Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

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Nội dung chi tiết: Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

OXFORDCHINA’SGROWTHThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerLINDA YUEHThis page intentionally left blankChina's GrowthThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerL

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpowerLinda YuehOXFORDUNIVERSITY PRESSOXFORDUNIVERSITY PRESSGreat Clarendon Street, Oxford, 0X2 6DP,United KingdomOxford University Press is a department of

the University of Oxford.It furthers tile University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxfor Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

d is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries© Linda Yuch 2013rhe moral rights of the author have b

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

een assertedFirst Edition published in 2013Impression: 1All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval syst

OXFORDCHINA’SGROWTHThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerLINDA YUEHThis page intentionally left blankChina's GrowthThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerL

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the a

bove should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address aboveYou must not circulate this work in any other form and you Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

must impose this same condition on any acquirerBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication DataData availableISBN 978-0-19-920578-3Printed in Great Bri

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

tain byClays Ltd, St Ives picLinks to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any respons

OXFORDCHINA’SGROWTHThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerLINDA YUEHThis page intentionally left blankChina's GrowthThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerL

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpowercaptures the arc of their work. For me, this is the one. China's Growth is the culmination of years of research into what drives the impressive improv

ement in the standard of living in the world's most populous nation that has propelled it to become the world's second largest economy. In other words Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

, what makes an economic superpower.Helping me along the way are too many to thank individually, but I would like to mention a few. My appreciation go

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

es to the British Academy whose funds enabled me to collect key data that underpin the micro-level analysis that sheds light on the macroeconomic cont

OXFORDCHINA’SGROWTHThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerLINDA YUEHThis page intentionally left blankChina's GrowthThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerL

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower the University of Oxford, rhe international conferences held at the CGC, including with the China Centre for Economic Research (CCER) at Beijing Univ

ersity, and seminars with leading scholars have generated thought-provoking discussions that have enriched this volume. My gratitude also goes to the Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

retired former Oxford head of economics John Knight, Li Shi now at Beijing Normal University, previously at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CA

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

SS), and Yang Yao of CCER for their long-standing collaboration with me to generate original data in China. Finally, 1 wish to acknowledge the superb

OXFORDCHINA’SGROWTHThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerLINDA YUEHThis page intentionally left blankChina's GrowthThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerL

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpowermpleted in the research centre that I founded. It is the final of a trilogy of books on China's economy, rhe first was The Economy of China, which off

ered an overview of economic development. It was followed by another book published by Oxford University Press, Enterprising China, that showed how bu Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

siness, economics, and law evolved during reforms. This volume on growth completes the set and sets the stage for the next phase, with China poised as

Chinas growth the making of an economic superpower

the next economic superpower.

OXFORDCHINA’SGROWTHThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerLINDA YUEHThis page intentionally left blankChina's GrowthThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerL

OXFORDCHINA’SGROWTHThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerLINDA YUEHThis page intentionally left blankChina's GrowthThe Making of an Economic SuperpowerL

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