Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

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Nội dung chi tiết: Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrusty' Sieh,1-2 Hong-Wei Chiang,1-3 Chung-Che Wu,36Louisa L. H. Tsang? Chuan-Chou Shen.3 Emma M. Hill,1 Bambang w. Suwargadi,4Danny H. Natawidjaja,4 Belle

Philibosian,2-5 Richard w. Briggs689IO1 Earth Observatory of Singapore. Nanyang Technological University, 639798 Singapore.IT Tectonics Observatory; Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.123 High-precision Mass Spectrometry and Environment Change Laboratory (HISPEC), 13 Depart

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

ment of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan, ROC.144 Research Center for Geotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (L1

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrustce.18* Geologic Hazards Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, co 80225, USA.1920* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: meltzn

er(o) coral microatolls from fringing reefs above the great (Mw 8.6) megathrust 23rupture of 2005 record uplift during th Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

e historically reported great earthquake of 1861. 24Such evidence spans nearly the entire 400-km strike length of the 2005 rupture, which 25was previo

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

usly shown to be bounded by two persistent barriers to seismic rupture. 26Moreover, at sites where we have constrained the 1861 uplift amplitude, it i

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust 1422 also appears to mimic the amount of 29uplift in 2005. The high degree of similarity among certain ruptures of this Nias-30Simeulue section of th

e Sunda megathrust contrasts with the substantial disparities 31amongst ruptures along other sections of the Sumatran portion of the Sunda megathrust. Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

32At a site on die northwestern lip of Nias, reefs also rose during an earthquake in AD 331843, known historically for its damaging tsunami along the

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

eastern coast of the island. 34 The coral microatolls also record interseismic vertical deformation, at annual to 35decadal resolution, spanning deca

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrustOn southern Simeulue, interseismic subsidence rates were low between 1740 and 1820 38but abruptly increased by a factor of 4-10, two to four decades b

efore the 1861 rupture. 39TI1ÌS may indicate that full coupling or deep locking of the megathrust began only a few 40decades before the great earthqua Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

ke. In the Banyak Islands, near the pivot line separating 41coseismic uplift from subsidence in 2005. ongoing interseismic subsidence switched to 42st

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

eady uplift from 1966 until 1981, suggesting a 15-year-long slow slip event, with slip 43velocities at more than 120% of the plate convergence rate.2-

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrustparticular fault and an understanding of the 47slrain ac c umulation history along that fault. The better we c an c harac lerize the 48eaithquake recu

rrence in a region, the more that logion can prepare for the hazards it 49faces. And the more complete we c an make our picture of strain accumulation Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

, and how 50strain accumulation varies over time, die boner our chances for accurately identifying51faults that are likely to rupture in the near futu

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

re.52There have been limited efforts to apply earthquake recurrence models to 53subduction megathnists. Few long paleoseismic records exist for subduc

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust along the fault from one event to the next. 56In Sumatra, prior studies identified two persistent barriers to rupture, under the Bail! 57Islands and

under central Simeulue (Figure 1). These two barriers, which align with 58fracture zones in the subducting slab, divide the Sumatran portion of the Su Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

nda 59megathrust into at least three segments with independent rupture histories. Nonh of the bOnorthem barrier (on the Aceh segment) and south of the

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

southern banicr (on the GIMenlawai segment), paleoseismic evidenc e suggests that ruptures vary considerably: no 62two raptures in die available pale

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrustiese two barriers, and since both rapture endpoints appeal’ to have been 65struc turally controlled, we speculate that earthquakes like 2005 may be a

common feature 66of this portion of the megathrust.3-3-https://khothuvien.cori!467 As for fault behavior between earthquakes, researchers generally be Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

lieved until 68recently that interseismic motions are roughly linear over time, punctuated only by 69sudden earthquakes and postseismic deformation th

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

at follows the earthquakes . Although 70postseismic transients in deformation have been widely documented and result from a 71variety of processes dur

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrustbackground” interseismic rate. The belief was that, subsequently, this “background” 74inierseismic strain rate (or pattern of interseismic deformation

) remained steady over 75most of the seismic cycle . More recently, researchers discovered processes and 76phenomena previously unappreciated along su Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

bduction zones. Numerous studies have 77explored slow slip events (SSEs) at a range of timescales, in a number of settings. 78Multiple large SSEs, wit

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

h durations of 2-4 years, and a series of abrupt changes in the 79width of the locked region, have now been documented in southern Alaska . In the Tok

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrustate coupling over time have 82also been proposed elsewhere .83 What if a fault system can appear for decades to be uncoupled and then suddenly 84start

accumulating strain that could lead to seismic rupture? If this could happen, it 85would have profound implications for hazards along subduction zone Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

s and other faults 86that are not currently considered highly seismogenic. Interseismic deformation rales, 87long assumed to be steady over time, may

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

instead be a function of time. Most modern 88geodetic networks have not been in operation for sufficiently long durations to address 89this question.

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrustBangkaru, and southern (eastern) Simeulue islands, which lie above the 28 March 922005 Mw 8.6 rupture patch (Figures 1-2). We combine historical recor

ds with geological 93observations from in situ preserved coral colonies—namely coral microatolls—to 94determine details of the liming, extent, and mag Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures on the Nias–Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust

nitude of past coseismic deformation.

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

1Time-varying interseismic strain rates and similar seismic ruptures2on the Nias-Simeulue patch of the Sunda megathrust345Aron J. Meltzner,1 *•* Kerry

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