Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

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Nội dung chi tiết: Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976 from the horrors of the First World War and young men discharged from the forces sought outlets for their energies. Life was not easy in civvy street

but the working man had greater opportunity to participate in sport than ever before and rhe Olympic Games of 1920 and 1924 thrust athletics before t Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

he public eye.East London had long been an area noted for • pedestrianisin'. During the 19th century' Hackney Marshes was the venue for many professio

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

nal races and some of the very earliest properly organised meetings were held in the district. Constructed shortly before the War the running track at

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976f the centre of the arena but by 1926 the track had been encircled with railings and dressing rooms of a good standard for that time were available. A

thletes who worked in the City found it easy to reach by bus from Liverpool Street and more convenient for training than their home track. In fact mos Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

t of the runners - field eventers were a rarity - belonged to clubs based elsewhere or were members of social and sports clubs such as Jeremiah Rother

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

hams, the Shoreditch wholesalers. Retired runners, a number of footballers past their playing days, parents, perhaps imagining little Johnny as anothe

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976rters at Victoria Park. However it was not until the summer of 1926 that any serious move was made.In a speech at the Club Dinner of 1937, the first t

o be held, it was stated that the founding of Victoria Park Harriers could be traced to a chat that took place alongside the railings surrounding the Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

track between just three people. One of the trio was Harry Peck, who had been a veiy useful sprinter in the years around 1903-12 , and now occupied hi

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

mself by advising on training but unfortunately the others cannot now be identified. However, they decided to call together those fellows who had show

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976a general meeting. The precise date of this inaugural gathering is not known but it was in late August and may have been on the 28th. for a membership

book has Bill Duncombe joining on that date. Anyway, it seems to have drawn a good attendance. A number of those present were already members of othe Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

r clubs and Bill Collier, a Wigmore Harrier, took the chair. The proposal to form a club under the name of Victoria Park Harriers was unanimously carr

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

ied and a committee came forward readily enough. We know that the Hon. Secretary was A.Smith, Asst. Hon. Secretary J.Gregory, Hon.Treasurer A.J.Bell,

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976chosen to reveal itself so there is doubt about the exact composition of the Committee. An attempt at reconstruction suggests the following sextet may

not be wide of the mark :- G.H. Shaw, A. Flynn, J. Acott, F.G. Knight, R. Morris, and A. Robins. The club captain appears to have been H. Kendall. No Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

ne of the elected officials held those positions for very long but several served in other capacities for many years.As far back as the fifties it was

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

generally accepted that Ernie Wiseman and Wally Stokes were founder members. They were revered as such but a membership / address book compiled by Ge

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976immediately co-opted onto the Committee for he had years of experience with North London Harriers and we needed every bit of it. In the same notebook,

Wally is shown imprecisely as *1930’ and these mis-beliefs say something about the frailty of memory and of George the diplomatist.We do know that su Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

bscriptions were set at 5 shillings (25p) for active athletes and 2/6d (12.5p)for honorary members, sums which remained unaltered for more than 20 yea

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

rs. To raise some working capital, a collection was taken during the inaugural meeting. How ever much was collected it is not likely to have been a su

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976rs could not bear to wait until the following Spring and so the first club handicaps were staged at Victoria Park on September llth.1926. It was a mod

est meeting consisting of 440 yards and 2 miles handicaps, 220 yards and 880 yards, but the results are not on record. Another event was held in Octob Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

er, one which seems rather odd nowadays; firstly the competitors went for a 3 miles pack run and then they lined up to race 1 mile on the track.With t

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

he arrival of the cross-country season, the Eton Mission at Hackney Wick was approached for the use of their premises. A fee of 5/- per night was quot

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976of 1926'7, a few handicaps were run on the road around Hackney Marshes 'Triangle' and a team was entered in the popular Boxing Day Bakers and Sweeps'

meeting promoted by the North London C.C.A. On Christmas morning, handicaps over 100 yards, 440 yards and 2 miles had been held at Victoria Park, but Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

again the results have not been recorded. There is doubt whether the first mob match road race with Eton Manor, which developed into a traditional ann

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

ual event, was held early in 1927 or in the following autumn but certain it is that V.P.H. did not provide the individual winner. Nor could wre do so

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976r set great store to winning this event. We were relaxed about it, mostly looking upon the race as a rather casual fixture that was nice to win but ha

rdly a clash of Spurs V Arsenal proportion.The earliest committee minutes still in existence date from April 12th, 1927. They make interesting reading Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

not the least for price comparisons. An entry for May 5th shows that a pistol and shots were purchased for 5s.; on June 2nd ‘It was proposed by H.Pec

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

k and seconded by R.Hewitt that one dozen vests be purchased - 31s.9d. (£1.58p)’. The Club colours, of white vest with blue sash from right shoulder t

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976y Brooks and Bill Sadd had submitted a variety of designs in the previous year and the emblem selected was a fusion of two of them. We can also see fr

om the minutes that in September, Ernie Wiseman was recompensed 2s.4d (12p) for having bought ‘eggs and spoons for Ladies race 10.9.27’. This entry re Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

fers to an end of season track meeting which became a feanire at the end of every' track season up to 1939. A carefree atmosphere was encouraged with

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

novelty races forwives and children; sweets were handed round freely to dll (he youngsters and a good lime was had by all.Club committee meetings were

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976e wasting so selection was left in the hands of the captain. However, it was two years before it was resolved to regularise the meetings on a monthly

basis. Initially, they were held at the Milford Tavern, but the chaps did not drink enough beer lor the licensee. Thai he was also our President seems Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

nol lo have weighed very heavily with lhe gentleman and so we lost both him and the room. It is always difficult for an infant club which has to rely

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

heavily on second claim members to arrange a fixture list and during the 1927 wack season v.p.ll. tunnels found themselves repeatedly meeting Grafton

Victoria Park HarriersThe History of an East London Athletics club 1926-1976Chapter 1. In The Beginning.Sport boomed in the twenties as people turned

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976e event, a 2 miles relay, and held during a handicap meeting on April 27th, 1927. rhe distances and v.l’.ll. runners were as follows:-! mile (Whyment)

; 2 X 220 yards (Gregory & Williams); 880 yards (B. Jones); 440 yards (Scott); and the race resulted in a win for the Park. Further meetings were stag Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

ed in May and June when some 60 runners competed. Capt.G.Garro-Jones, M.p. for South Hackney acted as referee and presented the prizes. He, and Ernest

Victoria Park Harriers The History of an East London Athletics Club 1926-1976

Thurtle. M.p.for Shoreditch, soon afterwards became Patrons of the Club. Capt. Garro-Jones was raised to the Peerage in 1946 and, following his death

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