Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

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Nội dung chi tiết: Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformsthe annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) held between April 9, 2007 - April 13, 2007 in Chicago. IL.IntroductionTeac

hing and learning aren’t working very well in the United States. A lot of effort and resource, not to mention good intentions, are going into the form Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

al enterprise of education, theoretically focused on teaching and learning. To say the least, the results are disappointing. Looking at graduation rat

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

es as one measure of the effectiveness of aggregate current practice is sobering. Nationally, graduation rates hover below 70% (Barton, 2005), certain

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms—graduation rates are even more appalling. The Schott Foundation (Holzman, 2006) repons a national graduation rate for African American boys of 41%, w

ith some states and many large cities showing rates around 30%. Balfanz and Legters (2004) even go so far as to call the many schools that produce suc Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

h abysmal graduation rates by a term that reflects what they are good at: “dropout factories." The implications of these kinds of outcomes for the sus

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

tainability of any society, much less a democratic society, are staggering.Learning—at least the learning that is the focus of the formal educational

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformsen teachers and students and the subjects they study. So it seems logical that if we are going to improve the outcomes of the educational enterprise—t

hat is, improve learning— we have to intervene directly- in this “black box” of daily classroom instruction (Black and Wiliam, 1998: Elmore, 2004; 200 Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

2; Fullan, Hill and Crevola, 2006). And we have to figure out how to do this at scale, if we are at all serious about improving the educational outcom

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

es of all students, especially students now stuck in chronically low performing schools.Scaling up a classroom-based intervention isn’t like gearing u

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformss a different kind of challenge. Not only is the sheer number of classrooms daunting, the complexity of the systems in which classrooms exist, the sep

arateness of these classrooms, and the private nature of the activity of teaching means that each and every teacher has to “get it” and “do it" right, Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

all on their own. No one else can do it for them, just as no one else can do students’ learning for them. No matter how good the intervention’s theor

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

y of action, no matter how well designed its components, the design and implementation effort will be wasted if it doesn’t actually improve teachers’

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformsing paper in a symposium dedicated to discussing one promising intervention into the “black box”—a minute-to-minute and day-by-day approach to formati

ve assessment that deliberately blurs the boundaries between assessment and instruction, called Keeping Learning on Track—and our attempts to build th Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

is intervention in a way that tackles the scalability issue head on. While Keeping Learning on Track is in many ways quite highly developed, we are in

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

midstream in our understanding and development of a theory and infrastructure for scaling up at the levels required to meet the intense need for impr

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformsso offers a theoretical framework that we call “Tight but Loose,” as a tool that can assist in designing and implementing classroom-based intervention

s at scale, rhe light but Loose framework focuses on the tension between two opposing factors inherent in any scalable school reform. On the one hand, Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

a reform will have limited effectiveness and no sustainability if it is not flexible enough to lake advantage of local opportunities, while accommoda

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

ting certain immovable local constraints. On the other hand, a reform needs to maintain fidelity' to its com principles, or theory' of action, if ther

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformshe “tight” part) with accommcKlalions to the needs, resources, constiaints. and particularities that occur in any school or district (tire “loose” pan

), but only where these do not conflict with the theory of action of the intervention.This tension between flexibility and fidelity can be seen within Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

live "place-based” stories that are presented in the next papcts in the symposium. By comparing context-based differences in program implementation a

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

nd examining the outcomes achieved, it is possible to discern "rules” for implementing Keeping Learning on Track and more general lessons about sc ali

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformses of the five place-based stories, illustrating the ways in which the Tight but Loose formulation applies in real implementations.How' this Paper is

OrganizedBecause the Tight but Loose framework draw's so heavily from an intervention’s theory' of action and (he details of its implementation, this Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

paper begins with a detailed examination of the components of Keeping Learning on Track, including a thorough discussion of its empirical research bas

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

e and theory of action. We will then present our thinking about the Tight but Loose framework and how it relates to the challenges of scaling up an in

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformsse framework as it might be applied to the scaling up of Keeping Learning on Track across diverse contexts.Keeping Learning on Hack: what it Is and Ho

w it WorksKeeping Learning on Truck is fundamentally a sustained teacher professional development program, and as suc h, it has deep roots in the noti Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

on ol capac ity building desc ribed by F.lmore (2004; 2002). We were led to teacher professional development as the fundamental lever for improving st

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

udent learning by a glowing research base on the influences on student loaming, which shows that teac her quality trumps virtually all other influenc

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms97). Through tills logic, W’C join Elmore and others—notably Fullan (2001) and Fullan. Hill, et al. (2006)—in pointing to teacher professional develop

ment foe used on the black box of day-to-day instruction as the c entral axis of capacity building efforts.Keeping Learning on Track is built on three Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

chief components:21A content component (what we would like teachers to leant about and adopt as a central feature of their teaching practice): minute

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

to-minute and day-by-day assessment for learning;2A process component (how we support teachers to learn about and adopt assessment for learning as a

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformsnt (why we expect teachers to adopt assessment for learning as a central part of their everyday practice, and the outcomes we expect to see if they do

): the intervention’s theory of action buttressed by empirical research.Attention to the first two components (content and process) has been identifie Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

d as essential to the success of any program of professional development (Reeves, McCall and MacGilchrist, 2001; Wilson and Bente, 1999). Often, the t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

hird component is inferred as the basis for the first two, but as we will show in this paper, the empirical and theoretical basis for an intervention

Tight but Loose: A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School ReformsMamie Thompson RPMDylan WiliamInstitute for Education, LondonPaper presented at t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reformsir own theory of action and the empirical basis on which it rests; the end users—the teachers and even the students—must have a reasonably good idea o

f the why as well. Otherwise, we believe there is little chance of maintaining quality at scale.The interplay of these three components (the what, the Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

how, and the why) is constant, but it pays to discuss them separately to build a solid understanding of the way Keeping Learning on Track works. In t

Tight but Loose A Conceptual Framework for Scaling Up School Reforms

he next sections of the paper, then, we outline these three components in some detail. We find that there are so many programs and products waving the

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