The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teachw School Should TeachTodd David Peterson*During the past decade a growing number of law professors and psychologists have devoted increasing attention

to issues relating to the mental well-being of law students. Although earlier studies have shown higher levels of psychological distress, including e The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

levated levels of depression, stress, and anxiety in law students, compared to medical students and other individuals in their age cohort? these studi

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

es did not generate much momentum to address these issues in the law school environment. After the turn of the century, however, law professors and la

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teachessors began to discuss ways to address this problem.1 * * 4 In particular, Florida State law professor Larry Krieger has worked to bring1 Nancy Levit

& Douglas Linder, The Happy Lawyer (2010).2Professor of Law, The George Washington University Law School.3See Andrew H. Benjamin et al.. The Role of The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

Legal Education in Producing Psychological Distress Among Law Students and Lawyers, 11 Am. B. Found. Res. J. 225 (1986); MarilynHeins, Shirley N. Fahe

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

y & Roger c. Henderson. Law Students and Medical Students: A Comparison of Perceived Stress, 33 J. Legal Educ. 511 (1983); Stephen B. Shanfield & G. A

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teachearning Environment in Law School. 52 J. Legal Educ. 75, 75-111 (2002); Nancy J. Soonpaa, Stress in Law Students: A Comparative Study of First-Year, S

econd-Year, and Third-Year Students, 36 Conn. L. Rev. 353, 353-83 (2004).2attention to these issues and suggested ways lor law students to deal with t The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

hem,5 and (with psychologist Kennan Sheldon) published a number of influential studies on law student psychological distress.6 Professor Krieger has a

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

lso created a "humanizing law school” web page to offer students suggestions on how to deal with issues of psychological distress and provide "some pe

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teacho focus on tills issue both in writing’ and institutionally. The new Sec lion on Bdlanc e in Legal Education of the Assoc iation of American Ĩ aw Scho

ols (AAI.S) was created to address law student mental health concerns.9 Law students themselves have also begun to attend to these issues. The Lawr St The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

udent Division of the American Bar Association (“ABA") recently initiated a Law Student Mental Health Initiative, and it sponsored a “national mental

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

health day" at law schools across the country.105See, e.g., Lawrence s. Krieger, The Hidden Sources of Law School Stress (2005), available at hiip:.7w

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach247 (2008).6See Kennon M. Sheldon & Lawrence S. Krieger, Does Legal Education Have Undermining Effects on Law Students ? Evaluating Changes in Motivat

ion, Values, and Well-Being, 22 Behav. Sci. & L. 261 (2004): Kennon M. Sheldon & Lawrence s. Krieger, Understanding the Negative Effects of Legal Educ The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

ation on Law Students: A Longitudinal Test of Self-Determination Theory, 33 Personality & Soc. Psychol. Bull. 883 (2007).7Humanizing Law School. Flori

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

da St Alt University College of Law, programs' humanizing lawschool'humanizing lawschool.html (last visited Mar. 21,20

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teachm. Blhav. 55 (1999): Hess, supra note 4. at 75: 'lim Kasscr. Personal Aspirations. The "Good Life” and the Law. 10 Dfakin L. Rfv. 33 (2005); Soonpaa,

supra note 4, at 353.9See Todd David Peterson & Elizabeth Waters Peterson, Stemming the Tide of law Student Depression: what Law Schools Need to Learn The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

from the Science of Positive Psychology. 9 Yale .1. Hfaith Poi.*y L. 8c Ethics 357, 360(2009).1 or.awStudent Division Mental Health Initiative, Ameri

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

can Bar Association, http:/.,wAv''groups’law_student&initiatives_awaids'lshealth.html (last visited Mar. 21. 2012). On a mote local l

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teachues of student mental health and W'ell-being.3https://khothuvien.cori!Coincidentally, during this same ten-year lime span, researchers in the newly re

cognized field of positive psychology produced numerous books and hundreds of articles on the traits and conditions that lead to human thriving.11 Pos The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

itive psychology began its rapid development as a separate branch of psychological research when Martin Seligman, of the University of Pennsylvania, d

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

evoted his first speech as president of the American Psychological Association to the subject and then published a special positive psychology issue o

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach study of human behavior by balancing the empirical psychological research on the causes of mental illness and distress with new research designed to

study “positive emotions, positive character traits and enabling institutions.”13 As Professor Seligman concluded, “the value of the overarching term The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

positive psychology lies in its uniting of what had been scattered and disparate lines of theory' and research about what makes life most worth living

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

.”14 By helping to explain what makes people happy and thrive, the field of positive psychology offers a wealth of new empirical research that could b

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach breeding ground for lawyer demoralization and that makes them - as well as law firms - candidates for reform. In these ways the relationship between

positive psychology and law becomes a subject for the further study in the legal academy, as well as inUSee. e.g., A Psychology of Human Strengths (Li The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

sa G. Aspinwall & Ursula M. Staudinger eds., 2003); Flourishing (Corey L. M. Keys & Jonathan Haidt eds., 2003); Oxford Handbook of Methods In Positive

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

Psychology (Anthony D. Ong& Manfred H.M. van Dulmen eds., 2007); Positive Psychological Assessment (Shane J. Lopez & c. R. Snyder eds., 2003); Positi

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach.12Martin E. p. Seligman & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Positive Psychology: An Introduction, 55 Am. Psychologist 5 (2000).13Martin E. p. Seligman et. al.

, Positive Psychology Progress: Empirical Validation of Interventions, 60 Am. Psychologist 410,410 (2005).14/d.4the profession at large.”1’In their wo The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

nderful new book. The Happy Lawyer,16 Professors Nancy Levit and Douglas Linder of the University of Missouri at Kansas City Law School took up the ch

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

allenge to apply the new learning from the science of positive psychology to the issues that law students and lawyers face in creating happy and fulfi

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teachitive psychology as the core of articles on law student mental health and well-being,1' this is the first book-length effort to apply the new science

of happiness and well-being to the issue of law students and lawyers having happier and more meaningful lives and careers. It is far beyond the capaci The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

ty of one book to assay the full range of positive psychology research and apply it to the entire range of issues related to the happiness of law stud

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

ents and lawyers, but Levit and Linder have done a marvelous job of culling the most significant principles from the latest psychological research and

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should TeachByTodd David Peterson1The Happy Lawyer'The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teacht makes The Happy Lawyer essential reading for law students, professors and administrators. Moreover, although The Happy Lawyer seems principally addr

essed to individual law students and lawyers, it can be the cornerstone of law school courses and programs designed to improve student mental health a The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

nd well being and help students map the course of happy and meaningful future careers.15Martin E. p. Seligman, Paul R. Verkuil & Terry H. Kang, Why La

The Happy Lawyer The Centerpiece of a Course Every Law School Should Teach

wyers Are Unhappy, 10 Deakin L. Rev. 49, 54 (2005).16LEV1T & LINDER, supra notel.17See, e.g., Peter H. Huang & Rick Swedloff, Authentic Happiness & Me

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