Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

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Nội dung chi tiết: Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingsof Applied Economics. K u Leuven Naamsestraat 69 B-3000 Leuven2Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation: A Synopsis of Major FindingsKoen

raad Debackere, Department of Applied Economics, K.U.LeuvenQr AbrtrattIn (his review paper, major findings on 'best practices'in technology and innova Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

tion management are summarised and discussed. These ‘best practices’are situated at the strategic level as well as at the operational level In the org

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

anisation. They highlight the strategic (portfolio-level) and operational (project-level) determinants of innovation performance The economic origins

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings come to look to technological innovation to rescue US from the consequences of exhausting natural resources: to abate inflation through productivity

increases: to eliminate famine: to cure cancer; and to maintain the competitive position of our nations’ industrial bases. Indeed, technological chang Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

e has become a major driver of competition: it propels new firms to the forefront of the competitive arena while it destroys the competitive advantage

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

of even well-entrenched firms. Achievements such as electronic computers, test tube babies, supersonic aircraft, and manned space flights have bolste

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingst the rapid technological progress we have witnessed during the last decades will come to an end soon. Today, researchers around the globe are working

intently on developing ideas that may create new branches of technological practice and could ultimately transform industry in ways which are hard fo Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

r most of US to imagine. As a consequence, the ability of managers and policy makers to comprehend the pace and the direction of technological advance

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

ment will largely determine a firm’s or nation’s competitive performance in world markets into the next century. This Is no small task, however. Histo

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingsders (Rosenbloom and Cusumano, 1987), and personal computers (Smith and Alexander. 1988). show the immense difficulties some firms encounter when conf

ronted by new technologies. The inertia, introduced by a firm’s existing technological base, often is a powerful barrier to internalise new technologi Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

cal trajectories (Utterback. 1994). Hence, there is an obvious need to harness the process of technological innovation effectively. To do this, techno

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

logical innovations cannot be isolated from the complex economic, social and political systems within which they operate.3As a consequence, an extensi

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingsvity which needs careful •managerial' attention and actions. But, before there can be effective management, there must be a detailed understanding of

the process of innovation, its characteristics and its specific problems.Therefore, the first part of (his paper will focus on the major characteristi Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

cs of the innovation process as they have emerged over the last three decades. The models to be discussed are chosen for the complementary insights th

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

ey offer into the complex nature of the innovation process. We start with the theories on technical change developed by Schumpeter. Although the study

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings (1934), Business Cycles (1939), and Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1942), portrayed most fully the active role played by economic agents in tec

hnical advance. From these studies, technological innovation emerges as a non-linear, dynamic, interactive and complex process.In addition, models of Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

the innovation process were developed to support managerial aơions. Whereas the theories by Schumpeter attempt to gain a fundamental insight into the

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

nature and the causes of technological evolution, the three models discussed subsequently focus on the innovation process within the firm. The first m

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings activities within the firm, ideas have to be generated. Once generated, these ideas have to be turned into good currency. And, finally, appropriate o

rganisational structures have to be implemented to manage the transition from what first seems to be an abstract ‘idea’ into a ‘product’ desired by cu Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

stomers. As a consequence, an important focus of this model is on managing people and their Innovative ideas.The second model explicitly makes the lin

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

k between technological innovation on the one hand and organisational strategy and structure on the other hand. The Abernathy-Utterback model (1975 &

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingsre important, how competitive strategy, production facilities, and organisation structure ‘co-adapf during this evolution.Finally, the technological S

-curve model (Roussel. 1984: Foster. 1986) enables managers to better estimate the strategic importance of the different technologies In a firm’s tech Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

nology portfolio. To this end. the S-curve model is used to develop a technological typology. A distinction is made between emerging, pacing, key, and

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

base technologies. The competitive implications of this typology are highlighted. A link is made with Wheelwright and Clark’s definitions of breakthr

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingsttention to Che management of technological innovation. This will be the theme of Jhe second pari of this paper. From the previous discussions, we kno

w that 'managing'the innovative capabilities of the organisation involves different levels of attention: (1) attention to the relationship between tec Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

hnology and strategy; (2) attention Io an appropriate organisation structure in which innovative ac tivity can flourish; and (3) attention to the mana

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

gement of innovative professionals. Il is hence necessary co discuss the management implications associated with each level of attention. Ihe integrat

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingsl and his colleagues in their influential book third Generation Rfitl) (1991).Finally, the third part of the paper brings together the major issues ra

ised in the previous sec tions and ends with a 'checklist’ of focal activities that are to be considered when managing a firm’s innovation efforts.Bef Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

ore embarking upon a detailed discussion of these topics, though, there is an obvious need to clarify two major concepts used throughout this paper, i

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

.e. what is meant by 'technology’ and how-do we define 'technological innovation*?1.1. Technology: what’s in a name?Throughout the decades of research

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings to the Oxford Dictionary, technology is "the science of industrial arts.” This definition, despite its brevity, combines two concepts that are essent

ial to fully grasp the meaning of ‘technology’: science and arts. Of course, we do not imply that technology is the same as science, not even that it Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

always has to be based on .scientific principles or developments. Indeed, examples exist where the technology was in place before the underlying scien

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

tific principles were known or clarified. One of the most notable examples undoubtedly is the steam-engine. Il was developed Itefore the science of th

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation:A Synopsis of Major FindingsBedrijfseconomisdie Verhdiideling35490Koenraad DebackereDepartment o

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findingso technological ac tivities is knowledge about why things work the way they do. This is the know-how versus the know-why question. This knowledge can

lie derived from scientific developments, but also, from previous technological experience.The Oxford definition also points to the fact that technolo Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

gy has to do with arts. The products of human art are artefacts. Artefac ts are tangible produc ts and processes created by human skill. Thus, contrar

Topics in the Management of Technology and Innovation A Synopsis of Major Findings

y to scientific activity, the major output of technological activity is embodied in hardware,https://khothuvien.cori!5i.e. products and processes. Tec

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