Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

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Nội dung chi tiết: Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve AlbrechttivitiesInvestments in Debt fit and Equity Securities yro AỈ' PHOitaSA/w a 11'.VISInvestments in Property, Plant, and Equipment and in Intangible Asse

tshttps: //k hot h u vien .comLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter studying this chapter, you should be abỉe to:©Identify the two major categories of longterm ope Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

rating assets: property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets.A company needs an infrastructure of long-term operating assets In order to produc

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

e and distribute its products and services. In addition to property, plant, and equipment, long-term operating assets also include Intangible Items su

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtng-term operating asset if the future cash flows expected to be generated by the asset are "large' in comparison to the cost to purchase the asset.©Re

cord the acquisition of property, plant, and equipment through a simple purchase as well as through a lease, by self-construction, and as part of the Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

purchase of several assets at once. The recorded cost of property, plant, or equipment includes all costs needed to purchase the asset and prepare it

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

for its intended use. Assets can be acguued through purchase, leasing. exchange, self-const ruction, or through the purchase of an entire company©Reco

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtdisposal proceeds are more or less, respectively, than the remaining book value of the asset.8Account for the acquisition and amortization of intangib

le assets and understand the special difficulties associated with accounting for intangibles. Because the tradi-tionai accounting model IS designed fo Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

r manufacturing and retail companies, many intangi-He assets go unrecorded Intangible assets are recorded only when they ore purchased. either rndi-vi

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

duaNy or as part of a set of assets. Goodwill is the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net identifiable assets in a business acq

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht by the amount of property, plant, and equipment (fixed assets), ibis ratio con be used as a general measure of flow efficiently a company is using it

s property, plant, and equipment.production depreciation expense for plant and equipment. Depreciation is the process of systematically allocating the Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

cost of a long-term asset over the service life of that asset. If that service life is measured in years, then a reasonable way to allocate the cost

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

fs equally over the years; this is catted straight-line depreciation©Account for repairs and improvements of property, plant, and equipment.Postocquis

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtf the asset. Routine maintenance costs are called repairs and are expensed.©Identify whether a long term operating asset has suffered a decline in val

ue and record the decline. Mien a long-term operating asset suffers a significant decline in value (as indicated by a decline in the cash flows expect Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

ed to be generated by the asset), ft is sold to be impaired. When an asset IS Impaired, Its recorded value is reduced and an impairment loss is recogn

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

ized. Increases in asset values are not recognized in the financial statements.Compute declining balance and sum of the-years'-digits depreciation exp

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtepreciation is recorded in the early years; this is called accelerated depreciation. Two mathematical techniques used to generate this accelerated pat

tern are declining-balance depreciation and sum-of-the-yeors '-digits depreciation.Account for changes in depreciation estimates and methods. Deprecia Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

tion expense involves making estimates relating to pattern of use, estimated useful life, and salvage value. Changes in estimated salvage value or use

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

ful life and changes in depreciation method ate reflected in the computation of depreciation expense for the current and future periods. The undepreci

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve AlbrechtH E ST ẠQJ.Thomas Edison received $300,000 in investment funds in 1878 in order to start his Edison Electric Light Company. Today. General Electric is

the direct descendant of Edison's company and. with a market value of $354 billion (as of May 2006), is the second most valuable company in the world Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

(behind ExxonMobil). General Electric has been a fixture in corporate America since the late 1800s and is the only one of the 12 companies in the ori

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

ginal Dow Jones Industrial Average that is still included among the 30 companies making up the Dow today.'The stated purpose of the creation of the Ed

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtered that carbonized bamboo would provide a long-lasting light filament that was also easy to produce. Edison quickly found that delivering electric l

ight to people’s homes required more than a light bulb, however. So. he developed an entire electricity generation and distribution system, inventing Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

new pieces of equipment when he couldn't find what he needed. The first public electric light system was built in London, followed soon after by the P

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

earl Street Station system in New York City in 1882. In 1892. Edison's company merged with the Thomson-Houston Electric Company [developer of alternat

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtas bom.From the beginning, General Electric's strength has been research. In addition to improving the design of the light bulb (including the develop

ment in the early 1900s of gas-filled, tungsten-filament bulbs that are the model for bulbs still used today), GE was also instrumental in developing Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

almost every familiar household appliance-the iron, washing machine, refrigerator, range, air conditioner, dishwasher, and more. In addition, GE resea

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

rch scientists helped create FM radio, aircraft jet engines, and nuclear-power reactors.Today, General Electric operates in a diverse array of busines

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtes. General Electric maintains a vast quantity of long-term assets that cost almost $112 billion to acquire. In 2005 alone. GE spent an additional $14

.4 billion in acquiring long-term operating assets and received $6.0 billion for disposing of old assets. Its long term assets include $3.3 billion in Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

rail cars. $32.9 billion in aircraft, $15.6 billion in buildings. $25.8 billion in machinery, and $81.7 billion in "intangible" assets.In Chapters 6

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrecht

through 8, operating activities of a business and the assets and liabilities arising from those operations wore discussed. In this and the next three

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

Ebook Financial accounting (10th edition): Part 2 - W. Steve Albrechtdings, properly, land, and equipment, are discussed.

PARTInvestments in Property, IPlant, and Equipment Q and in Intangible Assets /Long-Term Debt Financing (2)Equity Financing©nvesting and Financing Act

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