Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2mentary system. In humans, skin derivatives indude nails hair, and several types of sweat ansi sebaceous glands. Ihc surfaces of the body arc covered

cither by thin skin or thick skin. skin, or integument, consists of two distinct regions the superficial epidermis and a deep dermis. Tire surface lay Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

er of the skin, or the epidermis, is nonvascular and is lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with distinct cell types and different cel

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

l layers. Inferior to the epidermis is the vascular dermis, characterized by dense irregular connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and different g

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2connective (issue and adipose tissue that forms the superficial fascia seen in gross anatomy.Dennis: Papillary and Reticular LayersDermis is the infer

ior connective tissue layer that binds to the epidermis. A distinct basement membrane separates the epidermis from (he dermis. In addition, (he dermis Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

contains epidermal derivatives, such as the sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles.The junction of the dermis with the epidermis is irreg

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

ular. Hie superficial layer of the dermis forms numerous raised projections called dermal papillae, which interdigitate with evaginations of the epide

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2illaries, blood vessels, fibroblasts, macrophages, and other loose connective tissue cells.I he deeper layer of the dermis is called the reticular lay

er. This layer is thicker and is characterized by dense irregular connective tissue fibers (mainly type I collagen) and is less cellular than the papi Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

llary layer. Also, this layer of the dermis can withstand more mechanical stresses and can provide support for nerves, blood vessels, hair follicles,

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

and all the sweat glands. There is no distinct boundary between the two dermal layers, and the papillary layer blends with the reticular layer. Also,

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2tissue of the dermis is highly vascular and contains numerous blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves. Certain regions of the skin exhibit arterioven

ous anastomoses used for temperature regulation. Here, hlood passes directly from the arteries into the veins. In addition, the dermis contains numero Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

us sensory receptors. Meissner corpuscles are located closer to the surface of the skin In dermal papillae, whereas Pacinian corpuscles are found deep

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

er in the connective tissue of the dermis (Overview Fig. 12.1).261262 PART IVI SystemsFUNCTIONAL CORRELATIONS 12.1 Epidermal Cells and Cell LayersTher

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2rgo keratinization, or cornification, and form the protective epidermal and surface layer for the skin. The epidermis is composed of stratified kerati

nized squamous epithelium. There are other less abundant cell types in the epidermis. These are the melanocytes. Langerhans cells, and Merkel cells, w Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

hich are interspersed among the keratinocytes in the epidermis. In thick skin, five distinct and recognizable cell layers can be identified.Stratum Ba

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

sale (Germlnatlvum)—The Deepest LayerThe stratum basale is the deepest or basal layer in the epidermis. It consists of a single layer of columnar to c

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2ed desmosomes, and to the underlying basement membrane by hemidesmosomes. Cells in the stratum basale serve as stem cells for the epidermis; thus, muc

h increased mitotic activity is seen in this layer. The cells continually divide and mature as they migrate up toward the superficial layers. All cell Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

s in the stratum basale produce and contain Intermediate keratin filaments that increase in number as the cells move superficially. These filaments ev

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

entually form the components of keratin in the superficial cell layer.Stratum Splnosum—The Second LayerAs the keratmocytes divide by mitosis, they mov

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2ine histologic preparations with different chemicals cause those cells to shrink. As a result, the developed intercellular spaces between cells appear

to form numerous cytoplasmic extensions, or spines, that project from their surfaces. The spines represent the sites where desmosomes are anchored to Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

bundles of intermediate keratin filaments, or tonofilaments, and to neighboring cells. The synthesis of keratin filaments continues in this layer, an

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

d they are assern bled into bundles of tonofilaments. Tonofilamcnts maintain cohesion among cells and provide resistance to the abrasion of the epider

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2hilic keratohyalln granules and form the third layer, the stratum gtanulosum. Three to five layers of flattened cells form this layer. The secretory g

ranules arc not surrounded by a membrane and consist of the protein filaggrln, which associates and cross-links with bundles of keratin tonofilaments. Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

The combination of keratin tonotilaments with the filaggrin protein of keratohyalm granules produces keratin through the process called keratinizatio

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

n. The keratin formed by this process is the soft keratin of the skin. In addition, the cytoplasm in the cells of stratum granulosum contains membrane

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2losum and the next layer, the stratum corneurn (or stratum lucidum if present), as a lipid that forms an impermeable water barrier and seals the skin.

Stratum Lucidum—The Fourth LayerIn thick skin only, the stratum lucidum is translucent and barely visible; it lies just superior to the stratum granul Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

osum and inferior to the stratum corneum. The tightly packed cells lack nuclei or organelles and are dead. The flattened cells contain densely packed

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

keratin filaments.CHAPTER L| ..FUNCTIONAL CORRELATIONS 12.1 Epidermal Cells and Cell Layers (Continued)Stratum Corneum—The Fifth LayerThe stratum corn

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2 of flattened, dead cells filled with soft keratin filaments. The keratinized, superficial cells from this layer are continually shed, or desquamated,

and are replaced by new cells arising from the deep stratum basale. During the keratimzation process, the hydrolytic enzymes disrupt the nucleus and Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

all cytoplasmic organelles, which disappear as the cells fill with keratin.Other Skin CeltsIn addition to the kcratinocytcs thill form and become the

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

superficial layer of keratinized epithelium, the epidermis also contains three less abundant cell types. These arc melanocytes, Langerhans cells, and

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2ematoxylin and cosin.Melanocytes arc derived from the neural crest cells. They have long, irregular cytoplasmic or dendritic extensions that branch in

to the epidermis. Melanocytes are located between the stratum basalc and the stratum spinosum of the epidermis and synthesize the dark brown pigment m Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

elanin. Melanin is synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine by melanocytes. Tie formed melanin granules in the melanocytes then migrate to their cytop

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

lasmic extensions, from which they are transferred to keralinocytes in the basal cell layers of the epidermis. Melanin imparts a dark color to the ski

https://khothuvien.cori!A\ »Integumentary SystemGeneral OverviewSkin is the largest organ in the body. Its derivatives and appendages form the integum

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2 effects of ultraviolet radiation.Langerhans cells originate from bone marrow, migrate via the bloodstream, and reside in the skin, mainly in the stra

tum spinosum. These dendritic-type cells participate in the body’s inuntuir responses. Langerhans cells recognize, phagocylose, and process foreign an Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

tigens and then present them to T lymphocytes for an immune response. T1US, these cells function as antigen-presenting cells and arc part of the immun

Ebook diFiore''s atlas of histology - With functional correlations (12th edition): Part 2

ologic defense of the skin.Merkel cells are found in the stratum basale layer of the epidermis and are most abundant in the fingertips. Because these

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