Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

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Nội dung chi tiết: Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

The NationalAcademics ofsriFNr«ENGINEERING THE NATIONAL AC ADEM,z "225MEDICINEThis PDF is available at @ 0 © ÌSĨFIND RELATED

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshopD TITLESBuilding Sustainable Financing Structures for Population Health: Insights from Non-Health Sectors: Proceedings of a WorkshopDETAILS90 pages I

6 X 9 I PAPERBACKISBN 978-0-309-45880-1 I DOI 10.17226/24760CONTRIBUTORSTheresa Wizemann, Rapporteur: Roundtable on Population Health Improvement: Boa Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

rd on Population Health and Public Health Practice; Health and Medicine Division;National Academies of Sciences. Engineering, and MedicineVisit the Na

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

tional Academies Press at and login or register to get:-Access to free PDF downloads of thousands of scientific reports-10% off the pnce of pr

The NationalAcademics ofsriFNr«ENGINEERING THE NATIONAL AC ADEM,z "225MEDICINEThis PDF is available at @ 0 © ÌSĨFIND RELATED

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshopf Ulis PDF IS strictly prohibited without 7/Titten permission of the National Academies Press. (Request Permission) Unless otherwise Indicated, all ma

tenals in this PDF are copyrighted by the National Academy of Sciences.Copynght & National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Building Sustainab Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

le Financing Structures for Population Health: Insights from Non.Health Sectors: Proceedings of a WiBuilding Sustainable Financing Structures for Popu

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

lation Health: Insights from NonHealth SectorsPROCEEDINGS OF A WORKSHOPTheresa Wizemann. RapporteurRoundtable on Population Health ImprovementBoard on

The NationalAcademics ofsriFNr«ENGINEERING THE NATIONAL AC ADEM,z "225MEDICINEThis PDF is available at @ 0 © ÌSĨFIND RELATED

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshopIES PRESS Washington, DC www.nap.eduPREPUBLICA TION COPY: UNCORRECTED PROOFSCopyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Building Susta

inable Financing Structures for Population Health: Insights from Non.Health Sectors: Proceedings of a WiTHE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street. Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

NW Washington. DC 20001Illis activity was supported by contracts between the National Academy of Sciences and Aetna Foundation, lhe California Endowm

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshop

ent (-10002009). 1 annic L., Health Resources and Services Administration (DHHS-10002817), New York State Health Foundation (#10001272), Rippel Founda

The NationalAcademics ofsriFNr«ENGINEERING THE NATIONAL AC ADEM,z "225MEDICINEThis PDF is available at @ 0 © ÌSĨFIND RELATED

Building sustainable financing structures for population health insights from non health sectors proceedings of a workshopessarily reflect the views of any organization or agency that provided support for die project.

The NationalAcademics ofsriFNr«ENGINEERING THE NATIONAL AC ADEM,z "225MEDICINEThis PDF is available at @ 0 © ÌSĨFIND RELATED

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