Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2ed by viruses, especially the adenoviruses. It is manifest by coryza (“runny nose”), sneezing, nasal congestion, and mild sore throat.2Allergic rhinit

is. This is mediated by an IgE type I immune reaction involving mucosal and submucosal mast cells. It is characterized by increased eosinophils in per Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

ipheral blood and nasal discharge.3Bacterial infection. This infection may be superimposed on acute viral or allergic rhinitis by injury to mucosal ci

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

lia, which may also occur from other environmental factors.a.Most commonly, the cause is streptococci, staphylococci, or Haemophilus influenzae.b.Fibr

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2ften caused by extension of nasal cavity or dental infection. It results in obstructed drainage outlets from the sinuses, leading to an accumulation o

f mucoid secretions or exudate.c.Laryngitis is acute inflammation of the larynx produced by viruses or bacteria, irritants, or overuse of the voice. I Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

t is characterized by inflammation and edema of the vocal cords, with resultant hoarseness.D.Acute epiglottitis is inflammation of the epiglottis and

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

may be life-threatening in young children. It is usually caused by H. influenzae.E.Acute laryngotracheobronchitis (croup) is acute inflammation of the

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2a harsh cough and inspiratory stridor.II.TUMORS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA. Tumors of the nose and nasal sinuses1Angiofibroma is a rare vascular

neoplasm most common in the posteriolateral nasal wall of adolescent males. It is histologically benign but locally aggressive.2Nasopharyngeal carcino Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

ma (previously known as “lymphoepithelioma”) is most common in Southeast Asia and East Africa and is caused by Epstein-Barr virus.3Squamous cell carci

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

noma is the most frequently occurring malignant nasal tumor.201www.ebook777.com202 BRS Pathology4Adenocarcinoma accounts for 5% of malignant tumors of

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2a neurofibrillary matrix. They arise from the olfactory' mucosa and usually in older male patients (unlike pediatric neuroblastoma, which most often o

ccurs in the adrenals/abdomen of infants and young children).6Plasmacytoma is a plasma cell neoplasm that, in its extraosseous form, produces tumors i Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

n the upper respiratory tract.7Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is an aggressive mesenchymal malignancy most common in young children.B. Tumors of the oroph

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

arynx1Squamous cell carcinomas account for the vast majority of malignancies in this location and are associated with high-risk human papillomavirus (

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2th basaloid morphology'.b.When compared to HPV-negative squamous cell tumors from this site, HPV-positive cancers more often present in young, nonsmok

ing patients and are more likely to have cervical lymph nodal metastases. However, despite higher stage at presentation, their overall prognosis is be Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

tter.c.HPV-negative cases are usually associated with tobacco and/or alcohol abuse.c. Tumors of the larynx1Singer's nodule. This small, benign larynge

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

al polyp, usually induced by chronic irritation, such as excessive use of the voice, is associated most commonly with heavy cigarette smoking. It Is u

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2' rarely undergo malignant change.b.They are usually attributable to low-risk HPV infections (principally types 6 and 11, the same types responsible f

or most genital condylomas).c.In children and adolescents multiple lesions can be seen, sometimes with airwaythreatening extension into the trachea an Ebook BRS Pathology (5/E): Part 2

d bronchi (juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis). Recurrence after resection is common.3Squamous cell carcinoma

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

chapterRespiratory SystemI.DISORDERS OF THE UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTA.Acute rhinitis1Common cold. This is the most common of all illnesses and is cause

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