Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

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Nội dung chi tiết: Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

Wildcat: Workers’ Movements and Global CapitalismSeries Editors:Immanuel Ness (City University of New York) Peter Cole (Western Illinois University)Ra

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chainaquel Varela (ĩnstituto de História Contemporânca (ĨHC) of Univcrsidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon New University)Tim Pringle (SOAS, University of London)

Peter Alexander (University of Johannesburg) Malehoko Tshoaedi (University of Pretoria)Workers’ movements are a common and recurring feature in conte Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

mporary capitalism. rhe same militancy that inspired the mass labor movements of the twentieth century continues to define worker struggles that proli

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

ferate throughout the world today.For more than a century, labour unions have mobilized to represent rhe political-economic interests of workers by un

Wildcat: Workers’ Movements and Global CapitalismSeries Editors:Immanuel Ness (City University of New York) Peter Cole (Western Illinois University)Ra

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chainSince the 1970s, organized labour has declined in size and influence as the global power and influence of capital has expanded dramatically. The world

over, existing unions are in a condition of fracture and turbulence in response to neoliberalism, fmancialization. and the reappearance of rapacious Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

forms of imperialism. New and modernized unions are adapting to conditions and creating class-conscious workers’ movement rooted in militancy and soli

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

darity. Ironically, while the power of organized labour contracts, working-class militancy and resistance persists and is growing in the Global South.

Wildcat: Workers’ Movements and Global CapitalismSeries Editors:Immanuel Ness (City University of New York) Peter Cole (Western Illinois University)Ra

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chainments and labor struggles. The series applies a broad definition of the labor movement to include workers in and out of unions, and seeks works that e

xamine proletarianization and class formation; mass production; gender, affective and reproductive labor; imperialism and workers; syndicalism and ind Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

ependent unions, and labor and Leftist social and political movements.Also available:Just Work? Migrant Workers' Struggles TodayEdited by Aziz choudry

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

and Mondli lllatshwayoWobblies of the World: A Global History' of rhe 1WWEdited by Peter Cole. David Struthers and Kenyon ZimmerSouthern Insurgency:

Wildcat: Workers’ Movements and Global CapitalismSeries Editors:Immanuel Ness (City University of New York) Peter Cole (Western Illinois University)Ra

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chainiwc MbarhaWorking the Phones: Control and Resistance in Call CentresT .. w.'. . .1. . .1-choke PointsLogistics Workers Disrupting the Global Supply Ch

ainEdited by Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Immanuel NessPLUTO 4b PRESSFirst published 2018 by Pluto Press345 Archway Road, London N6 Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

mCopyright © Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Immanuel Ness 2018The right of the individual contributors to be identified as the authors of this work has be

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

en asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataA catalogue record f

Wildcat: Workers’ Movements and Global CapitalismSeries Editors:Immanuel Ness (City University of New York) Peter Cole (Western Illinois University)Ra

Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain978 1 7868 0235 4 Kindle eBookISBN 978 1 7868 0234 7 EPUB eBookThis book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and su

stained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental standards of the country of origin.T Choke points logistics workers disrupting the global supply chain

ypeset by Curran Publishing Services

Wildcat: Workers’ Movements and Global CapitalismSeries Editors:Immanuel Ness (City University of New York) Peter Cole (Western Illinois University)Ra

Wildcat: Workers’ Movements and Global CapitalismSeries Editors:Immanuel Ness (City University of New York) Peter Cole (Western Illinois University)Ra

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