Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

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Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2 to:1Contrast qualitative and quantitative data analyses.2Explain the steps in qualitative data analysis.3Describe the processes of categorizing and c

oding data and developing theory.4Clarify how credibility is established in qualitative data analysis.5Discuss the steps involved in writing a qualita Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

tive research report.The Impact of Wireless Communication on Social BehaviorMobile phones were once all business. But today they are all in the family

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

. A recent survey of Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 conducted by Knowledge Networks, a market research firm in Cranford, New Jersey, revealed

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2eir second leading reason to go wireless, with “work-related calls" being the overall third most important reason for having a wireless phone. The sur

vey also reported some interesting descriptive information. For example, men tend to make more calls on mobile phones per day (8.3 calls) than women ( Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

5.5 calls). Although both put family first, women were more partial to calling friends, whereas men were three times as likely to use their phones for

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

work. In addition, 65 percent of African Americans have mobile phones, compared to 62 percent of Caucasians. Hispanics remain well behind in mobile p

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2gs are limited to aggregate descriptive interpretations and meaning. In contrast, qualitative research on wireless phone usage offers greater opportun

ities to gain in-depth understanding of what lies beyond those descriptive numbers. For example, with more than 190 million Americans owning mobile ph Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

ones, the phones reach far into our lives. They are beginning to create a deeper impression on the American psyche. Robbie Blinkoof, principal anthrop

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

ologist and managing partner at Context-Based Research Group in Baltimore. Maryland, and other ethnographers believe that wireless communication is be

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2nce, recent ethnographic studies have yielded significant clues about cell phone users’ communication habits. In general, observed changes relate to h

ow mobile phone customers form relationships and define a sense of time and place. In one study, researchers watched newly wired users at work and pla Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

y, finding that one of the biggest differences is these users become more accessible to their social network.216Part 4 Data Preparation. Analysis, and

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

Reporting the ResultsMobile phones thus enable ongoing communication within social networks. Mobile phone owners were more flexible in how they arran

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2nal value. In another ethnographic study, Context researchers observed changes in how the subjects related to mobile life. Participants were far more

likely to see wireless as an enabler rather than as a toy. They learned to use the wireless features they needed while ignoring those they didn't.Othe Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

r interpretive findings reveal that wireless phones give people new opportunities for spontaneity because people can change their plans at the last mi

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

nute more easily, or call friends and colleagues to tell them they are running behind schedule. Also, wireless phones create flexibility by loosening

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2 Nature of Qualitative Data AnalysisIn this chapter, you will learn the processes used by researchers to interpret qualitative data and form insights

about their meaning. We often think of data analysis as involving numbers. But the data qualitative researchers analyze consists of text (and sometime Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

s images) rather than numbers. Some researchers criticize qualitative research as "soft,” lacking rigor and being inferior. But measurement and statis

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

tical analysis do not ensure that research is usefill or accurate. What increases the likelihood of good research is a deliberate, thoughtful, knowled

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2uated numerically, the trustworthiness of qualitative analysis depends fundamentally on the rigor of the process used for collecting and analyzing the

data.As we explained in Chapter 4. when magnitude of response and statistical projectabillty are important, quantitative research should be used to v Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

erify and extend qualitative findings. But when the purpose of a research project is to better understand psychoanalytical or cultural phenomena, quan

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

titative research may not offer a great deal of insight or depth. For these topics, qualitative research and analysis often is superior to quantitativ

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2re careful and rigorous. In this chapter we first compare qualitative and quantitative analyses. Next we describe the steps involved in qualitative da

ta analysis. We explain categorization, coding, and assessing trustworthiness or credibility. The chapter concludes by providing guidelines on writing Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

a qualitative research report.K Qualitative versus Quantitative AnalysesAll marketing researchers construct stories that are based on the data they h

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

ave collected. The goal of these stories, whether they are based on qualitative or quantitative data, is to provide actionable answers to research que

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2rence stems from the nature of the data itself. Qualitative data is textualChapter 9 Qualitative Data AnalysisMoirilx-f checking Asking key informants

loituti llu: rrMv.M<:lx:rJ.IC|XXI lc>verify that I lx* .nxiiysê. is .X < uralr*.(and occasionally visual), rather than numerical. While the goal of q Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

uantitative analysis is quantifying the magnitude of variables and relationships, or explaining causal relation ships, understanding is the goal of qu

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

alitative analysis. A second contrast between the two kinds of analysis is that qualitative analyses tend to lx* ongoing and iterative. Tills means th

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2er difference between the methods is that quantitative analyses are guided entirely by the researchers, while good qualitative researchers employ memb

er checking. Member checking involves asking key informants to read the researchers’ report to verify that the story they are telling about the focal Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

problem or situation is accurate.Qualitative data analysis is largely inductive. 1 he categories, themes, and patterns ana lysts describe in their rep

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

orts emerge from the data, rather than being defined prior to data collection, as in quantitative analyses. Because an inductive process is used, the

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2the texts and images and find what is there. Of course, rarely is the development of categories and theory completely inductive. Researchers bring Wit

h them knowledge, theory, and training that suggests categories, themes, and theories that might exist in the data they have collected.There is no one Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

process for analyzing qualitative data, although the three step process described in this chapter has been useful to the thinking of many qualitative

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

researchers. Some researchers prefer a more impressionistic approach to qualitative analysis and do not go through transcripts and other documents wi

Part 4 (Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the ResultsQualitative Data AnalysisLearning ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter, you will be able

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2e researchers differ in their beliefs about the use of quantifying their data. Some feel that quantification is completely useless and likely misleadi

ng. But others find that quantification can be useful in both counting responses and in model development.-’ We discuss tabulation (counting) later in Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

this chapter.Qualitative researchers use different techniques for data collection. These differences affect the kinds of analyses that can be perform

Ebook Essentials of marketing research (3rd edition): Part 2

ed with the data. Analysts use the collected and transcribed textual data to develop themes, categories, and relationships between van ables. Categori

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