Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

Corporate Bond Rating Changes, Cross-Market Information Transfer and the Spillover Effect in the United KingdomA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdome requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyHasniza Mohd Tail)BBA (Hons) Finance. MBA (Finance)School of Economics. Finance and Marketing RMI

T University40360ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIll the Xante of Allah. the Most Gracious the Most MercifulFirst and foremost. I would like to express my gratitude t Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

o the Ministry of Higher Education. Malaysia and the Universiti Utara Malaysia for giving me the opportunity to further my education at RM1T Universit

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

y. My sincere appreciation to my supervisors, Amalia Di Iorio and Teny Hallahan: and also to my consultant, Emawtee Bissoondoyal-Blieemck for the love

Corporate Bond Rating Changes, Cross-Market Information Transfer and the Spillover Effect in the United KingdomA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdomers which have been produced as part of this research The valuable comments given significantly improved the quality of the thesis. I am also grateful

to the academic staff of the Department of Economics. Finance and Marketing, RMIT University especially Heather Mitchell. Marie-Anne Cam and Tim Fry Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

for their willingness to share the knowledge. Thank you to my colleague, Robyn Ward for being there with me in one of the most critical times of my st

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

udy period.Thank you to all my friends in Australia and Malaysia for motivating me and sustaining me during my study. I have been blessed by Allah Alm

Corporate Bond Rating Changes, Cross-Market Information Transfer and the Spillover Effect in the United KingdomA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdomof them. Though I did not specifically list the name of my friends here but they are permanently 111 my heart-in my own hall of fame. Special thanks g

o to my housemates who always supported me and encouraged me to achieve my goals.My deepest love to my mother. Hajali Rodziah Yatini who believes in m Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

e and never fails to pray everyday for my success. My sincere thanks to my siblings who support my dreams. Above all. thank you to Allah Almighty for

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

guiding me and .granting me so many good things in life. Alhamduìiỉlah.111TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION................................................

Corporate Bond Rating Changes, Cross-Market Information Transfer and the Spillover Effect in the United KingdomA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom...................................viiiLIST OF FIGURES..............................................XABSTRACT.........................................

...........xiINTRODUCTION11.1Introduction........................................................................11.1.1Brief Overview of a Corpor ate Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

Bond.............................................11.1.2Credit Rating Agencies: Moody’s and s&p.........................................21.2Contributio

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

ns of the Thesis.........................................................31.3Motivation for the Thesis................................................

Corporate Bond Rating Changes, Cross-Market Information Transfer and the Spillover Effect in the United KingdomA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom.....................................8Chapter 2..............................................................................9LITERATURE REVIEW.......

............................................................92.1Introduction...................................................................92.2Inf Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

ormation Value and Bond Rating..............................................92.2.1Bond Rating and Share Price Reaction................................

Doctoral thesis of philosophy corporate bond rating changes, cross market information transfer and the spillover effect in the united kingdom

.......102.2.2Bond Rating Changes and Bond Price Reaction...............................152.3Rating Agencies and Bond Rating .Announcements...........

Corporate Bond Rating Changes, Cross-Market Information Transfer and the Spillover Effect in the United KingdomA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

Corporate Bond Rating Changes, Cross-Market Information Transfer and the Spillover Effect in the United KingdomA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

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