of Economics and Political ScienceHoughton StreetLondon WC2A 2AEUnited DE VAUJANYEquipe

de recherche Management & OrganisationDRMÍUMRCNRS 7088)Université Paris-DauphinePlace du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny75016 ParisFrancedevauianygdau Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

phine.frSHORT TITLE:Historiography of Information SystemsABSTRACT:Historical perspectives are only timidly entering the world of IS research compared

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

to historical research in management or organization studies. If major IS outlets have already published history-oriented papers, the number of histor

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systemsdexed on ABI and papers indexed in Google Scholar151 for the same period. We used a typology developed by theorists Usdiken and Kieser (2004) who clas

sify historical organisation research into supplementarist, integrationist and reorientationist approaches. We outline their links with the epistemolo Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

gical stances well known in IS research, positivism, interpretivism and critical research: we then focus on their differences and historiographical ch

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

aracteristics. We found that most IS History papers are supplementarist descriptive case studies with limited uses of History'. This paper then sugges

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systemsow that would contribute to enriching, extending and challenging existing theories.KEYWORDS: IS history'; historiography; historical methods; historic

al organization theory.IMROLKCllOXSine? lhe Idle 90s, d slredm of research in IS has been promoting historical perspec lives on organizational informa Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

tion systems (Mason er al, 1995. 1997a, 1997b; Bannister. 2002; Porra, et ill. 2005; l and, 2010). The adoption of historical sensitivity is likely to

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

be helpful in a field that is often driven by the 'awesome potential' of advanced ICTs. We often lose sight of issues as we are blinded by the glare

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systemsorical context, and being victims of IT fads and fashions (Westntp, 2005) which often damage the potential competitive advantage of firms. A lack of h

istorical consciousness means that concepts and themes are often repackaged several years on. with little thought given to their historical context an Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

d origin (Bannister, 2002).In contrast, an historical approach to organizations and their technological capabilities is an opportunity to develop refl

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

exivity and criticism. It is a way to combat the universalislic and 'presentist' tendencies of general so-called management theory, or ‘Heathrow Organ

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems humanities and social sciences, to view technology as neutral, technical progress as natural, and toview History1 as hagiography (success stories, e.

g. Peters and Waterman, success of IBM) rather than historiography.From a managerial perspective, historical approaches can also help explore differen Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

tly organisational assets through historical narratives about and by organisations (Bninninge, 2009) - for instance new elements for brand image, orig

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

inal corporate identities, memory, communication (Delahaye el al, 2009), culture (Barney, 1986) or forgotten products or processes (e.g. quality manag

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems(Fostereral, 2009).Searching both for theoretical and methodological benefits, management and organization studies have experienced a move towards His

tory (see Goodman and Kruger, 1988: Kieser, 1989, 1994). According to Clark and Rowlinson (2004). the historic ‘turn’ represents a transformation of o Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

rganization studies in three senses, and this could apply equally well to IS research:-Turn against the view that organization studies should constitu

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

te a branch of the science of society:-Turn towards history, conceptualizing the past as process and context rather than as a variable;-Turn to histor

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systemstorical perspectives has been criticized, in the fields of organization theory (Clarke and Rowlinson, 2004; Usdiken and Kieser, 2004: Kieser, 1994), m

anagement (Goodman and Kruger, 1988; O’Brien et al, 2004) and information systems (Bannister, 2002; Land, 2010) for its lack of achievement.Clarke and Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

Rowlinson (2004) provide a critical analysis of historical efforts in organisation studies. They argue that there have been minor rather than major a

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

pplications of historical methods; for instance the discourse of contingency and strategic choice still seeks to identify universal characteristics, e

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systemsnistic and universalist explanations. Some approaches like new' institutionalism and organisational ecology have become more historical - with longitu

dinal studies of organisational fields and populations or use of large-scale historical databases. But their time frame is usually only a chronologica Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

l time-line and presumes a linear account of history. Overall, organisation studies have only carried out limited historical research (Ibid). The same

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systems

question can be raised about IS research. According to Land (2010), one can wonder if History is not (still) a “missed opportunity”. We argue here th

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

Seizing the Opportunity Towards a Historiography of Information Systemsl opportunity.

Seizing (he Opportunity:Towards a Historiography of Information SystemsNathalie MITEVDepartment of ManagementInformation Systems and Innovation Group

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