Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

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Nội dung chi tiết: Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdfneetady, NYHollow this and additional works at: Part of the American Literature Commons, and the Comparative L

iterature CommonsRecommended CitationPinkham, Robert, 'Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature Writers’ (2017). Honors Thau. 71.https://digitalwork Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf Open Acccii it brought to )OU for free and open aoccst by the Student Wark at Union Digital Works. It ha* been accepted for H

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Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdfdustrial Revolution37Chapter 3: Looking Buck, or Moving Forward, from the Modern World67Conclusion104Works Cited110ABSTRACTThis thesis examines five N

ew England nature writers and their works from three distinct historical literary periods—William Cullen Bryant's poetry horn the era before industria Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

lism (up to 1830): Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Essays (1841-1844) and Henry-David Thoreau’s ỈỈ'aỉden (1854) from the Industrial Revolution (1830-1860): and

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

finally Robert frost's poetry and Henry Boston’s The Outermost House (1929) horn the modernist period (1920-1950). lhesc writers are connected by a sl

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdfy. This tiresis engages with these writers and their rimes in light of the historical development of industrialism and how it has worked to undermine

rhe importance of connecting with the natural world. Over the course of tluee chapters, this thesis traces the development of environmental thought am Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

ong New England writers and takes account of how industrialism changes predominant attitudes about nature. Since each of these writers rejects certain

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

cultural attitudes that prevail in their time, this thesis grapples with how and why they depart horn the norm in terms of then thoughts about the na

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdft protecting or conserving the environment. His advocacy for a deep spiritual connection with nature clashes with the prevailing capitalist view of na

ture that would help industrialism to develop in New England. However, once the Industrial Revolution sweeps across New England. Emerson and Thoreau i Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

ssue warnings about rhe dangers of industrialism severing humanity horn the natural world. They rail against the institutions and customs of then time

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

s, arguing that those will contribute to a society-wide spiritualrot By the twentieth century. Beston and Frost have to grapple with being lovers of n

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdfBeston remains hopeful that we can engage meaningfriily and spiritually with the environment even 111 modem times.These somewhat divergent views highl

ight the tensions of enviroiunental thought 111 the modern, industrial world between the desire to live in harmony with the natural world and the blea Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

k realities of modernity. Industrialism and its effects of alienating large swaths of our culture from engagement with the natural world have forced t

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

hese authors to focus on how to protect New England environments and landscapes This history of this grand conversation about nature delivers us into

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdfting in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century New England helps US to better understand contemporary environmental concerns and gives usthe chance t

o move forward 111 the best maimer possible.INTRODUCTIONIn our contemporary world, urbanized and industrialized and teclmologized, have we lost OIU fu Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

ndamental connections with nature that has sustained US for milleiuua?Harold Fromm seems to think so. In his 1978 article. “From Transcendence to Obso

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

lescence: A Route Map.” he argues that in premodem times, human societies had a more comprehensive understanding of how our livelihood is entirely pre

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdfces for shelter. This understanding was often translated into spiritual and religious notions of nature as sacred, or at least as deserving of venerat

ion and good care. Since the advent of industrialism during the nineteenth century and the exponential technological growth that came along with it. h Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

owever. Fromm finds that in Western and industrialized cultures we have made the mistake of presuming that human technology IS what sustains US. In do

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

ing so. we have forsaken our eai lier conception of nature as providing for US and have consequently found obsolete the idea that we share a spiritual

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf the natural world.This false understanding of technology as the source of our sustenance as opposed to nature is one of the leading conceptual develo

pments that have fostered behaviors towaid the en\ nonment that have helped to exacerbate the global climate crisis we now face. Fromm spells this out Conceptualizing Nature- New England Nature Writers.pdf

. writing that modem humans “are rarely in a position to experience a connection between the commodity that fulfills then need and Its natural

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

Union CollegeUnion I Digital WorksHonors ThesesStudent Work42887Conceptualizing Nature: New England Nature WritersRobert PinkhamL'moii College - Sihen

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