Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

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Nội dung chi tiết: Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesdxdoiorcj/10 './/2/irilecfioperiAbstractThe cmial of Panama is one of die most emblematic constructions ill die world, tor that reason, for Sacyr, the

construction of die Tltird Set of Locks lias been a great cliallengc mid huge pride. Hie diapter details die teclmical specifications and innovative Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

break-tlưouglis that liave been used in the work. Detailing the hydraulic filling and drainage system, gate system, control systems, and auxiliary sys

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

tems. The final result shows the innovation capacity of the teclinicians who have participated in tills work, who have been one of the keys to be able

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesma Canal is one OÍ the most emblematic works of construction in the history of the humanity. For this reason, for Sacyr, to lead the consortium respon

sible for the construction of its most representative and complex feature, the Third Set of Locks, is a matter of enormous satisfaction and great prid Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

e.Sacyr's broad experience and success in the field of construction and services speaks for itself: today, the company is listed on the IBEX 35, the b

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

lue chip stock index of the Spanish stock market.www.ebook3000.com4 Case Study of Innovative Projects - Successful Real CasesFounded in 1986, Satyr's

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesed company with a presence in more than 20 countries on 5 continents through its subsidiaries [1].Satyr maintains the "GLOBAL INNOVATION" motto, the r

esult of which is that it currently has the hallmark of "Excellence in Innovation" in its gold form, certified by Germany's TỦV Rheinland group.On the Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

other hand, in R&.D activities, SACYR has approved and works under dn R&.D Management System certified by AENOR since 2006. In the last 10 years, we

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

have 14 companies of the Satyr group certified in R&D, among them all participated in 193 projects with national and international external recognitio

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesinternational financial crisis. Nonetheless, Sacyr structured a technically and economically solid proposal and reached agreements with key partners t

hat allowed il, at the last moment and in a fully sobering investment climate, lo win the concession of the most important public works program of thi Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

s century. rhe construction project of the Third Sot of Locks has acted as an absolute reinforcement of Satyr's management and determination to remain

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

in the forefront of the sector [51-The Panama Canal has had an undeniable success in international transport logistics since it has allowed lhe trans

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesnian citizens decided in the referendum of October 22, 2(X)6, IO construct the t hird Sol of I Ofks of lhe Panama Canal This decision has involved an

investment of more than US$5250 million and aims to capture the estimated demand until beyond 2025 building a Third Set of Locks with capacity to doub Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

le the tons that in total transit annually through the channel In this way, and considering the diversity of possible ships, total annual traffic coul

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

d approach 20,000 vessels.The dimensions of the chambers of the now locks were established on lhe basis of those of the vessels Neopanamax, with a len

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real caseses. Its maximum capacity is 14,500 TEUs (unit equivalent to a container 20 ft long, 8 ft wide, and 8.5 ft high), 3 times capacity of the largest admis

sible vessels to date, the Panamax, which with 294 m of length, 32 m of sleeve, and 12 m of draft, can Iransporl 4500 TI-IJs. The dimensions of the ne Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

w locks may also receive vessels of solid bulk and liquid typo Caposize and Suezmax, respectively, with loading capacities in excess of 160,000 dwt (t

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

ons of Deadweight), LPG and LXG gas transport vessels with volumes exceeding 135,000 m-:, Cruisers, and car carriers with transport capacity of more t

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesm has been excavated as an approach channel, parallel to Lake Miraflores, to connect with the waterway upstream of the locks of Pedro Miguel. In addit

ion. It has been necessary to deepen and widen the internal channels of Culebra Cut on the Pacific side and Gatun Lake in the Atlantic, together with Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

the 45 cm increase in the maximum operational level in Gatun Lake. Figure 1 shows a plan view of the expanded Panama Canal with the actions that has b

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

een necessary to undertake.The New Panama Canal 5 http i/dx dot org/10 57 72/intechopen 696051.1. Remarks1Deepening and widening of the access channel

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesConstruction of the new locks and water saving basins (WSB) (Atlantic-Pacific).4Deepening and widening of the internal navigation channel to Lake Gatl

in.figure 1. General map oi the Panama Canal and its enlargement. Below, longitudinal cut oi the navigable routewww.ebook3000.com6 Case Study of Innov Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

ative Projects - Successful Real CasesThe bidding process for the Third Set of Locks began on December 21, 2007 with the issuance of the request for p

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

roposals by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) for the project. On July 15, 2009, these works were awarded to the consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal (

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases Description of the Third Set of LocksThe original locking system was based on the concept of creating an elevated artificial lake (present Lake Gatun

) with a depth that would allow the ships to cross Panama from ocean to ocean and the construction of locks at each end of the way to allow the descen Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

t of the ships from the lake to the ocean or vice versa, ascending from the ocean to the lake The operations of ascent or descent of the ship arc obta

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

ined by the movement by gravity of the waler coming from the lake and accumulated annually in the periods of rain that registers Panama.rhe original l

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesFigure 1) The general functioning of the Third Set of Locks is similar to that built by France and the United States 100 years ago, although it has si

gnificant differences in the equipment used. Like the original system, the Third Sol of I ocks saves the approximately 27 m gap between the zero bound Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

of the Atlantic and Pacificocoansand I he level of Gatun lake. Iodo I his, it uses three jumps of about 9 m each, communicated by gales. The complex

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

of locks of the Pacific side has been called Cocoli and the one of Atlantic Clara Water, following the name of the rivers in each zone. L'nlike the mi

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesare duplicated, ensuring the operation of the system even during the failure of any of them so that there are eight floodgates in each complex, four c

ouples on the Atlantic coast, and four couples in the Pacific [6J.The filling and emptying of the chambers is done through a system of galleries—main Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

and secondary ducts—operated by valves and operating completely by gravity. These galleries run longitudinally along the sidewalls of concrete and com

Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

municate with the chambers by ducts arranged horizontally at the height of the hearth, unlike the original channel, in which the entrance of water to

Chapter 1The New Panama CanalAna Belén Berrocal Menarguez andJuan Pous de la FlorAdditional information IS available al the end ol the chapterhttp //d

Case study of innovative projects successful real casesy of water saving basins (WSB) arranged in parallel IO the chambers, which are capable of reusing up IO 60% of the water required in a complete lockin

g manoeuvre. Each chamber has three basins, arranged in three levels, which are emptied and filled by gravity and are also managed by valves. Case study of innovative projects successful real cases

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