SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

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Nội dung chi tiết: SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement/iiruiii. ftviirf Counsel to the SL'I’t V CHonrl CoanMl‘1. interest on Ute ÍOIH Serie* AKC Hands in t-zeiwpf.fivm p,-i»?Aii/ ineome lares (mpoMtf bợ t

ile state of Calựomia. Interest on the auiữ Series AHC Hands i» inrtudaUr In the grass iruome of Ute ou-iu-m of Ae no t9 Series r\BC H'inrbi f.irfrden SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

rl inmme tar piiipow-K b-md (ounwf espn-Ksex no opinion regarding ang other tar mnxrtỊurnm related In rAw osrwoihip or disposition of. or the Iiccnnrl

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

or nvejpl lit Interest on. Me 2VJJ9 Series AHI' Hands. See TAX MATl'EKS' Senin.Ô WaterI PowerSewer$656,955,000PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementIP) (Green Bonds)Ctmst* Bond$18,450,0002019 Sub-Series B Bonds (Refunding - Federally Taxable) (Ketch Hetchy)$17,925,0002019 Sub-Series c Bonds (Refun

ding- Federally Taxable) (Local Water Main)Dated: I hue of DeliveryDue: November 1. as itiown on Inside front coverGeneral, Tins driver page contains SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

certain iniotTMtion iiw I|inck reference only. 11 IS nor intended to Is- a summary of I be Hccxtrily or Icons of the waler revenue bonds cuptliMwd abo

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

ve. I’lXi-mbd Investors are knMiuctcd Io rend the enure Official Statement. Iiu-ludlng the appendices hereto. to obudn kiturnuilkiu essential to makin

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementb> Issuing till- 2019 Serbs ABC Bonds 111 three Sub-Senes, the San Francisco Waler Revenue Bonds. 2019 Series ABC. 3019 Sub-Series A Bonds (Refunding

- Federally Taxable) I.WSIP) (Green Bonds) (the '2(119 Sub-Series A Bunds"). the San FratKTM-o Waler Revenue Bonds. 2019 Senes ABC. 3019 Sub-Series B SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

Bonds (Refunding - Federally Taxable) (tkrch Hetchy) (the •2019 Sub-Serie* B Bonds' I aad the SiiaFtancbtco Water Revenue Bonds, 2011ABC soil StBonds

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

iMi.iidinx - Fssk-raJi.v Taxable 11 Load WalerMun) (the '2019 Sub-Series c Bonds* and. toCelher with the 2019 Sub-Sern-sA Bonds and Ilu- 3011* Sub-Ser

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement9 Sub-Serire A Bonds will lie issued under a Thirty-Second Supplemental Indenture. lialod as of December I. 2019 (the Thirl)-Second Supplemental Inden

ture '), by and tietween the SFITC and U.S. Bank Nulxiiud Association. as irUKlee (the Trustee'I. The 2019 Sub-Series B Bondi win be batted under a Tl SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

iiny-Tlilrd Supplemental indenture, dated a* of December 1. 3)1» (the 'Thirty-Third Supplemental Indenture' by and between the SFITC and the Trustee H

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

ie 201 I SulwSvrii-H c Bonds will III- issinsl under a ’Ilurty-Fmuth Supplemental Indenture, ■hued as of Dore-mbei I. 3)19 (tile Thirl)-Fourth SuppIeu

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementnd the Thirty-Fourth Supplemental Indenture Mippiement the Amcnckxl mill KeMalcd Imknlurc. dated al of August 1,2002 (as supplemented and an-- ndl-d t

o dale, the 'Indenture' I. by and between the ■'Fl'll and the Trustee. See 'SBCURfTY FOR THE BONDS'Plan ofReftutdlup. The 2019 Scrxs ABC Bonds are bei SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

ng Issued to (I) refund and dcR-ase all or A portkm of certain outstanding w atcr reverure (Hindi of live SFlt c. as applicable, and(ii) pay the pouts

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

of iwuanev of the 2019 Series ABC Bonds Scc'l’LAN OF REFUNDING* and "ESTIMATED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS.*Itennminationn anrl Interest. The 2019 Scri

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementst fnwn their dale of delivery al the rates set forth on the inside corer page of this official Statement. Interest on lhe 2019 Sems ABC i’ o I-

ạ.al . nu.u-iu.dl) onMajl 1 and November 1 of em*>year, commencing Nirremtier 1.2IX2II. See THE 2111*1 SKK1KS ABC BONDS.*Kooh-Entru Ontff. 'Ihc 201» S SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

t-rtas ABC Bonds will lie Ixiucd al fuU.i regMcnd bonds, regtiterrel bl the name of Code & Ca. as nominee of The IXịKiMtory Trull Com|xuiy (‘DTCT. New

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

York. New York. And will be HVuUulilc Io ultimate pureluwcn (the 'BenetlcÌAÌ Owners*) undei the IxHikãtilo only system nudntulntd by DTC Benetk-nl Ow

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementrest on the 201(1 Senes ABC Bonds are ixtyaldc Io DTC by the Trustee, and. HO long as DTC rs aiding as recuntics itcpowlory for lite 3019 Scries ABC B

onds, liribunieiiu.-ntk of such payments to DTC Participants b. the respotislbuil) of DTC mid dm>iUM-uwnls of Micti paymenu. n> the fkixdk'iul Owners SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

bi the riS|H>rmbUUy of DTX l‘-.uln-ipantx See "THE 2019 SERIES ABC BONDS.*KedeuiptloH. The 3)111 Scries ABC Bonds are subject to redemption prior to m

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

aturity OI dcsiTltH-d licrein. Sts-THE 2019 SERIES ABC BONDS - Redemption*Seeurilp. Under the Indenture, the SFPUC lun irrev ix-ablv pledgi'd the Reve

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementment of principal of. premium, if any. and interest on the 3019 Senes ABC Bonds and all outstanding fxtrity rerenuc bonds, noire or other evidcncre of

indcblcdnew authorized under the Indenture, subject Io the allocaluin of funds |imvxh* SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

rity with certain Ouistmuhng Bonds prevknisly mated by the SFPl 'C under the htditilure and All outstiutdlng piuti) revenue bonds, notes or Ollier i-i

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

vdcnccs of indebtedness autborired under the tndeiuure. No Bund Rim-tv e Accuunl will lie esuildislii'd fix the 3)19 Scries ABC Bonds. Sec •SECURITY F

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementt from Revenues. The SFPUC has no taxing power. The General Fund of the city is not liable for the payment of the principal of, premium, if any. or in

terest on tire 2019 Sarles ABC Bonds, and ix-itlrei the credit nor the taxing power of tire City II pledged to the pA) areal of tire principal of. pre SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

mium, if ail). or interest on the 2019 Series ABC Bonds. The 2019 Series ABC Bonds nre not secured by a legal or equitable pledge of. or charge, lien

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

or encumbrance upon, any of the property of the city or of the SFPUC or any of its income or receipts, except Revenues. See "SECURITY FOR THE BONDS.”M

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementl Io the approval of vabdity by Norton Row Fulbright I S LU’. Sun FnuM-itco. CaUTontbi, Bond ('iwmsci to the SFIT 'C. mid to cettain other txindltkma

Certain Iiuttin will be pawled UJKHI for the SPIN <■ and the City b> Orrk-k. H.'iitiw*m ti SulcUtfe LLP. Sun Franeltcix CulBonUA. Dbeknun- CounscL and SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

by the City Attorney of the City and County of Sail Francisco. Backslrom McCarley Berry A Co.. 1.LC. San FrancBco, Califoniia. and Montague DeRiwe an

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

d Attwcnlre, LLC. Walnut Creek. Calriomix. Co-Municipal Advisors Io the SFPUC, asuMed in the structuring of this financing. Certain matlcre will lie p

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statementuvullulde fol delivery bl book-entry form through the CtcUllhs of DTC. on or About January 9.3X211.BofA Sfi-urilietiMorgan Stanley Goldman Sachs & Co.

LLC CitigroupJ.P. Morgann»- date of lliii Official sutraieiit b> December 12.20191MATURITY SCHEDULES2019 Sub-Series A Bonds (Refunding - Federally Ta SFPUC 2019 A EMMA offering statement

xable) (WSIP) (Green Bonds)SI09.345.000 Serial Bonds

NEW ISSUE - Book-Entry OnlySAP: “AA-"Moody's: "Aa2” (Sec “RATINGS.”)In the- opinion o/Ak>>ri-<ựbf t '.s I.J.I’. All II Foinei-iru. Í iiZi/

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