Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
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Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
Broadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin Americ Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitca and the CaribbeanA DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKITwww.ebook3000.comThis report was approved and declassified by the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy on 31 Marell 2016 and prepared for publication by the OECD Secretariat.The opinions expressed in Illis publication do not necessarily reflect the vi Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitews of tile Inter American Development Bank, its Board of Directors, or the countries they represent.Ulis document and any map included herein are witBroadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
hout prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to tile name of aBroadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin Americ Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitomy Toolkit. OECD Publishing. Paris.htlp7/dx.dơi.ofặ/10.1/8//9/89264251823 enISRN97R 02 GA 2S1R1 G (prim)ISBN 97R 02 GA 2S182 a (PDF)The statistical data fnr Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: ft-RoBroadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
bert ft SashkinZShuttrrstock.comCorrigenda to OECD publications may be found on line at: unvuioerdBroadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
pyr^ht com or the Centre frantais d'cxplatation du drat de copce (crq at canactOrfctprrr. romPREFACEPrefaceI^igil.11 technologies are profoundly changBroadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin Americ Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitby expanding the means for sharing knowledge, these networks can empower people, encourage greater civic engagement and improve the delivery of public services, as well as helping to create opportunities for new goods, services, business models and jobs. Nonetheless, these opportunities come with ch Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitallenges, the first of which is to ensure that everyone has access to this extraordinary tool.The capacity of broadband to accelerate economic and socBroadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
ial development is recognised globally. Its importance for the three pillars of development - economic development, social inclusion and environmentalBroadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin Americ Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitveloped countries by 2020 as one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).We arc also mindful of the UN’s call for sharing knowledge and expertise in the service of the SDGs. Broadband Policies for Latin America and the Caribbean: A Digital Economy Toolkit offers a clear example of Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit partners coming together to share good practices. In setting out some guidelines for designing a wholc-of-govcmment approach to policies, this ToolkiBroadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
t aims to assist countries in the region enhance their digital prospects and make progress on international, regional and national policy objectives.TBroadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin Americ Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitforms that can promote sustainable growth and for designing policies that seize the benefits of the digital economy. Ilie first challenge is making sure opportunities are more evenly spread. An estimated 300 million people in the region, half of the population, still have no access to the Internet, Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitwith the situation varying greatly between countries, income groups, and those living in rural or urban areas.Successful broadband policies, designedBroadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
to improve social inclusion, productivity and governance, can be a catalyst for expanding the “digital dividends” which stern from broadband access anBroadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin Americ Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitoyment. ■|1iey can also assist in making services more affordable, relevant, usable and safer for individuals and businesses.The OECD is committed to supporting accessible and affordable broadband. This joint publication with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), to be presented at the Digital Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitEconomy Ministerial meeting in Cancún, Mexico, is designed to generate fruitfulBROADBAND POLICIES FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN A DIGITAL ECONOMBroadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit
Y TOOIK1T c OECD. :DB 2016www.ebook3000.comPREFACEpolicy dialogue on how to achieve this goal. Tins will mean enlisting all stakeholders to make the mBroadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin Americ Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkit and enhance governance in the region. It is time to act together to put accessible, affordable broadband at the fingertips of all.Angel Gurrfa,Secretary-General OECD Broadband policies for latin america and the caribbean a digital economy toolkitBroadband Policies K for Latin AmericaI and the CaribbeanJ J K DIGITAL ECONOMY TOOLKIT®;>OECD ^IDBwww.ebook3000.comBroadband Policies for Latin AmericGọi ngay
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