Ebook ABC of adolescence

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook ABC of adolescence

Ebook ABC of adolescence

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescencearticlesIn the care o| adolescent patients, all aspects of dinical medicine are played out against a background «4 rapid physical, psychological, and

social developmental changes. These dianges produce specific disease patterns, unusual presentations of symptoms, and above all. unique communication Ebook ABC of adolescence

and management challenges. Illis can make winking with adolescents difficult. 1 lowevCT, with the right skills, practising medicine with young people

Ebook ABC of adolescence

can Ik- rewarding and fruitful These skills are needed In- cveryiHH- who woiks with young people in the course of their winkAs a young person enters a

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescenceirely- the responsibility of the young prison. The challenge is to maintain an effective clinical relationship while the health responsibilities trans

fer Irnm the parents to the young pa-son.Specialised clinical communication skills are needed to take an accurate history, bearing in mind new file do Ebook ABC of adolescence

mains not applicable Io children (sex and drugs) ami adding communication and engagement ol the family to the standard adult consultation. Physical ex

Ebook ABC of adolescence

aminations of adolescents require consideration ol privacy and personal integrity as well as requiring additional skills such as pubertal assessment.

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescencee (compliance), identity, consent and confidentiality, and relationships between young people anti their families. Evidence from randomised controlled

trials clearly shows that such skills can Ik* developed and practised effectively in primary care.Developmental tasksDuring adolescence young |K-ople Ebook ABC of adolescence

will negotiate puberty and the completion ol growth, take on sexually dimorphic body shape.develop new cognitive skills (including abstract thinking

Ebook ABC of adolescence

capacities), tlcvdop a clearer sense of personal and sexual identity, and develop a degree of emotional. |K-rsonal and financial inde|K-ndencc from th

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescencey challenges of adolescence•T1h- achievement <14 biological and sexual maturation•T1h- dcvviojMiicnt of personal identity•T1h- dcvvlojMiicnt of intima

te scxu.ll relationships with an appropriate peer•Estaitbsluncnl ot independence and autonomy in die context of tlx-sociocultural environmentDevelopme Ebook ABC of adolescence

ntal tasks of adolescencePsychological•SocialBiologicalEady adolescenceEarty pubcity (gilts: breast bud anti pubic fair development. Mart of grow til

Ebook ABC of adolescence

spurt; boys: testicular enlargement, start of genital growth)Concrete thinking Istit rally moral concepts: progression of sexual identity development

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescencetion; cariy exploratory licltavksuts (smoking. viokiKe)Mid-adolescenceGiris: mid-late fxilicrly and end ol growth spurt; mcnarchc; dcvrlofstncni of fe

male body dupe with iat deposition Boys: mid-puberty. spermarehe and nocturnal emissions; voice breaks; Stan of growth spurtAbstract thinking, but sel Ebook ABC of adolescence

l still seen as "bullet proof"; growing verbal alxlitics.; identification ol law with morality; start of icrvrnt xkxslogv (religious, fxililkal)l-'nxx

Ebook ABC of adolescence

ional separation from parents; strong peer identification; increased hc-allli risk (smoking, alcohol, etc); iK'lenucxual peer interest: early vocation

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescence between law and morality-. increased impulse control; fill (her development of personal identify; Illi Iher development or rejection of religious and

political ideologyDevelopment of social autonomy; Intimate relationships, development of vocational capability and financial independence’Adapted iro Ebook ABC of adolescence

tn M.intođi N, 1 trims I’. Smyth R. cits. hư,111 >JMÌ Anwrf J tauluiéu>. tidi ed. EdWnugti. ( Jiuniull I .nuwsKHK-. 2003:1757-tiN.UMI VOUIMESM » FEBRU

Ebook ABC of adolescence

ARY 200» bmjnan301Downloaded from on 13 January 2009Clinical reviewAll clinical interac lions with adolescents must lie seen against this dyna

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescencerly pulierty who has poorly developed abstract thinking compared with a 16 year old girl who is sexually mature, at final height, and has well develop

ed adult cognitive skillsPsychosocial developmentThe physical changes that signal the start of adolescence occur alongside psychological and social ch Ebook ABC of adolescence

anges that mark this period as a critical stage in tiecoming an adult. Sever al models or theories have placed adolescence in a [H-riod of human devel

Ebook ABC of adolescence

opment from bii th to death. Most of these are "stage" models—with each stage completed before the individual moves on to the next.Each model identiti

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescenceopment of sexual awareness in infancy. Piaget focused on cognitive dcvdopmeni. seeing the development of abstract thinking ainlities as making possibl

e the transition to independent adult lunclioning. Most recently, Erikson idcnlilied the tensions around the development of personal identity as centr Ebook ABC of adolescence

al to the notion of adolescence. A more useful model is the biopsychosocial approach, which acknowledges that adolescence has biological (pulrerty and

Ebook ABC of adolescence

sexual development) as well as psychological and social eicment.s.A criticism of many of the models describing tire adolescent period is their failur

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescence parts of the system and mediated by both external and internal demands (or tasks).Internal physical and psychological changes interact with the exter

nal or social changes The succcssliil achievement and negotiation of tire different tasks arc therefore interdependent and rely on each other (Hairrin Ebook ABC of adolescence

g al lire appropriate time. When these challenges intersect with health or illness, they produce unique communication and management challenges, pai l

Ebook ABC of adolescence

iculariy around risk taking behaviours and adherence to medical advice or regimens.Psychological changesIn early adolescence, young people gradually I

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescenceete thinking—wliere objects have to represent "things" or "ideas’ lor solving problems—abstract thinking enables US to think hypothetically about the

future and assess multiple outcomes. You need to know whether the young person you are communicating with has a poorly or well developed capacity for Ebook ABC of adolescence

abstract thinking, as this capacity B essential if he or she is to give informed consent to treatment and tie able to manage chronic illness regimens

Ebook ABC of adolescence

independently.It is important Io recognise lire interactions of irsychologkal developments with pulwrty. particularly in the context of a developing s

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

Ebook ABC of adolescencellccts ol chronic illnesses.■Social changes

Downloaded from on 13 January 2009ABC of adolescenceAdolescent developmentDeborah Christie. Russell VinerThis is the first in a series of 12 a

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