The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Chenuan University, Availing! 116(Ị$gmail.CữinFollow this and additional works at: thesesRecommended CitationWalling

. Rachel, 'The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate Plantation" (2016). All Hiesi's. 2323. https: //t Igcrpr I ntsxJem The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

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The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

heses by an authorized administrator of TigerPrinbc formocv information, please contact kokerfr^khrmsoneduTHE PRESERVATION OF TABBY RUINS: SUGGESTIONS

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Chlment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science Historic Preservationby Rachel Walling May 2016Accepted by:Amalia Leifeste. Committee Chan-

Craig Bennett Kr istopher King Richard Marks, inABSTRACTlire preservation efforts undertaken al historic tabby sites have varied greatly from site to The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

sile with differing levels of success. A critical look al different preservation strategies enables rhe development of best practices for appropriate

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

tabby preservation. These best practices may be applied to an array of sites but are tested in this thesis as they arc applied lo Chocolate Plantation

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Chpelo. Constructed during rhe Spalding Fra of tabby, between rhe years 1790 and 1875, Chocolate is representative of plantation design in the most acti

ve era of tabby construction. After years of neglect, Chocolate stands primarily in ruin with no plan for preservation or interpretation. Aided by the The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

analysis of other tabby mins of the Spalding Era tills thesis seeks to find an appropriate solution for the preservation of Chocolate tluougli the cr

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

eation of a preservation planWorking from a list of over fifty Spalding Era tabby mins, sites are analyzed for their preservation strategies. The anal

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Chse sites were chosen for their similarities in ownership, accessibility, and condition lo Chocolate so lhal the application of str ategics are more di

rectly relatable. The recommendations compiled for Chocolate Plantation offer strategies that have been utilized with success at other sires. The comp The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

arative analysis as a whole provides a broader look al preservation of tabby structures by synthesizing best practices fi om most remaining tabby site

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

s.iiACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would like to extend my thanks to all those who have offered me their insight, guidance, and support tluoughout tins thesis proce

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Chs topic that truly interested and excited me. To Fred Hay. manager of Sapelo Island, thank you for giving me the idea to explore preservation at Choco

late Plantation To Amalia Leifeste. my thesis advisor, who constantly pushed my vague ideas into clearer and more substantial directions. Without your The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

guidance I would have been totally lost 111 this process. And to my committee, including Craig Bennett. Richard Maiks. and Kristopher King whose guid

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

ance, experience, and connections contributed greatly to making my thesis better.Special thanks to Cohn Brooker for answering all of my emails and pho

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Chtroducing me to the very helpfill and gracious John Huntley of Historic Dataw Foundation. A big thank you to Mr Huntley for allowing me access on to y

our great tabby site and for allowing me to boirow your personal papers related to the management of Sams Plantation. Another big thank you to all of The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

those who answered my emails and phone calls and provided me with information into tabby site management: Morgan Baird at the Timucuan Ecological and

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

Historic Preserve. William Brunson with Camden County PSA. Royce Hayes with St. Catherines Island. Kyle Messina at the De Soto National Memorial. Angi

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch to my fabulous group of friends in the MSHP program.Meghan White. Meredith Wilson. Haley Schriber, and Jean Stoll, you have all helped me persevere i

n this program and throughout the thesis process. I could not have done this without your constant friendship and support. And lastly, to my amazing m The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

other, you introduced me to Sapelo Island and Chocolate Plantation, prompting the topic of my thesis. Thank you for accompanying me on the long bike r

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch

ides up to Chocolate and exploring the Sapelo wilderness to find hidden tabby building remains Your strength, optimism, and support has always guided

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

The Preservation of Tabby Ruins- Suggestions for the Future of Ch...............................................iABSTRACT............................................................ii

Clemson UniversityTigerPrintsAll ihesesTheses42491The Preservation of Tabby Ruins: Suggestions for the Future of Chocolate PlantationRachel WallingCle

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