Burn out the endgame for fossil fuels
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Burn out the endgame for fossil fuels
A must-read new book that presents a prescient and gripping analysis of the trends which are reshaping our world.’ —Edward Lucas, The EconomistBURN"oy Burn out the endgame for fossil fuelsyVTHE ENDGAME FOR FOSSIL FUELSDIETER HELMYALE UNIVERSITY PRESS Nl w HAVEN AND LONDONCopjTight © 2017 Dieter Helmhttps://khothuvien .comAll rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, m any form (beyond that copying pernutteo oy sections 1U/ ano 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law Burn out the endgame for fossil fuels and except by reviewers for tile public press) without written permission from the publishers.For information about this and other Yale University PrBurn out the endgame for fossil fuels
ess publications, please contact:U.S. Office: sates.press@yale.edu yatebooks.comEurope Office: sales@yateup.co.uk yalebooks.co.ukTypeset in Minion ProA must-read new book that presents a prescient and gripping analysis of the trends which are reshaping our world.’ —Edward Lucas, The EconomistBURN"oy Burn out the endgame for fossil fuelses: Helm. Dieter, author.Title: Burn out: the endgame for fossil fuels / Dieter Helm.Description: New Haven : Yale University Press. [2017] I Includes bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: LCCN 2016043323 I ISBN 9780300225624 (cl : alk. paper)Subjects: LCSH: Energy industries. Energy dev Burn out the endgame for fossil fuelselopment—Environmental aspects. I Energy consumption—Environmental aspects. I Renewable energy sources. I Fossil fuels—Environmental aspects.ClassificBurn out the endgame for fossil fuels
ation: LCC HD9502.A2 H4549 2017 DDC 333.8'2—dc23LC record available at https: lccn.loc.gov 2016043323A catalogue record for tins book IS available froA must-read new book that presents a prescient and gripping analysis of the trends which are reshaping our world.’ —Edward Lucas, The EconomistBURN"oyA must-read new book that presents a prescient and gripping analysis of the trends which are reshaping our world.’ —Edward Lucas, The EconomistBURN"oyGọi ngay
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