Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

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Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)n Diseases.Author(s): Joanna M. Wardlaw3. Helene Benveniste0, Maiken Nedergaard*3. Berislav V. Zlokovic*', Humberto Mestre'1, Hedok Lee!:, Fergus N. D

oubaP, Rosalind Brownd, Joel Ramirez’3h, Bradley J. Macintosh11’, Allen Tannenbaum*, Lucia BallerinP. Ravi L. Rungta1, Davide Boido1, Melanie Sweeney* Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

', Axel Montagne*', Serge Charpak, Anne Joutel1. Kenneth J. Smith'-1, Sandra E Black^’1, and colleagues from the Fondation Leducq Transatlantic Networ

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

k of Excellence on the Role of the Perivascular Space in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease.Institutions:A.Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. University o

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1) Neuroscience. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen 2200, Denmark.D.Division of Glia Disease and Therapeutics.

Center for Translational Neuromedicine. University of Rochester Medical School, Rochester, USA.E.Department of Physiology and Neuroscience. Keck Scho Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

ol of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles. USA.F.Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern C

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

alifornia, Los Angeles. USAG.LC Campbell Cognitive Neurology Research Unit, Sunnybrook Research Institute. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. CanadaH

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)ian Partnership for Stroke Recovery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.J.Department of Medical Biophysics,

Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. Canada.1K.Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Stony Brook University. Stony Br Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

ook, NY 11790, USA: Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, stony Brook, NY 11790, USA.L.INSERM U1128, Laboratory of Neurophysiology a

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

nd New Microscopies, Universite Paris Descartes. Paris, France.M.Department of Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.’full list of

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)hone Number; +44 (0)131 465 9566Word count: abstract 215; text manuscript, 8263; refs, 136: figures 6; Boxes 2; Appendix.AbstractPerivascular spaces (

PVS) represent a range of passageways around arterioles, capillaries and venules in the brain along which a range of substances can move. Roles for PV Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

S in interstitial fluid drainage and immunological protection have been known for decades. However, PVS have come to prominence recently through poten

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

tial roles in brain interstitial fluid and waste clearance particularly during sleep, and in the pathogenesis of small vessel disease, Alzheimer's dis

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)e awake or asleep, of human PVS morphology related to cognition, vascular risk factors, vascular and neurodegenerative brain lesions, sleep patterns a

nd with detailed cerebral haemodynamics. Although research on the PVS is longstanding, many questions remain. What is clear is that normal PVS functio Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

n is important for maintaining brain health. Notions that PVS are curiosities' on neuroimaging, or artefacts on pathology, may have delayed scientific

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

progress. Several tools are now available to advance understanding and clinical awareness of PVS in the context of vascular, inflammatory and neurode

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)diologists. Here, we review PVS anatomy, physiology and pathology, translating from models to humans, highlighting knowns, unknowns, controversies, an

d clinical relevance.3IntroductionThe small spaces that surround small blood vessels as they pass through the brain are variously known as perivascula Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

r or paravascular spaces (PVS), including periarteriolar, pericapillary and perivenular spaces. Although these spaces were described on pathology of t

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

he human brain over a century ago, they have come to prominence in the last decade with advances in sensitivity of in vivo visualisation tools, such a

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)es to understand the physiology, importance and complex nature of the brain s fluid and waste clearance systems. Such fundamental aspects of the dynam

ic brain’ underscore how PVS may influence the pathogenesis of common cerebrovascular, neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders.Why now?Conve Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

rging information from human studies and rodent models suggests a role for normal PVS function in maintaining brain health, and of PVS dysfunction in

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

common neurological disorders (Box 1). Human MRI studies show that PVS visibility and size on MRI increase with ageing,'" in association with some vas

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)and sleep disorders.1' Rodent models demonstrate that fluid flow through the PVS and exchange with interstitial fluid (ISF) increases during sleep whe

n compared to wakefulness.1’ providing one explanation for the physiological importance of sleep to brain health. They also show that fluid transport Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

within arteriolar PVS is impaired when blood pressure (BP) is elevated.131,1 and in AD models with aggregation of amyloid-Pi 12 protein. In rodent mod

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

els and patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). there is aggregation of amyloid-Pi-o in the PVS around arterioles indicating failure of clear

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)ities (WMH).1®Many longstanding controversiesOn the other hand, there has been controversy about many aspects of PVS since their earliest descriptions

in the mid-1800s (summarised in20), and they remain controversial (Box 2).21-22 There is current debate about their associations with vascular risk f Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

actors, neurological diseases, or with features of SVD particularly white matter hyperintensities. (WMH).15 or whether PVS are an epiphenomenon. They

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

have been considered as histopathological fixation artefact, or due to brain tissue4loss during aging, and thus overlooked. There is debate about thei

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)ns with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments,25 role of aquaporin 4 (AQP4),21 relationships to meningeal lymphatic drainage channels,26'28 and role

during sleep.1229 These unresolved issues may reflect differences in the populations studied, different regions of the brain, accounting for related v Serine_Poghosyan_Thesis_An Examination of Content Validity of Englsih Entrance Exam (1)

ariables (e.g. age. risk factors), different models, or methodologies.

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

Nature Reviews Neurology Review NRNEUROL-18-214V2Title: Perivascular Spaces in the Brain: Anatomy, Physiology, and Contributions to Pathology of Brain

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