Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
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Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
Beyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southN DEVELOPMENT RISKSAND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREThis work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the member countries of the OECD or Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southits Development Centre.'Illis document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any teBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
rritory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.Please dte this publication as:OBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southq/10.1787Z9789264273153-enISBN 9/8-92-64-2/31-1-6 (print) 1SRN 978 92 Gi 27319 3 (PDF)rhe statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prrjudicr* tn thr status of the Golan Heights, East Jeru Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southsalem and Israeli settlements in theUVst Rank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Cover design by the OECD Development Centre.CorrigenBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
da to OECD publications may lx> found on line at iuww.occdorij/about/pubf»hir»j/oxrigcrxla htm.©OECD 2017Ymi ran ropy, dmvnktad or print orcr> contentBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south teaching materia):, provided that suitable acknowledgement of OEBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
C) at ccnto:tOcfcỊ««.ForewordIn an integrated global economy, a number of global risks and challenges - from climate change to financial crises toBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south continents, the impact in reality may be felt more or less severely in specific places. This has implications on the likelihood, form and effectiveness of international co-operation. For effective international co-operation and action, it is therefore vital to understand the risks and challenges fa Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southcing US as well as how they arc perceived by different countries and actors within the global system.■|1ie OECD Development Centre consistently has soBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
ught to scout out emerging trends and issues that require policy responses. Ils work on shifting wealth - tracking the growing weight of emerging econBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southrole within the OECD by bridging different policy communities in advanced, emerging and developing economics, thanks to its membership that brings together OECD countries with countries al different stages of development.ihis anthology continues in this spirit and contributes to two of the Centre's Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southcore objectives: to identify and frame issues that are critical Io the development dialogue and to mobilise development knowledge to influence OECD thBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
inking. It is part of the Centre’s 7015-16 programme of work Io belter understand global phenomena and how they impact development to support countrieBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south*.Specifically, the anthology seeks to anticipate the major global risks and challenges looking forward to the next 15 years. II gathers ideas for solutions and policy responses to mitigate the risks and address the challenges. It brings together contributions from academics, development practitione Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southrs and thought leaders from emerging and developing economies to help inform the OECD and the wider development community’s thinking. The articles inBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
this anthology represent the authors’ views and perspectives. As such, it is the anthology’s intention to provide a basis for dialogue and exchange onBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southzziniDirector, OECD Development Centre, and Special Advisor to the OECD Secretary-General on DevelopmentBEYOND SHFT1NG WEALTH: FERSPECTIWS ON DEVELOPMENT FU5KS AND CITCGIUNITIES ItiDM TEE GLOBAL SCUIH © OECD 20173AcknowledgementsBeyond Shifting Wealth: Perspectives on Development Risks and Opportuni Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southties from the Global •South was edited by Sam Mealy and Martha Baxter of the OECD Development Centre as part of the Global Risks project supervised byBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
Carl Dahlman, Special Advisor, and under the direction of Mario Pezzini, Director. Tire editors would like to thank Shane Senecal-Tremblay for his coBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southsearch and literature reviews in the early stages of the project. The editors would also like to thank Vararat Atisophon for her statistical support. The Development Centre's publications team, led by Delphine Grandricux, turned the draft into a publication.The anthology is based on a collection of Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southarticles from Hussein Al-Majali, Ahmad Alili, Vugar Bayramov, Debapriya Bhattacharya, Neuma Grobbelaar, Alan Ilirsch, Gilbert Houngbo,Tian Huifang, ReBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
né N'Gueltia Kouassi, Donald Mmari, Sarah Sabin Khan, Samir Saran, Vivan sbaran, Karen Van Rompaey, Sanjayan Velautham and Andrea vignolo.The editors Beyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south, Head of Unit, Partnerships and Networks, Alexandre Kolev, Head of Unit, Social Cohesion, Arthur Minsal, Head of Unit (acting), Europe, Middle East, Africa, Rita Da Costa, Policy Advisor, Director’s Office, Linda Smiroldo I lerda. Editor and Speechwriter, Director’s Office, Juan De l.aiglesia, Seni Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southor Economist, Multi-Dimensional Country Reviews, Alexander Pick, Economist, Social Protection, Ian Brand-Weiner, Policy Analyst, Youth Inclusion, RodrBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
igo Deiana, Junior Policy Analyst, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Kate Eklin, Junior Policy Analyst, EMnel, Derek Carnegie, Economist, Asia. The editorsBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON DEVELOPMENT RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTHDEVELOPMENT CENTREBeyond Shifting WealthPERSPECTIVES ON Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south Io thank Henri-Bernard Solignac-I.ecornle, Head of Division (acting), Senior Communications Manager, OECD Development Cluster, Carlos Conde, I lead of Division, OECD Global Relations Secretarial, Marie-Estelle Rey, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD Global Relations Secretariat, Joel Boutroue, Advisor, Re Beyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global southgional Co-operation, OECD Development Centre, Thang Nguyen, Junior Policy Analyst, OECD Development Centre, and Florian Kilt, International Energy AssBeyond shifting wealth perspectives on development risks and opportunities from the global south
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